• n.客户信息控制系统
  • 网络客户信息控制系统(Customer Information Control System);国际注册内部控制师(Certified Internal Control Specialist);路况快速检测系统



客户信息控制系统(Customer Information Control System)

  整合客户信息控制系统 (CICS) 帮助提供拓展的企业  架构,现可支持 z/OS。

国际注册内部控制师(Certified Internal Control Specialist)

上海国际注册内部控制师(CICS)培训专题 会计电算化 会计职称 会计实操 会计继续教育 会计从业资格证 注册会计师 财务管理师


路况快速检测系统CiCs)车Аutomobile truck 重庆 写信 新产品. 生产的商品. 175CC Cargo Tricycle 可能做出口. 组: 普通运输车

华人谘询社区服务处(Centre for Information and Community Services)

...with Youth Organization: Centre for Information and Community Services (CICS) Date: Feb 17th 2011 Time: ...


排行榜 - 500强经营管理案例精粹调查 -... ... 数据存储: DB2/6000 中间件CICS/390 硬件: ES/9000 ...


精通COBOL——大型机商业编程技术详解 ... ... 16.1.1 CICS 简介 362 16.1.2 CICS 中的交易和任务 363 16.1.3 CICS 的基本操 …

Create and deploy adapter code (referred to later as a message adapter) that will run in a SOAP for CICS environment. 创建并部署将运行在用于CICS的SOAP环境下的适配器代码(以下称为消息适配器)。
The CICS EPI resource adapter, which can be used for access to 3270 terminal based programs, has no global transactional support. 被用于访问基于3270终端的程序的CICSEPI资源适配器不支持全局事务。
When you conclude this step, the SOAP for CICS message adapter for the existing program WBCSCUST is now ready to process service requests. 当结束该步骤后,用于CICS的SOAP消息适配器(用于现有的WBCSCUST程序)可处理服务请求。
This is a fictitious URL, so the sample application below demonstrates a technique and is not intended to produce a working CICS service. 这是一个虚构的URL,因此下面的应用程序示例只是演示一项技术,并不打算产生一个可以运行的CICS服务。
Signing certificates for any client certificates owned by clients with which you expect CICS to communicate using client authentication. 属于客户端的任何客户端证书的签名证书,CICS可使用客户端身份验证与该证书通信。
You re now ready to run the process, which calls the CICS Web service. 现在您就已经准备好运行调用CICSWeb服务的流程了。
In this case, CICs cannot be used to determine whether the opening or the expansion of trade increased the nation's welfare. 此时,CICs就不能用来确定贸易开放与发展是否会增进一国福利。
For your program to be able to read a record from the VSAM KSDS, the dataset must be in opened state in the CICS region. 您的程序将从VSAMKSDS中读取记录,数据集在CICS区域中必须处于打开状态。
The next tab on this panel is for setting up CICS-specific values, as shown in Figure 13. 这个面板上的下一个选项卡用于设置特定于CICS的值,如图13所示。
This check is called bind-time security, which prevents an unauthorized system from connecting to CICS or TXSeries systems. 该检查称作绑定时安全(bind-timesecurity),它可以阻止未授权系统连接CICS或TXSeries系统。
The CICS local terminal is one of the ways to access a terminal-based CICS application residing on a TXSeries region. CICS本地终端是用于访问驻留在TXSeries区域上的基于终端的CICS应用程序的方法之一。
CICS will look into the WSBind file for the name of the conversion program to be invoked. CICS将在WSBind文件中查找被调用的转换程序名称。
You might have thought you'd never have to write another CICS COBOL application in today's modern Web world. 您可能认为在今天的现代Web世界中,您永远也不必编写另一个CICSCOBOL应用程序。
In the case where the CICS program can return different output data, you can create multiple possible outputs for your operation. 在CICS程序可以返回不同输出数据的情况下,您可以为自己的操作创建多个可能的输出。
We are now ready to test the EJB session bean that calls the CICS Server. 我们现在就准备测试调用CICS服务器的EJB会话bean。
The combination of these steps will create the means whereby a CICS transaction can be invoked. 这些步骤的组合将创建我们用来调用CICS事务的方法。
Execute the following command and provide the component name along with the CICS group to which the component is associated. 执行以下命令并提供组件名称以及与组件有关联的CICS小组。
You avoid having to code a Java connector to communicate between a Web application server and a generated program that runs on CICS for MVS. 您可以不必为了能在Web应用程序服务器和在CICSforMVS上运行的生成的程序间进行通信而去编写一个Java连接器。
Within the terms of the CICS TG, this is referred to as an extended logical unit of work (Figure 5). 在CICSTG的术语中,这称为扩展的逻辑工作单元(图5)。
This means that only a COBOL compile step is needed instead of the usual steps of doing a CICS translation followed by a COBOL compile. 这意味着仅需要一个COBOL编译步骤来替代通常的CICS转换后的COBOL编译步骤。
You fill in the connection values for your specific CICS server, as shown in Figure 6. 输入特定CICS服务器的连接值,如图6所示。
CICS EPI resource adapter -- This resource adapter can be used for access to 3270 terminal based programs. CICSEPI资源适配器——此资源适配器可用于访问基于3270终端的程序。
This class will be used in the Web project to call the session bean that invokes CICS. 此类将用在调用激活CICS的会话bean的Web项目中。
To do that, you have to go through the array that you obtained after running the query and pick only CICS resource adapters. 要做到这些,在运行查询并只挑出CICS资源适配器之后,您不得不遍历您获得的列。
Enable a CICS application to use a Web service provided by an external provider. 支持CICS应用程序使用外部提供者提供的Web服务。
Also apply CICS-renderingset to other screens in your application that do not require text replacement at line 13 with a Submit button. 将CICS-renderingset应用到应用程序中的其他屏幕,这些屏幕无需将第13行文本替换为一个“Submit”按钮。
A: Applications generated with EGL can deploy as native J2EE, CICS, or IMS programs, exactly as you would deploy hand-written applications. 由EGL生成的应用可以作为本地J2EE、CICS和IMS程序部署,和你手工写的应用同样的部署方式。
If your program has CICS API syntax errors, you see red cross marks beside the APIs that have invalid syntax. 如果您的程序包含CICSAPI语法错误,会在包含无效语法的API旁边看到红色的叉标记。
It would also be nice to have local CICS and DB2 for syntax checking and simple local tests. 让本地CICS和DB2进行语法检查和简单的本地测试也可能不错。
Chapter V of this article focuses on design and implementation of CICS-based national network of highway toll collection system. 本文第五章着重介绍了基于CICS的高速公路全国联网收费系统的设计与实现,体现了CICS的实际应用。