美 [sɪt]英 [sɪt]
  • n.〈美〉都市人;〈美〉便服;〈古〉市民
  • abbr.〈美(=California Institute of Technology)加利福尼亚理工学院
  • 网络加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology);思科网络排错技术(Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting);关键事件技术(Critical Incident Technique)



加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)

美国加州理工学院(CIT)的物理学家西恩卡罗尔(Sean Carroll)也对《财经》记者强调,要找到一个更具确定性的模型,不仅需要 …

思科网络排错技术(Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting)

  四、Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting (CIT) v5.0 适用认证:CCNP 考试号:643-831 CIT 变化程度:50% 考点难点: 1.以 …

关键事件技术(Critical Incident Technique)

  关键事件技术CIT)是福莱·诺格(Flanagan)在1949 年《人事评价的一种新途径》(“ A new approachto evaluatingpersonn…


中国介入心脏病学大会(CIT)2011:胃癌消化道出血伴急性广泛前壁心梗肺水肿_徐标 第二届临床心血管病大会(CCC2011)暨 …

The taxpayer has no exposure to CIT through the TLGP debt, possibly a reason why the lender has been left to struggle so long. 美国纳税人没有通过临时流动性担保计划在CIT拥有风险敞口,这可能是CIT苦苦挣扎这么长时间的原因之一。
CIT is working to avoid bankruptcy. Icahn said the company is offering to pay $300 million of fees on the new $6 billion loan. CIT正在努力避免破产.伊坎称,CIT为了获得60亿美元的新贷款,而同意支付3亿美元的费用。
Speaking on a trip to Britain, Geithner said he was confident the government would be able to deal with CIT. 在去往英国的途中,财长盖特纳表示坚信政府有能力处理CIT一事。
These concerns were at the heart of government reluctance to help CIT, in spite of its role as a lender to thousands of small US businesses. 这些关切是政府不愿纾困CIT的核心原因,尽管该机构向美国数千家小型企业放贷。
The consensus was that CIT's failure alone was not likely to bring down any other firm. 分析人事达成了一致共识,他CIT一家的倒闭将不会带垮其的公司。
Reisman, who has 26 clients who are borrowers of CIT, said the current $3 billion rescue plan is only a "temporary solution. " Reisman说,目前30亿美元的援救计划只不过是“权宜之计”。
If the group were to file for Chapter 11 protection, it would be the fourth-largest bankruptcy by assets in the United States. 如果CIT根据破产法第11章提交破产保护申请,将成为美国第四大破产案(按资产计)。
If CIT had failed, some rightly feared that lending to smaller companies might have been constrained. 如果CIT破产,肯定有人担心,发放给规模较小企业的贷款可能会受到抑制。
However, bankers and analysts warned that CIT might not be regarded as systemically important enough to qualify for a government rescue. 不过,银行家和分析师警告,CIT可能被认为不具备足够的系统重要性,不值得政府救助。
With credit markets thawing, CIT hopes to be able to restructure its debt at more affordable rates in coming months. 随着信贷市场逐渐解冻,CIT希望其能在未来数月内,以更可以承受的利率重组债务。
CIT has gradually become the international and domestic interventional cardiology research progress of one of the top displays, seminar. CIT已逐步成为国际和国内介入心脏病学研究进展的顶级展示会、研讨会之一。
"They've fleeced the desperate, " says one investor, frustrated that CIT did not file for bankruptcy. 一名投资者对于CIT没有申请破产保护感到非常沮丧,他说:“他们落井下石。”
CIT became a bank holding company in December but that did not give it enough time to make the transition to a more stable funding model. CIT在去年12月成为一家银行控股公司,但这并没有让其有足够时间过渡到更加稳定的融资模式。
CIT Group, the small-business lender that lost its way in an ill-timed foray into subprime, is a perfect example of those quick reflexes. 小企业贷款公司CIT集团(CITGroup)是快速反应的绝佳例子。他们不合时宜地进入次贷市场,迷失了方向。
International Circulation: At the CIT - TCT joint session, there were many TCT dignitaries that joined you with your Chinese dignitaries. 国际循环:在CIT-TCT联合会议上,有许多TCT元老和您和您的中国专家们一起出席。
Now the company is struggling to stay afloat as dollops of debt come due and clients tap credit lines. 如今,CIT正设法自救以度过难关,因为许多债务就要到期,还有许多客户增加信用额度。
Financial system is in a situation of unprecedented crisis, CIT is a disastrous decline of the situation. 金融体系正处于前所未见的危急局面,CIT的状况更是一落千丈。
In July, the FDIC refused to guarantee CIT bond issues, which could be a sign that government approval even after bankruptcy will be tough. 7月时,FDIC拒绝担保CIT发债,这暗示即使CIT步入破产,要获得政府支持可能仍旧不易。
If CIT is to avoid further icebergs, it will have to be with private help only. 如果CIT要避免进一步触礁,只有私人融资形式才能助其一臂之力。
But the company is unlikely to survive in its current form, said experts. 但专家认为,CIT靠目前的业务结构是不太可能存活的。
It hardly comes as a shock, and CIT's lending has already fallen to a shadow of previous levels. 基本上,此事就不会对经济造成冲击,而且CIT得放贷额已经比之前的水平少了很多。
The company could still find a private investor to swoop in and rescue the firm. CIT集团依然能够发现一个个人投资者奋勇扑入来营救他们。
Few are predicting that a CIT failure would cause as much havoc in the financial market as the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers did last fall. 没有人预计CIT的破产在金融市场上将会引起如同去年秋天莱曼兄弟破产时带来的破坏。
Indeed, analysts who follow a number of different industries rushed out reports about how CIT would affect the companies they watch. 的确,分析家们发布了关于CIT将会如何影响他们所追踪的公司的报告。
For all its efforts to get back on its feet, there is still much for customers and trading partners to worry about. 不管CIT费劲多少心力地想要爬起来,公司的客户及商业伙伴依旧有很多忧虑。
tax filing experience including vat, bt, cit filing. familiar regular tax filing process and good communication skills with tax bureau. 丰富的报税经验,包括增值税、营业税、企业所得税;熟悉各种报税流程以及与税务局沟通的良好沟通技。
Officials are now working on a rescue package for CIT, a liquidity-crunched lender to small and middling companies. 政府官员正制定援助计划以帮助资金流动性放缓的借贷公司CIT,该公司贷款给中小型企业。
This isn't Sex and the Cit--it's a college campus, and you're going to be walking constantly. 这里不是“欲望都市”——这里是大学校园,你是要在这里不停走动的。
CIT does not have to go bust for its customers to feel pain. CIT并非一定得破产之后才能让其顾客感觉到痛。
FDIC is wary of granting CIT access to its debt program partly because it is not satisfied with the lender's collateral, the source said. 消息人士表示,FDIC对批准CIT准入贷款计划一事审慎小心,因其对CIT的担保品并不满意。