
英 [tʃaʊ]
  • n.
  • 网络晁;赵;昭




邱,江,关,赵的这四个姓的英文怎么说?_百度知道 ... Guan 关 Chao 家( jiā) ...

香港姓氏都有哪些?-资讯-娱乐-天涯问答 ... Chiu 赵,招 Chao Choi 菜 ...

王样汉化组吧_百度贴吧 ... Smile 纠 5-9 chao 5-13 AC130U 幽灵式 5-8 ...


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三月 | 2011 | 电影首发站 | Page 3 ... 郑义斋 高子沣 Gao Zi Feng …. 导 演 徐超 Chao Xu 主 演 朱茵 Athena Chu ...

看看真正玉树牧区的藏獒! - 藏獒论坛 - 爱狗网 ... chao 中华神犬 ZTX ...


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Mr Chao said he would not try to make money from the service until the company has expanded its lead over competitors. 曹国伟表示,在新浪扩大相对于竞争对手的领先优势之前,他不会试图从微博服务赚钱。
Though calling it a local deals business in a mega-city like Beijing, for example, is a little bit of a misnomer, Chao says. 赵克仁还称,在北京这样的超大型城市,将糯米称为“本地”商户折扣服务似乎有些用词不当。
While many in the U. S. may not have heard of Renren, the company has been a quick or early mover in a number of areas, Chao points out. 赵克仁指出,尽管人人在美国的知名度不算高,但该公司在许多领域行动迅速,可谓先行者。
Guan Chao is studious and methodical, able to think independently and analytically, and interested in a wide range of subjects. 关超学习勤奋有条理,可以独立思考(问题)并且进行分析,他感兴趣的科目范围很广泛。
"What was it Cao Cao came out to discuss with you today ? " Ma Chao questioned. 超忙来问韩遂曰:“今日曹操阵前所言何事?”
Premier Liu Chao-shiuan apologized to the public for the inconvenience caused. Liu said it was an inevitable decision that he had to make. 行政院长刘兆玄对于政策所引发的不便,向民众道歉。刘揆表示,这是他不得不做的决策。
Our reporter Chen Chao has just been mentioned, and said the embassy has now launched a three-tier plan, which is what kind of plan? 刚刚我们的记者陈超已经提到了,说现在大使馆已经启动了三级预案,这是一个什么样的预案?
Chao's job, however, had less to do with China, yet she was as equally well-known among the Chinese. 赵的工作和中国相关不大,但她同样为中国人所熟知。
Zhang Chao is a really good guitar player so I knew he would be excited for me that I'm going to learn guitar. 张超真的是一个很好的吉他手,我知道他会为我要学习吉他而激动。
Chao said he expects the growth of Sina Weibo to have a positive impact on Sina's digital media business as a whole. 曹国伟说,他希望新浪微博的发展会对新浪整个数字媒体业务带来积极影响。
The beginning, he saw the yard full of a great books neatly Chao Zhao sent his message when he suddenly had the first time I am touched. 一开始,他看到满满一大本本子里整整齐齐地抄着他发来的信息时,突然有了第一次为我感动。
With a cry, Ma Chao set his spear and rode over toward Cas Cao as if to slay him. 随着一声喊叫,马超放好他的长矛并纵马向曹操冲去,像是要杀死他一样。
Chao Shanren when the pronunciation is often the "f" made into a "h" , for example, the mainstream of non-mainstream will read ashes. 潮汕人在发音的时候,常把“f”发成“h”,例如非主流会读成灰主流。
Yang Chao, China Life chairman, on the 26 March said he saw "better [strategic investment] opportunities inside China than outside" . 中国人寿董事长杨超3月26日表示,他认为“中国国内的(战略投资)机会比国外更好。”
According to Chao, more than 3 million visitors have come to see the pair since they were introduced to the public in January. 据赵明杰说,自1月份向公众开放参观以来,已经有300多万游客来参观过了。
Wang is known as "poetry Buddha, " said the poem in its Qingyou Danyuankongji Kuang-chao and Zhuansong ages. 王维素有“诗佛”之称,其诗以其清幽淡远空寂超旷而传诵千古。
A few days ago, Zhang Chao left his home in Hunan, returned to Guangzhou, many with some disappointment. 前几天,张超离开湖南老家,又回到了广州,多少带着一些失望。
Chao said Sina wasn't ruling out investing in online video companies, as the company aims to expand its ad revenue from video content. 曹说新浪不排除投资视频公司,因为公司计划扩大在视频内容上的广告收入。
Chao died in exile and Confucius returned to Lu where he gave up on government and started a private school. 他放弃在宫廷中做事,开设了一所私人学校。
When a bit in chao sequences is equal to 0, hiding watermark information of the corresponding bit is embedded into Least Significant Bite. 如果混沌序列某一比特位为0,则将对应的加密水印信息嵌入到待嵌入图像信息的最低比特位。
Nearby is the tiny, dark room where, she said, she tried and failed in September 2006 to hide Chao from family planning officials. 跟前是一个狭小的黑屋子,她说道,2006年九月她曾试图把超藏在里面以躲过计生委官员,但是失败了。
The View: Landmarks like the Grand Palace, Royal Chapel, Wat Pho Temple, and winding Chao Phraya River litter the lengthy landscape. 风景简介:曼谷大王宫,皇家教堂,卧佛寺,还有湄南河蜿蜒的景观
Therefore, the Arctic's Inuit women, in the long winter to stop ovulation, until spring when the resumption of menstrual Lai Chao. 故北极地区的因纽特妇女,在漫长的冬季会停止排卵,直至春暖花开时才恢复月经来潮。
Every afternoon, Chao and two of his fellow-teachers would lock the gates of the schoolyard and hold forbidden anti-Japanese meetings. 每天下午,他和两个教员都把校园大门锁上,举行违禁的反日会议。
Thai residents are transported out of a flooded street close to the Chao Phraya river on October 30, 2011 in Bangkok. 泰国居民被水淹没的街道上,2011年10月30日关闭在曼谷的湄南河运出。
Qian Yun-chao said: "In fact, as long as you breathe a sigh of relief and more, will be able to survive the storm. " 钱赟超对此表示:「其实,你只要多喘一口气,就能捱过难关。」
Headed by Vice Minister Jiang Yaoping and Vice Minister Wang Chao the delegations held promotion activities in several states of the U. 贸促团分别由蒋耀平副部长和王超副部长带队,近期在美国相关州开展活动。
My hotel of the prize, it's in chao yang district, a bit far from center but big and nice. 我奖品的酒店房,好大好美,可是比较远离东城区,在朝阳区。
Thus, Taiwanese Chen Chao-orthodox and integrity of the qualifications to become almost the only candidate. 于是,有台籍正统和完整资历的陈肇敏几乎成为唯一人选。
For the $14, 750 basic fee, Zhou and Chao will arrange for a three-month stay in a center -- two months before the birth and a month after. 交完1,475美元基本费用,你就可以在中心住3个月,分娩前2个月,坐月子1个月。