
美 [ˌem ˈti]英 [ˌem ˈtiː]
  • abbr.
  • 网络金属硫蛋白(metallothionein);机器翻译(Machine Translation);移动终端(Mobile Terminal)





...湖南农业大学动物科学技术学院 论文摘要 : 为探讨金属硫蛋白(mt)对奶牛抗氧化应激机能的调控效果及其机理,选取24头中 …

机器翻译(Machine Translation)

机器翻译 (机器翻译) 也称为机器翻译 (MT) 是成另一种自然语言自然语言的过程的计算机的使用。若要完成软件的过程称为 …

移动终端(Mobile Terminal)

他分为移动终端MT) 毕业设计(论文) No 6 和 SIM 卡两部分。SIM 卡也叫做用户识别卡,主要用于识别用户的身份, 计 …

手动变速器(manual transmission)

手动变速器MT) 手动变速器,也称手动挡,即用手拨动变速杆才能改变变速器内的齿轮啮合位置,改变传动比,从而达到变 …


包括手动档MT)和自动档(AT)  近来有很多朋友跟我讲车车有顿挫的情况,尽管我还没有遇到这个问题(我的花冠EX 1.6 A…


褪黑素(mt)褪黑素(mel) 褪黑素(mlt) 血清褪黑素 褪黑素(mt) 褪黑素(mlt) 褪黑素系受体 褪黑素受体亚型 褪黑素 melatonin(1…


辅助以磁粉检测MT)渗透检测( PT)需要的设备大概有哪些 都在什么价位上还有这个检测室要如何设计2009-12-09 14:45 …

Mt Fuji may be one of the most recognisable natural landmarks on earth, but Tokyoites don't get nearly enough opportunity to see it. 富士山可能是地球上最容易识别的自然地标之一,但东京人能看到它的机会并不多。
In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the United States had raised its concerns with China over the latest allegations. 华盛顿方面,美国国务院发言人MT称美国在最新指空方面已提高它对中国的关注。
I'd ferry across the Yellow River, but waterway blocked by ice; About to go up Mt. Taihang, but snow darkens the sky. 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪暗天。
The next day mum took mt to the hospital and he doctor asked me to stay on bed. 星期天,妈妈带他去看医生,说他得了重感冒,叫他卧床休息三天。
Mt. 26: 7 A woman came to Him, having an alabaster flask of ointment of great value, and she poured it on His head as He reclined at table. 太二六7有一个女人拿著一玉瓶极贵的香膏,到他跟前来,趁他坐席的时候,浇在他的头上。
Mt. 1: 25 And he did not know her until she bore a son. And he called His name Jesus. 太一25只是没有和她同房,等她生了儿子,就给他起名叫耶稣。
Kenton Cool, a British mountaineer with an utterly amazing name, claims to be the first man to have tweeted from Mt Everest. 肯顿·库尔,这个有着很酷名字的英国登山者,宣称自己是第一个从珠穆朗玛峰发Twitter的人。
As a double entry on the list of UNESCO's Heritage of Culture and Nature, Mt. Huangshan is one of the top ten national spots. 黄山已被联合国教科文组织列为自然与文化双重遗产,是中国十大风景名胜之一。
Then finally, he nodded slowly in agreement, turned to his wife and child, kissed them goodbye, and journeyed to Mt. Arreat. 最后,缓缓的点头同意,转身向他的妻儿吻别,前往亚瑞特山。
Bellerophon fell to his death, while Pegasus flew to Mt. Olympus, where Zeus turned him into a heavenly constellation . 珀勒洛丰因此摔死,派格瑟斯则飞往奥林匹斯山,在那里宙斯将他变成天上的星座。
Mt : So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. 太:所以,无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人,因为这就是律法和先知的道理。
MT: One of the things that interests me is how all this relates to social networks. MT:我感兴趣的事情之一是这些研究和社会网络的联系。
Like Mt . Everest, she was there , and the men climbed on top of her each time they felt the urge . 她象埃佛勒斯峰那样呆在那里,男人们一感到有需要,就爬到她的身上。
The purpose of going to Mt Gambier was to help Chinese teachers for the Lantern Festival. 这次去MtGambier主要是为了帮助当地的汉语老师办中国灯笼节。
In a sudden I understood why Tibet left me such deep impression, and why I never forgot the little tea house on the foot of Mt. Everest. 我在那一刻明白了当初西藏什么会给我那样的震撼,也明白了为什么会对珠峰脚下的那间小茶馆那样恋恋不舍。
The meeting was held near Mt. Heng in Hunan Province, one of Daoism's five holy mountains, and was attended by 500 participants. 论坛就在属道教五岳圣地之一的湖南衡山附近举行,来自海内外的与会者达500人。
MT : Your mother is a physician and your father a hospital administrator. Was education emphasized before sports as you grew up? 你的母亲是一个医生,父亲是一个医院的管理员,在你成长的过程中是不是更强调教育而不是体育?
Tranching: To be agreed between seller's and buyer's bank officers, until completion of the transaction (2000MT up to 10k MT). 份额:由卖方与买方的银行官员商定,直到交易完毕为止(2000公吨至10,000公吨)。
The greatest mind and the greatest might in the land, These four hands conquer the challenges of Mt Qi Zhuge Liang: We have come a long way. 最大的心灵,并在土地的最大可能,这四手联弹征服山齐诸葛亮的挑战:我们已经走过了很长的路要走。
Mt. 13: 55 Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? 太十三55这不是那木匠的儿子么?他母亲不是叫马利亚么?他兄弟们不是雅各布、约西、西门和犹大么?
Five Mountains return do not look at the mountain, Mt. Huangshan return did not look that mountain this praises Mt. 五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳这句是赞美黄山的美丽的。
It's impossible to determine whether any of these criteria apply to the Denisova child based solely on mt DNA. 仅依靠对线粒体DNA的分析不可能决定上述标准是否适用于这个“丹尼索瓦儿童”。
So he was regarded as likely to bring destruction on the city, and was by chance exposed to the sun, wind and rain on Mt. Ida. 一个很偶然的机会,他被遗弃在爱达山上,在那经受了风吹、雨淋和日晒。
Then, on June 19, the value of Bitcoin on Mt. Gox dropped from $17 to just a few cents in a matter of minutes. 接着在六月19号,Mt.Gox网站上的比特币价值在短短的几分钟内从17美金跌落到几美分。
He now works four days a week as a ski instructor at Mt. Bachelor, a ski resort just 22 miles from Bend. 他现在在距离Bend22英里的滑雪胜地Bachelor做滑雪教练,每周工作4天。
On the basis of this exegesis , the Theophany of Tabor turns out to be a Trinitarian event (cf. Mt 3, 16f). 以这个诠释为基楚,大博尔山是神格显现三位一体论的事件(参见:玛三16)。
It was the Olympic flame's first trip to Mt. Qomolangma, where 5 mountaineers relayed the torch at the top for about six minutes. 这是奥运圣火首次登顶珠峰,登山队员在峰顶停留约一小时,5名队员进行了大约6分钟的火炬传递。
The MT matrix in this method is concise and a good exactitude of this method is confirmed by numerical simulation. 该方法对应的MT矩阵很简洁且数值模拟的精度很高。
The worst part was, this year was the year where they decided to do a big cleanup operation on Mt. Everest. 最糟糕的是,这一年他们决定在珠峰上做一个大扫除。
This survey of MT PE concentrates on its general conception, its necessity, errors to be corrected, approaches, and post-editing. 本文从基本概念、必要性、要修正的错误、实现手段和实施者概述机器翻译的译后编辑。