美 [dɪˈlɪb(ə)rət]英 [dɪ'lɪbəreɪt]
  • v.深思熟虑;仔细考虑;反复思考
  • adj.故意的;蓄意的;存心的;不慌不忙的
  • 网络深思熟虑的;审慎的;慎重的

第三人称单数:deliberates 现在分词:deliberating 过去式:deliberated

deliberate lie,deliberate attempt,deliberate manner,deliberate policy,deliberate deception


1.故意的;蓄意的;存心的done on purpose rather than by accident

2.不慌不忙的;小心翼翼的;从容不迫的done slowly and carefully


六级核心高频词汇表878个 - 豆丁网 ... degenerate a. 堕落的 deliberate a. 深思熟虑的;审慎的 89, denote vt. 指示,意味着 90, ...


蜉蝣天地 - 博客大巴 ... cultivate 耕作 deliberate 故意的 defend 保卫... ...


大学英语六级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... delegate n. 代表 deliberate adj. 深思熟虑的;审慎的 denial n. 否定;拒绝相信 ...


六级阅读高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... delete v. 删除 deliberate a. 深思熟虑的;蓄意的 deliberately ad. 审慎地;蓄意地 ...


职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... delete vt. 删除 deliberate a. 故意的;深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑 delta n. (河口的)三角洲 ...


最让男人感动的电影 ... delegate n 代表,代表团成员 deliberate a 故意的,蓄意的;慎重的 denial n 否认;拒绝,拒绝给予 ...

After his release he took deliberate steps, not only to avoid a normal life, but to excel in a life of crime. 获释后的他刻意遵循非同常人的生活道路,力图成为一流的罪犯。
It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident. 那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。
Q. At the start of the race, was it a deliberate plan to go wide at the first corner? 在比赛开始时,你在第一弯开的很过度,这是否出于慎重的计划?
One might disagree on how much deliberate fiscal loosening was needed. 需要多少审慎的财政放松政策,人们或许存在分歧。
the deliberate slowness of her movements and conversation , arising from weak health , gave her an air of dignity which inspired respect. 由于体弱,她的动作和言谈都很迟缓,这却赋予她一种令人肃然起敬的威严的风貌。
The woman's voice was calm and deliberate, as though she were talking a suicide away from the edge of a cliff. 女人的声音从容而谨慎,好像是在说服一个悬崖边企图自杀的人放弃自杀一样。
Besides, of all, he has selected my favourite pieces that I love the most to repeat, as if out of deliberate malice. 而且,他恰恰从所有的书中,选些我最爱背诵的几篇,好象是故意捣乱似的。
The old gentleman was as deliberate in his movements, and wore as subtle a smile, as though he were presiding over a diplomatic congress. 那位老绅士,举止之斟酌,笑容之微妙,看来恰似在主持着一个外交会议。
In Walikale, at least, rape seems to have been a deliberate tactic, not a random one, says Ms Margolis. 马格里斯说,至少在瓦砾莱卡,强暴似乎已经成为熟虑的战术,而并非随机发生。
The new vaccine is the result of a deliberate effort to get ahead of these epidemics, at a price affordable in Africa. 新疫苗是为战胜疫情作出谨慎努力的结果,其价格是非洲所能接受的。
Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself with deliberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin. 他受着幸福的梦境的诱惑,经过周密的选择,居然前所未有地屈从于明知是罪大恶极的行径。
The authors of one study conclude, "We still do not know which factors encourage individuals to engage in deliberate practice. " 一个研究的作者这样总结:“我们始终无法知道是什么因素使人们投入到深思熟虑的(有意识,蓄意的)练习中去。”
It had been a cold and deliberate act. 这是故意而冷酷的行为。
This deliberate blindness outweighs whatever good I may have done or tried to do in the last period of the war. 我这样有意地闭目塞听,抵消了或许在战争末期我应该和愿意做的确有助益的事情。
I got out with a painful and deliberate slowness. I was going to the village of Ashgrove, but took a ticket for a station further on. 我磨磨蹭蹭下了车,我要去的地点是阿什格罗夫村,但买了一张再过一站下的车票。
As is by now well known, the term 'task' began to come into deliberate use in applied linguistics around the beginning of the 1980's. 众所周知,‘任务’一词大约是从二十世纪八十年代开始被人们在应用语言学的范畴内审慎地使用。
That putting a bit of sugar seems to be a deliberate act, however, such approach balances the taste: bitter and sour. 在杯边蘸上白砂糖,这看似不经意的做法恰恰是为了平衡香槟酒微苦微酸的口感。
His deliberate manner of speaking might be occasionally taken by the unwary as a reflection of the pace of his mind. 不细心的人偶尔会误认为他的慢条斯理的谈话方式反映了他的思路迟钝。
A small plane has crashed into a building in Austin in the US state of Texas, and officials are investigating whether it was deliberate. 一架小型飞机撞上德克萨斯州奥斯汀一座建筑,相关官员正在调查是否是蓄意行为。
Her words carried the ring of deliberate provocation, challenging the Islamists to put a fatwa on her and raise a sword to behead her. 她的言词中带有蓄意的挑衅,挑逗着伊斯兰教徒对她进行裁决并亲自剑刃其首。
It has been a week of watching and waiting, of deliberate resignation and confidence. 它已经一个星期的守候着,等待着,故意的辞职和信心。
I wish I could tell you that it was a carefully planned journey, that each step was deliberate and foreseen. 我希望这是一个精心设计并按计划完成的旅程,若那样该多好!
Deliberate pursuit of what is to come out at all hours, the search for what is often not the result. 刻意追求来的东西是无缘分可言的,追寻的东西,往往没结果。
You will want to do is a friend I would prefer not to, I would not pay such a friend, so do not deliberate ask a friend for you to do. 你是不是会想这样的朋友我宁愿不要,我宁愿不交这样的朋友,所以不要刻意的要求朋友为你做什么。
In art and architecture, what appears to be a goof is often a deliberate signal meant to draw attention to a particular aspect of the work. 在艺术和建筑上,貌似失误之处往往是为了引人注意作品的某处而刻意设计的。
This guide's Campaign walkthrough tends to be conservative and deliberate, with an emphasis on exploring fundamental aspects of the game. 本攻略旨在以保守稳妥和从容不迫的态度关注于游戏基本层面的探索。
However, I have to say that if this is not a deliberate making up the myth, at least as a specious lie. 但是,我不得不说,如果这不是一个有意堆砌的神话,至少也像是一个似是而非的谎话。
In his action and movement he is deliberate and yet alert, he makes no unnecessary movements when he is doing a thing---no fuss. 绅士举止从容而灵活,他在做某事的时候,不会做些不必要的小动作——他不慌不忙。
The fact that this video matches in many ways her memory and description is not an accident or deliberate copy, as this is a real video. 这个视频在很多方面与她的记忆和描述吻合并不是巧合或是故意复制,因为这是个真实的录像。
Before such he bowed down and marvelled, knowing that they were beyond the deliberate creation of any man. 他可这种现象俯首低头,惊讶莫名。他知道那是任何人所无法有意追求到的。