how are you

  • un.你好
  • 网络你好吗;怎么是你;您好吗

how are youhow are you

how are you


人教版初一英语单词 ... you pron. 你;你们 How are you 你(身体)好吗? I. pron 我 ...


征集猛笑话!_百度知道 ... 118:How are you?- 怎么是你? How old are you?- 怎么老是你? ...


文章- 不同国家的问候文化简介 ... A:How do you do? 您好! A:How are you? 您好吗? B:Fine,thanks.And you? 很好,谢 …


新目标八年级(上)英语复习提纲(全套) ... 1. long hair 长头发 2. How are you 你身体好吗 5. how long ago 多久前(的事) ...


英语口语:你最近还好吗?_英语_英语口语 ... ) How's it hangin'? 怎么样? ) How are you? 你怎么样? ) How you doin'? 你怎 …


虾米音乐搜索引擎 ... 有形的翅膀 Visible Wings 最近好吗 How Are You 《欧若拉 Aurora》 ...

"Well, " he said, "I saw you across the street there. I thought it was you. I was just coming out to your place. How are you, anyhow? " “你瞧,”他说,“我看到你在马路对面,我就猜是你。我出来正想上你那儿去。不管怎么说,你好吗?”
"Andy, Andy, how are you doing? " she said, using the name of my older brother. (Laughter) "I'm Bruce, " I said, and promptly passed out. 她喊着我哥哥的名字问我(众人笑)“我是布鲁斯,”我说,接着就晕过去了
What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something like this: "Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. " 在我喘息的呜咽中,我跟神的对话,类似这样:“哈啰,神啊。您好吗?我是小莉。很高兴认识您。”
How are you supposed to ask for what you want if, as a child, you were repeatedly made to feel wrong for wanting more? 孩提时,人家一直使你觉得你要求大多是错的,那你如何认为该要求你所需要的?
Now c'mon, I haven't got all day, and the two of you are running late for a pair of family reunions. So how are you paying? 快点吧,我没时间陪你们耽误一整天,而且你们两个的家庭聚会就要迟到了。你们怎么付款?
The fox rolled his eyes and said: "Hi, my dear crow, how are you? " The crow did not answer the fox. 狐狸赔着笑脸说:“亲爱的乌鸦,您的孩子好吗?”乌鸦看了狐狸一眼,还是没有回答。
"Glad to meet you, " I said. Then, trying to hide my nervousness, I added, "How are you? " “认识你很高兴,”我说。随后,我竭力想掩饰自已的不安,便又说道:“你怎么样?”“我很好。问题是:你怎么样?”
I saw you walk in, and I've been meaning to call since the service, but work's been so crazy so. . . how are you doing? 我看见你进来,仪式后我就想打电话给你,但工作忙得要死…你现在怎么样?
How are you enjoying working out with Chinese people? How are they different to, you know, North America? 你喜欢与中国人在一起健身吗?他们跟北美人有什么不同?
B: Pretty good. I enjoy it. A: How are you getting along with your colleagues? B: So far, so good. They are really nice people. 你觉得新工作怎么样?:不错。我喜欢。:你和你的同事相处的怎么样?:到目前为止很好。他们都是很好的人。
"But you -- How are you? " cried Elizabeth. "You look pale. How much you must have gone through! " “可是你好吗?”伊丽莎白又大声问道。“你脸色苍白。你一定担了多少心思啊!”
So if I say, is the chair blue how are you going to determine the truth of false of that? 如果我说,椅子是蓝色的,你们怎样决定,它的对错?
"How are you feeling? " is often enough to start a conversation. 用“你感觉怎样?”来开始谈话就足够了。
And he said, "Well, how are you going to hear this? How are you going to hear that? " 他说:“那么,你怎样来听这个,怎样来听那个呢?”
"How are you? " he said, extending his hand with an evident mixture of feeling and a lack of plausible interest. “你好吗?”他说,伸出手来,明显地露出复杂的表情,连一点装出来的关心都没有。
Pedro, welcome back. A bit of a surprise? How are you going to keep the headlines in Spain? 佩德罗,欢迎回来。有些惊喜吗?你如何保住自己在西班牙的头条位置?
Glad to see you! You, you, you, It''s you! Glad to see you! How are you! What''s wrong with you? May I help you? 你,你,你,噢,是你!见到你真高兴!向你问个好!出了什么事?是否要我帮助你?
"It is going to be a story of how are you linked to the US and to what extent can your policies deal with the repercussions. " “真正的问题将是,其它国家与美国有怎样的联系,其政策能够在多大程度上应对冲击。”
Hey, how are you folks? Jason Horowitz, glad to be with you on this Sports Update presented by Toyota. 嘿,大家好吗?杰森•霍罗威茨,很高兴为您播报由丰田赞助的体育新闻。
How are you going to be able to understand how to troubleshoot your network devices unless you really understand your network? 但是,在您真正理解您的网络之前,您怎么能够理解如何诊断并排除您的网络设备的故障呢?
Looking at the bones due to malnutrition and wife, the king said with tears: "I should have been on the point how are you. " 望着这位因营养不良而骨瘦如柴的妻子,国王热泪盈眶地说:“我早该对你好一点。”
Ask a five -year-old boy, 'How are you? ' and his mother or sister answers, 'He's fine, thanks'. 当你问一个5岁男孩‘你好吗?’他妈妈和姐姐就会回答:‘他很好,谢谢。’
How are you finding life at Melwood - is it a lot different to what you're used to? 你在梅尔伍德感受如何,和你以前的生活差别很大吗?
friend of my heart , how are you ? he said , through the singing , making his horse keep pace with the marching soldiers. “知心的挚友,你怎么样了?”他在听见歌声时说道,一面使他的坐骑和连队的步调一致。
You know that Saturday is going to be different, so if some rain comes it is a different thing again, how are you going to use the tyres. 周六就会不一样,所以如果下点雨又会不一样,你得怎么使用轮胎。
One month into the new year. How are you keeping up with your goals and targets set at the beginning of the year? 在新年的第一个月份里你是如何完成你在年初为自己设定的目标的呢?
"Why, hello, Harry! " he said, addressing a lounger in one of the comfortable lobby chairs. "How are you? " “喂,你好,哈里!”他对一个闲坐在门厅里舒适的椅子上的人说。“你怎么样啊?”
Notice others trying to read your baseline with seemingly innocuous questions like, "How are you today? " 发觉别人试图通过貌似无关痛痒的问题打探你的价值基准,比如“你今天过得怎么样?”。
"How are you? " is a question of concern to see how someone is doing. 这句话是问别人过得怎样,表示一种关心。
And if you do not know what love is, how are you going to unify your knowledge and your life in this part? 如果不知道爱是什麽,要在这部份知行合一是何其困难?