
美 [tɔk]英 [tɔːk]
  • v.说话;谈话;讨论;讲话
  • n.谈话;讨论;交谈;演讲
  • 网络谈论;对话

第三人称单数:talks 现在分词:talking 过去式:talked

brief talk,short talk,idle talk,serious talk,loose talk
give talk,prefer talk,talk nonsense,thing talk,prepare talk
talk openly,talk frankly,freely talk


v. n.

与人说话speak to sb

1.[i][t]说话;讲话;谈话to say things; to speak in order to give information or to express feelings, ideas, etc.


2.[i][t]讨论,谈论,商谈,洽谈(通常指重大的事)to discuss sth, usually sth serious or important

说话say words

3.[i][t](用某种语言)讲,说to say words in a language


4.[t]~ sth说,讲(有理、无理的话)to say things that are/are not sensible

加强语气for emphasis

5.[t](informal)(用以强调款额、情况严重程度等)讲的是,指的是used to emphasize an amount of money, how serious sth is, etc.

私生活about private life

6.[i]说闲话;讲人坏话;嚼舌头to talk about a person's private life

提供信息give information

7.[i]供出消息;供认;招认to give information to sb, especially unwillingly


look whos talking|you can/cant talk|youre a fine one to talk

(用以表示自己同样不对时不要批评别人)还有脸说别人used to tell sb that they should not criticize sb else for sth because they do the same things too

now youre talking

(表示赞同对方的话)你这算说对了,你所言正合我意used when you like what sb has suggested very much

talk about…

(用以强调)这才叫,真是…不得了used to emphasize sth

talk dirty

说下流话to talk to sb about sex in order to make them sexually excited

talk a good game

说得好听;说得天花乱坠to talk in a way that sounds convincing, but may not be sincere

talk the hind leg off a donkey

唠叨个没完没了;喋喋不休to talk too much, especially about boring or unimportant things

talking of sb/sth

(继续谈论时用)提起,说起,谈及,至于used when you are going to say more about a subject that has already been mentioned

talk shop

说行话;三句话不离本行(尤指当着外行的面)to talk about your work with the people you work with, especially when you are also with other people who are not connected with or interested in it

talk the talk

说得头头是道to be able to talk in a confident way that makes people think you are good at what you do

talk through your hat

胡说;信口开河;瞎扯to say silly things while you are talking about a subject you do not understand

talk tough (on sth)

强硬地说;强烈地要求to tell people very strongly what you want

talk turkey

郑重其事地谈;严肃认真地谈to talk about sth seriously

talk your way out of sth/of doing sth

靠能言善辩开脱;以话解围to make excuses and give reasons for not doing sth; to manage to get yourself out of a difficult situation

you can/cant talk

youre a fine one to talk


七年级英语单词表 ... out 在外;向外 talk 谈话;谈论 TV station 电视台 ...


小学英语单词(带音标)_百度文库 ... door 门 talk 说话, 谈论 some 一些 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表所有、_百度知道 ... go shopping 词组 购物 talk n 访谈节目;谈话;交谈;演讲 Talk show 词组 …


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... telephone n. 电话(机) talk v. 讲话,交谈 purse n. 钱包 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... out 在外 talk 谈论 station 车站 ...


能够对话(Talk)的NPC被发现都没有关系其他如士兵 妓女 感染者 流氓 刺客 猎犬(?) 被这些人发现都会计算进去 而"发现"的标准 …

and with pointed attention continued to talk to her and endeavour to raise her spirits, in spite of being out of spirits herself. 并且十分关切地继续陪她说话,想使她打起精神,尽管她自己情绪低落。
He's trying to talk me into the party, I wriggled out of it. 他极力想说服我参加这个晚会,我推掉了。
It was a great pleasure for me to see and talk with You during Your trip to Armenia. 在您的亚美尼亚之旅中,我很荣幸见到您,并与您交谈。
He said that "I find that every time I talk about design, I find myself putting the word " thinking " after it to explain what we do" . 他说:“我发现每当我谈论设计的时候,我总是把“思考”这个词先提出,之后再解释如何去做”。
A simple friend seek to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seek to help you with your problems. 玩伴试图谈论你遇到的困难,知己则试图帮你解决困难。
He's my best friend, and I could talk about him all day! 他是我最好的朋友,我可以整天都讲有关他的事!
Wanting to talk, Tito once stood before a mirror pleading for his mouth to move. "All his image did was stare back, " he wrote. 由于希望能够讲话,第托曾站在镜子前祈祷他的嘴可以动,但「他的影像就只是回瞪著他」,第托写道。
Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone. 在电话里,绣球花旅馆的老板娘约瑟芬娜是个很好讲话的人。
If it's been a few months and you don't feel any happier, talk to your doctor. 如果是几个月,你没有感到更快乐,和你的医生说一说。
Man alone can be freed from body to think with God, to talk with God and be inspired by His centering Light. 人类唯有与上帝一起思考,对话,由上帝的集中之光赋予灵感,才能从身体中解放出来。
He remembered Cameron, and that they had not been able to talk since he had found her. 突然他想起了一件事,自从卡梅隆回来了他们还没有好生的说说话呢。
If you talk to a man in a language he understands , that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language , that goes to his heart . 如果你以一种外语和一个人交流,你的话只是进入他的大脑;如果你以他的母语和他交流,你的话深入他的内心。
Censorship usually is considered a negative thing, at least in American society, but of course, it all depends on who you talk to. 审查通常被看作是具有否定意义的事,至少在美国社会是这样。但是毫无疑问,也要看你跟谁在说话。
Ex. : His wife can not bear to see that he does nothing but idle talk everyday. 例:他夫人看不惯他每天没事,光与人侃大山。
"We are ready to talk about everything but not to negotiate our political and social system, " he told the national assembly on Saturday. “我们准备好了谈一切的问题,但我们的政治和社会制度上不会妥协。”他在周六的全国代表大会上说道。
He returned the compliment with a wide blue smile, dropped his shovel and sat down to talk. 他用一个开怀的笑容回应了地球人,丢掉手中的铁锹,坐下来侃侃而谈。
I believe that if I can find somebody to talk to then hopefully I can get out of this phase that I have been in since I was a kid. 我相信如果我能找些人说说话,希望这样我就能够摆脱掉自我孩提时代起一直处于的这种阶段。
But just looking at it, knowing my mother was out there and thinking of our lunchtime talk, made me proud. 就是这短暂的一瞥,我就知道我的妈妈此刻坐在台下,想起我们午餐时间的谈话,一种自豪感不禁油然而生。
Set up an appointment with your doctor to review your medical history and to talk about your plans to start trying to conceive. 设置了一个与您的医生预约,审查你的病史,并谈谈你的计划开始尝试怀孕。
I noticed then that he did not like to talk while he walked. If I spoke to him he would stop walking in order to answer me. 我注意到他在走路时不喜欢说话,当我发问时,他就停下来回答。
Marya purposely arranged a situation in which they would be able to talk freely with no one else near. 玛雅刻意安排了一个周围无人的场合让他们可以畅谈。
Trying to encourage me, talk me down, or telling me that I'm acting immature will just escalate things, big time! 试图鼓励我,说话使我冷静,或者告诉我当下的行为不成熟,只会使情况升级,愈加糟糕!
The 18-year-old actress sat down with EW. com for a candid interview with the magazine to talk about the upcoming vampire film. 这位18岁的女星坐客EW.com接受采访,聊到了即将上映的这部吸血鬼题材电影。
Asean itself may be little more than a talk-shop on to which trade and cultural agreements have been bolted. 从某种意义上来说,东盟本身无非是个靠贸易和文化为纽带结合到一起的清谈组织。
He would let them pet the skunks and the raccoon and talk to the myna bird; and yet they never crossed the bridge without being invited. 他会让他们把臭鼬和浣熊当宠物来玩,跟八哥说话;而且(那时)他们从不会在得到邀请前过桥。)
What drew him out of his shell was the invitation to talk about his favorite topic - the Gulf War. 我们要请他谈谈他最喜欢的话题-海湾战争,他就会谈笑风生。
Not preparing for a therapy session or waiting until the last minute may inadvertently make it more difficult to talk. 拖延,甚至不进行心理治疗的准备工作很可能在无意中让你变得更难开口。设想一下你要去参加一次讨论或者大型会议。
Situation: Cathy wants to transfer her post of receptionist into a personnel officer. She came to talk with the general manager about this. 凯茜想从现在的前台调到人事部门工作。他去找总经理谈论此事。
School districts in at least half a dozen other states have made similar decisions not to air the President's talk. 在美国其他几个州,至少有一半的学区也做出了相同的决定:不广播总统讲话。
After many experiences with language exchange do not expect the foreign person to just talk to you, try to make an effort to talk with them. 参加过几次语言交流后也不要期望老外们会主动来找你说话,去尝试和他们说话。