
美 [bɑr]英 [bɑː(r)]
  • n.条;酒吧;棒;障碍
  • v.禁止;阻挡;拦住;(用铁条或木条)封
  • prep.除…外
  • abbr.(=Browning automatic rifle)白朗宁自动步枪
  • 网络钢筋;彩条;巴

复数:bars 过去式:barred 现在分词:barring

steel bar,metal bar,sand bar
access bar,bar entry


饮食for drinks/food

1.[c]酒吧a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks

2.[c](出售饮料等的)柜台;吧台a long wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. are served

3.[c](专售某类饮食的)小吃店,小馆子a place in which a particular kind of food or drink is the main thing that is served

巧克力;肥皂of chocolate/soap

4.[c](长方形)条,块a piece of sth with straight sides

金属;木材of metal/wood

5.[c]长条,棒,栏杆(常用作护栏)a long straight piece of metal or wood. Bars are often used to stop sb from getting through a space.

体育运动in sports

7.[sing](球门的)横梁the crossbar of a goal

颜色;光of colour/light

8.[c]条;带a band of colour or light

障碍that prevents sth

9.[c][ususing]~ (to sth)障碍;羁绊a thing that stops sb from doing sth

音乐in music

10.[c](乐谱的)小节one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it


11.[sing]大律师职业(可出席高等法庭)the profession of barrister (= a lawyer in a higher court)


not have a bar of sth

与(某事)无关;与(某事)毫不相干;不沾手to have nothing to do with sth

behind bars

蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢in prison

set the bar

设定标准to set a standard of quality or performance


城市梦想家:纽约_百度百科 ... Restaurants ~ 餐馆 Bars酒吧 Clubs ~ 俱乐部 ...


H、R、B分别为热轧(Hotrolled)、带肋(Ribbed)、钢筋Bars)三个词的英文首位字母。热轧带肋钢筋 热轧带肋钢筋分为…


AE菜单英文翻译_百度文库 ... 2.13 T_Trail (轨迹) 2.14 T_Bars彩条) 2.16 T_LensFlare (镜头光斑) ...

...ace图 228 9.5 三维网线(Wires)、Bars)图绘制 229 9.5.1 绘制3DWireFrame图 229 9.5.2 绘制3DWireSurface图 230 …

  香槟最初的压力大约6bars),随着香槟被倒出,当剩余香槟容量为50毫升时压力降到大约4巴,当剩余香槟约25毫升时压 …


ASTM材料规范书 ... 板材 Plates 棒材 Bars 管材 Tubular ...

One of my arms was free. I could move it right up to my head. I could touch my mouth, my nose, my ears, and the bars of my sleeping place. 我的一只手臂可以自由活动了,我可以把手臂伸到头顶上,可以摸的嘴巴,鼻子,耳朵,还有身旁的围栏。
How much of an impact this will have on business in gay bars around Shanghai remains to be seen. 这次事件对上海同志酒吧的经营情况将带来多大的冲击,仍然有待观察。
Disclosed is a reinforcing steel bar support, belonging to a support used for fixing reinforcing steel bars on the building. 一种钢筋支架,属建筑上用于固定钢筋的支架。
Most of the bars do not try to make fake alcohols. At least the foreign bars I've dealt with. 大部分的酒吧不会试图销售假酒,至少是我掌管的外国酒吧不会。
THE DOOR OF A BANK SAFE. It is behind shining bars and it is the kind of safe that has a time lock. 银行保险柜的门。保险柜就在闪亮的窗栏后面,是带有计时锁的保险柜。
He shot a rare black antelope near Jodhpur because of that he was arrested and put behind the bars for about a week. 他打出了罕见的,因为附近的焦特布尔的,他被逮捕和背后的身陷囹圄黑羚羊大约一个星期。
She knows she had nothing to do with this and you know, they just can't put an innocent person behind bars. 她知道她与这无关,而你知道,他们不能让一个无辜的人蹲监狱。
More directly pertinent to the gold price is the rising premium in Tokyo for gold bars now up to $2, whereas there is usually no premium. 与金价更加相关的是东京金条不断上涨的保险费,现在已经达到了2美金,而以前通常是没有的。
The dating world is a vastly new place: meeting people at bars or through friends used to be the only option, but that's not true anymore. 在全新的地点约会:在酒吧或者通过朋友认识情人曾是唯一的方式,但现在已经不一样了。
On the first day there, one particular girl caught my attention as she looked out through the bars of a window and I took this picture. 在那的第一天,一个特别的女孩引起了我的注意,当她从酒吧的窗户望出去时我拍下了这张照片。
Brooks stands on a chair, poised at the bars of a window, cradling Jake in his hands. 布鲁克斯站在一把椅子上,在窗口的栅栏前踌躇,手里搂着杰克。
Tim didn't hear the startled sobbing of a small boy who fell off the monkey bars just a few hundred metres away. 提姆没有听到就在几百米远外,有一个从悬臂吊桥下跌落的小男孩惊吓得在呜咽。
But a law called the Hyde amendment bars federal funding for abortion, except in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother. 但一项名为海德修正案的法律阻止了联邦为堕胎提供资助,除非是在强奸或乱伦,以及拯救母亲生命的情况下。
"It was a good effort, " Jacobsen said. "But all he did was get his head and part of his shoulder through the bars. " “这种做法的确有效”,雅各布森说,“但第二个人费了半天劲也只是让头和肩膀的一部分通过了铁栅栏。”
Figure out how much room the control bars will take by using the reposQuery option of RepositionBars. 使用RepositionBars的reposQuery选项确定控制条将占用的空间量。
Maybe he'll do something drastic, take a plane to Mexico City and be drunk for a week and run wild around the bars. 也许他该去做一些闹腾的事,飞去墨西哥城,整个星期都喝得醉醺醺,四处泡吧。
Breads , crackers, cookies, energy bars, tortillas, frozen pizza are just a few examples of these dangerous foods. 面包、饼干、饼干、能量棒、黍饼、速冻比萨就是这些危险食物的几个例子。
answer, of course, is to have fun. As I was doing the research for this series, I visited a few bars on my own. 由于我在做关于这个系列的调查,我自己也参观了一些酒吧。
The wind blew through the iron bars and the air was filled with a weird and pleasing music. 风透过铁栅吹进来,空气中浸润着一种神秘而令人愉悦的音乐。
Randall Dale Adams is released from a Texas prison, following a dozen years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. 兰德尔·戴尔·亚当斯并未犯罪,却深陷牢狱十多年,于1989年从德州监狱中被释放。
Say you're crazy about chocolate, but you know that you can't keep eating several bars of it a day. 有人说你为巧克力发疯,但你知道其实你一天之中并不是一直都在吃的。
A recent case concerns Jim, who smashed the ATM with iron bars and got the huge amount of money out of it. 最近的一个案例与吉姆有关,他用铁棒砸坏自动取款机取出很大一笔钱。
So, you know, for years I would go to bars and sort of anyone I met who's name was Eric I was humping immediately, or something. 所以,你知道,很多年我都应该到酒吧然后我遇到的任何叫艾瑞克的人我都会立即XX一下或者什么的。
The two thieves immediately smashed the window of the shop with iron bars and began to help themselves to diamonds and other jewelry. 两个小偷立即用铁棍把商店橱窗砸碎,开始动手抢钻石和其他的珍贵珠宝。
There were several rooms just like it stuffed into a building that had a gate over the front door and bars on the bathroom window. 整个建筑被很多这样的小格子塞满,仅有一个门可以进出,在浴室窗口有一个小吧台。
As soon as he got out, he was back in action, and was soon arrested again, spending a year behind bars. 他一出狱,就重新投入抵抗运动之中,不久又再次被捕,在狱中度过了一年。
Through the bars of my cell, wardens would quietly ask if I could help them find jobs in London. 通过号房的铁栏杆,看守们悄悄地问我,能否在伦敦帮他们找份工作。
Choose bars with just a few ingredients, so you know they're not filled with unnecessary additives. 选择含有一些营养成分的,那样就你知道他们没有不必要的添加剂。
My favorite street is called Park Avenue, and I often went there to enjoy drinks at one of the wine bars or dine al fresco with friends. 我最喜欢的街道叫做公园大道,我经常去那里的红酒酒吧喝一杯或与朋友们在户外用餐。
In the case of a composite Web service invocation, multiple bars represent the response time of each endpoint. 对于复合Web服务调用,多个条代表每个端点的响应时间。