
美 [ˈbuzəm]英 [ˈbʊz(ə)m]
  • n.女人的胸部(或乳房);女衣胸部(或胸襟)
  • v.搂抱;怀有;把…秘藏心中;隐匿
  • 网络胸怀;内心;胸口





1.[c]女人的胸部(或乳房)a woman's chest or breasts

2.[c]女衣胸部(或胸襟)the part of a piece of clothing that covers a woman's bosom

3.[sing]the ~ of sth和爱护自己的人在一起的情形;在…的怀抱中a situation in which you are with people who love and protect you

PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... borrow 借,借人 bosom (心);内心 both 两者(都),双方(都) ...


胸怀bosom)来一笔带过。  还不光是如此,女性的房间里也不准挂男人的肖像画,而男作家和女作家所出版的书也不准陈 …


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... born a. 天生的;出生的 bosom n. 胸,胸部;内心 boss n. 老板,上司 ...


四级词汇表_百度文库 ... bore vt. 挖钻 bosom n. 胸部;内心 bough n. 树枝 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... born a. 天生的;出生的 bosom n. 胸,胸部;内心 boss n. 老板,上司 ...


怀字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 安;安抚〖 appease;pacify〗 胸口;怀抱里〖 bosom〗 心意;情意〖 mind;affection〗 ...


夜-作文-考试吧 ... tramp 脚步声 bosom 胸怀,怀抱 plunge 投入,跃入 ...

If mumblingly mentioning is elusive, the bamboo gentleman explores to go into a bosom and touches a fine jade decanter. 喃喃地说着莫名其妙的话,竹君探手入怀,摸出了一个精致的玉瓶。
Hath she not expressed this thought In the garb of the poor child, so forcibly remIndIng us of that red symbol which sears her bosom? 在这可怜的孩子的衣服上,她不是表达了她的这种想法吗?这身衣服不是有力地提醒我们那烙进她胸口的红色象征吗?
When meeting the trustful friend, go and get well along with him, for in one's whole life, it is critically hard to meet a bosom friend. 遇到可以相信的朋友时,要好好和他相处下去,因为有一生中,遇到知己真的不易。
It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious. 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。
Trying to smile, and yet feeling his heart stand still in his bosom. 挣扎着露出笑容,却觉得他的心在胸膛里静止了不再跳动。
Eg. They used to be bosom friends, but now they fell out with each other over a trifle thing. 她们曾是知心好友,这会儿却为一桩小事闹翻了。
The prophet says, "Keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. A man's enemies are the men of his own house. " 先知说:「靠紧你胸怀的人,切勿向他洩露机密,因为仇敌也许就在你家中。」
After Mass he went to the empress and spent a few minutes in the bosom of his family, joking with the children and his wife. 他来到大众后,花几分钟皇后的怀抱家人与妻子和孩子说笑。
The countess, with a deep sob, hid her face on her daughter's bosom, while Nikolay got up, clutched at his head, and went out of the room. 伯爵夫人忧悒地啜泣,把脸藏在女儿怀里,可是尼古拉站了起来,心惊胆战,从房里走出去了。
Among the lace in the bosom of her dress was shining a five-pointed star, made of eleven diamonds. 在她衣服胸口花边中间果然照耀着一颗五角形的星,是用十一粒钻石镶成的。
Village of July, my shy lady in her first pregnancy, my sweet lady full of tender affection, just let me take a rest in your bosom please. 七月的乡村,我的初孕的羞答答的女人,我的满怀柔情蜜意的女人,就让我静静地躺在你的怀中安歇吧!
No one else can be met on the road. The wind by the ear, the throbbing bosom and the singing of birds are all encased in a sunny sunshine. 路上往往看不到一个人,只有耳旁的风声、自己的心跳声、小鸟的欢叫声包裹在明媚的阳光里。
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. 冬天,农夫发现一条蛇冻僵了,他很可怜它,便把蛇放在自己怀里。
Some human confess simple sins, like this as stealing a clam or starting at the cleft of a woman's bosom. 有些人忏悔一般的小过错,比如偷了一只蛤蜊或者偷看女刚出生的孩子的乳沟。
Cosette applied herself to her work once more, but for a quarter of an hour she felt her heart leaping in her bosom like a big snow-flake. 珂赛特照旧干她的活,可是在那一刻钟里,她觉得她的心就象一个皮球,在胸腔里直跳。
It is not for nothing that he does not leave us. He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her. 他之所以没有离开我们,是有原因的——他喜欢把脑袋靠在妈妈的胸怀,而且,一刻也不能忍受她离开他的视线。
He nursed a viper in his bosom. His best friend Tony foamed him in. Tony first seduced his wife and then trapped him. 他是姑息养奸,他的好友托尼陷害了他,托尼先是诱奸了他的妻子然后又陷害于他。
With that she laughed and hugged Molly tighter to her bosom as if she were a lost child and not a dog. 听到这话,她笑出声来,把莫利在怀里抱得更紧,就好像它是个失而复得的孩子,而不是一只狗。
And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 他在阴间受痛苦,举目远远的望见亚伯拉罕,又望见拉撒路在他怀里。
You step out upon the balcony , and lie in the very bosom of the cool , dewy night as if you folded her garment about you . 你漫步在阳台,投入到凉爽,满地露珠的夜的怀抱,又好像你披上了她的外衣。
She bared her bosom and looked at her arms, so flawlessly modeled, and was instinct with an exquisite caress. 她敞开胸怀,又注视着她那完美无缺地塑成的手臂,充满了说不出的怜爱。
Here, seen only by his eyes, the scarlet letter need not burn into the bosom of the fallen woman! 在这里,红字只有他一个人的眼睛能够看见,也就不必烧进那堕落的女人的胸膛中去了!
By now, thought on the pure already bosom the Guo Xiao child, but she had not said that but chose alone left. 这时,思纯已怀上了郭晓的孩子,但她没有说,而是选择了独自离开。
I gave my handmaid into your bosom, and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes. 我将我的婢女放在你怀里,她一见自己怀了孕,便看不起我。
And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. 他就把手放在怀里,及至抽出来,不料,手长了大麻疯,有雪那样白。
For that reason, they came to leave the bosom of God and started the sorrowful life of longing for God. 因为那样的理由,他们离开了神的怀抱,进而开始过一个渴望著神的悲伤生活。
'Like the ivy, ' Mrs Chick assented. 'Never! She'll never glide and nestle into the bosom of her Papa's affections like - the - ' “就像那常春藤一样,”奇克夫人同意道,“永远不会!她永远不会悄悄地藏到她爸爸慈爱的心窝中,安卧在那里,就像那——”
asked Li-ma as she finished eating her noodles and drew out from her bosom a large dark blue handkerchief to wipe her mouth. 李妈吃完了面,怀里摸出一条大成蓝的手巾,揩一揩嘴插着就问。
a short, Broad muscular man, in a shirt open at the Bosom and dirty trousers, pushed his way through the crowd. 一个腰宽肩背粗的矮个子,身着衬衫,袒露胸脯,下穿一条很脏的长裤,在人群中一个劲地往前窜。
And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed. 以利亚就从妇人怀中将孩子接过来,抱到他所住的楼中,放在自己的床上。