how do you do?

  • na.您好

how do you do?how do you do?

how do you do?

How do you know when your children are ready to discuss SM, and how do you do it? 你怎么知道,什么时候你的小孩准备好了来讨论SM,还有,你该怎么(正确地)去做?
'How do you do, Mr Birkin, ' she said, in her low voice, that seemed to take no count of her guests. She held out her hand to him. “你好啊,伯金先生,”她声音低沉地说,似乎她根本不把客人放在眼里。说着她向他伸出手来。
Queen Alexandra smiled at him. 'How do you do, Mr Merrick, 'She said. 'I'm very pleased to meet you. 'Then she shook his hand. 亚历山德拉王后与他握着手,朝他笑着说:“麦里克先生,你好。见到你非常高兴。”
"How do you do? " said the Prime Minister politely, holding out his hand. “你好?”首相礼貌地说,伸出了他的手。
How do you do, Mr. Carter! I'm glad to have the opportunity to talk with you. 您好。卡特先生。能有机会同您交谈,我深感荣幸。
Staff: how do you do, Mr, you eat something, we'll eat something, you eat of is all the same. 工作人员:先生您好,您吃什么的,我们就吃什么的,大家吃的都是一样的。
Paulo: Michael, let me introduce my sister to you. My sister Joanna. Michael. Michael: How do you do, Joanna? Joanna: How do you do? 迈克尔,让我给你介绍我妹妹。这是我妹妹乔安娜,这位是迈克尔。迈克尔:你好,乔安娜。乔安娜:你好。
A: How do you do? Please allow me to introduce you to all the members here. 您好。请允许我来介绍一下前来迎接的有关人员。
How do you do, Dr Mortimer? May I introduce my good friend, Dr John Watson, who helps me with my cases. 您好吗,摩梯末医生?我来介绍一下我的好朋友约翰·华生医生,他一直在帮我办案
How do you do? Please allow me to introduce you to all the members here. 你好,请允许我介绍一下所有前来迎接的人员。
How do you do? I'm Allan Silverman, head of the delegation. It is very kind of you to come and meet us at the airport. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!你们远道而来,我怎么能不来机场迎接你们呢。怎么样?旅途好吗?
"Oh, how do you do? " she cried, seeing Birkin, and all dazzled as if taken by surprise. “啊,你好!”见到伯金她叫了起来,似乎十分意外,大吃一惊。
This gets back to the whole point of asking, "If you want to help Pakistan, how do you do that in the best possible way? " 这些全都可以归结为这样一个问题,“如果想向巴基斯坦施以援手,最好的方法是什么?”
Oh! How do you do my dear? I'm afraid you've had a tedious journey. You must be frozen! Let me help you. 哦!亲爱的,你好吗?我想你肯定旅途奔波了,很冷吧?我来帮你吧。
An elderly man visits the doctor for a checkup. "Mr. Smith, you're in great shape, " says the doctor afterward. "How do you do it? " 一位老人去看医生,想检查一下身体。医生在检查完毕后说:“史密斯先生,你一切都很正常。”
Rilla stood up. 'How do you do? 'she said. 'We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL. We have new numbers from the satellite. ' 瑞拉站起身。“你好,”她说,“我们要和地球司令谈谈人工臭氧层的事。我们从卫星上获得了新数据。”
I ran up to him, and said, "Hello, sir. How do you do? " 我跑过去和他说:“你好先生。最近怎么样?”
'How do you do, Tom, thank you for your instruction beforehand, ' Jack says reverently. ‘你好,汤米。请多关照,先谢啦。’杰克恭敬地说道。
"How do you do? " she said. "We want to talk to Earth Commander about the AOL. " “你好,”她说,“我们要和地球司令谈谈人工臭氧层的事。”
How do you do, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage. 你好,史密斯先生。让我帮你拿行李吧。
Sanborn: I'm done. I want a son. I want a little boy, Will. I mean, how do you do it, you know? Take the risk? 我受够了。我想要个儿子。我想要个小男孩,威尔。我想知道,你怎么会那么做?去冒那样的风险?。
Foreigners who assume that "How do you do" comes with a built-in question mark and respond accordingly become socially isolated. 那些把“你好”看作回应别人问候的标准答案的外国人,他们会变得孤立。
Hooh, man. I got two questions for you. What do you do, and how do you do it? -I'm a stockbroker. 呼,哥们儿。我有两个问题要问问你。你在做什么,你是怎么做到的?-我是股票经纪人。
How do you do? Let me help you with your suitcase. 你好!让我帮你拿行李吧。
Miss Wang: How do you do, Mr. James? Thank you for asking me to come in. 王小姐:您好,詹姆斯先生。谢谢您给我这个面试的机会。
Woman: How do you do, Mr. Black? I'm very glad to see you. 女人:你好,布莱克先生,很高兴见到你。
You might be thinking that all of this sounds great, but how do you do it? 您可能在想,这一切听起来是不错,但是如何才能做得到呢?
Jonathan was dazzled. He forgot to ask about heaven. "How do you do that? What does it feel like? How far can you go? " 乔纳森有点晕头转向了。他都忘了打听天堂。“你怎么作的?有什么感觉?你能飞多远?”
How do you do, Mr. Carter! Thank you for asking me to come in. 您好,卡特先生。感谢您给我这个面试的机会。
And I think it's pretty hard for a DJ to win courtesies both from the mainstream and the underground, and how do you do that? 我觉得对一个DJ来说,赢得主流和地下两方面的好评很难,你是怎么做到的?