drive by

  • adj.草率从事的
  • n.飞车射击
  • v.飞车而过(开枪射击)
  • 网络路过;驾车扫荡;开车路过


drive bydrive by

drive by


使命召唤6现代战争2 全成就列表 -... ... Leave No Stone Unturned 掘地三尺 Drive By 路过 The Harder They Fall 摔的好疼 ...


圣安地列斯 - 搜搜百科 ... 4.Nines or AK's( 初练枪法) 5.Drive By( 驾车扫荡) 6.Sweet's Girl( 斯威特的小妞) ...


lie to me 别对我说谎 第二季 第一集... ... intrusion: 闯入,侵扰 drive by: 开车路过 be in love with: 迷恋 ...


篮球的英文术语_百度知道 ... jab step: 探步,假动作 drive by推动 pump fake: 投篮假动作 ...


RAP中常用的一些词汇~~HEHE~~_英语吧_百度贴吧 ... get high= 吸毒时飘飘然的感觉 drive by= 开车射击 gangsta= 黑帮分子 ...


双液自动混胶机 ... Precision Piston Metering Pump 精密定量柱塞泵 Drive By 驱动方式 Invertor Motor 变频马达 ...


清秀佳人小说@@”看不太懂><”帮帮忙吧... ... 2. Look out 向外看 3. Drive by 驾车经过 ...

Drive by a theater on Long Island (NY) on December 25th, and you're liable to see a line around the building! 驱动器由一个战区长岛(纽约)于12月25日,您可看到一条线周围的建筑!
The new partnership is part of a drive by Google to have historical artifacts catalogued online, along with any other information. 对于这次合作,谷歌的动机部分来自其历史艺术品在线目录,这份书稿将与其他信息放在一起。
But this relates more to a general drive by Barclays to get out of less profitable businesses than a reflection on Russia. 但是,这更涉及到巴克莱摆脱利润较低企业的一般动力,而不是对俄罗斯作出的反应。
In terms of impact, the financial crisis has behaved, roughly, like the economic equivalent of a drive-by shooting. 就影响来看,金融危机的表现形式大体上仿佛是一场经济上的驾车枪击事件。
The overhaul is part of a drive by Mr. Whitacre to accelerate decision-making and turn GM into a leaner, nimbler company. 这是惠塔克加快决策过程、把通用汽车转变成为一个更加精简灵活的公司的行动之一。
The drive-by attack appeared to be a new tactic for the militants. 飞车袭击似乎成为武装分子的一个新战术。
We awoke one Sunday morning to gunfire. A neighbor's son was the target of a drive-by shooting. We was frightened and disturbed. 某个星期天早上,有条街住户们被枪声吵醒,原来邻居的儿子被人飞车枪击,大家都很害怕和不安。
This may be out of tune with the stated drive by the International Football Federation (FIFA) for "sustainability" . 可是这似乎与国际足联承诺推动“可持续性”丝毫不搭调。
After about calling him twenty times, and him not picking up, I see him drive by the bus stop pointing at me and laughing hysterically. 大概打了20多个没人接的电话后,我看见他开车经过公车站指着我而且很爽的笑着。
Everyday on my way to work, I drive by an old closed steel mill and wonder why in the hell we are importing steel from China. 在我每天去工作的路上,我开着车,这车是一家陈旧的已关闭的轧钢厂制造的,我想知道为什么他妈的我们要从中国进口钢铁。
Sometimes I drive by his house for the hell of it. 有时我难过的开车到他房前。
My twin daughters awoke one Sunday morning to gunfire. A neighbor's son was the target of a drive-by shooting. 某个星期天早上,我一对孪生女儿被枪声吵醒,原来邻居的儿子被人飞车枪击,我们全家都很害怕和不安。
Tencent is only one motive: Stick to scan your hard drive by force, kidnapping and hijacking the user to achieve their sinister purposes! 腾讯的动机只有一个:坚持强行扫描用户硬盘,绑架和劫持用户,以达到其不可告人的目的!
There is no need of any electromotor to rotate the Control Shaft(s), i. e. no need for "drive by wire" . 没有任何电动机需要旋转控制轴(S)等即“电驱动”没有必要。
I drive by the mill daily on the way to work. When it's cold in the winter the vapors and the lights can be very beautiful. 每天上班的路上我都路过面粉厂。在寒冷的冬季,面粉厂上方的蒸汽与光线交织出的景色非常漂亮。
When the emergency vehicles' sirens are on, all the traffic on the road must pull over and stop to let them drive by. 当急救车的警报器开着的时候,路上所有的车都得给它们让路。
"But every time I drive by here you have the 'no vacancy' sign on. " said the salesman. “可是每次我驾车经过这儿,你都挂上了‘客满’的牌子,”商人就。
Getting out of the office on time is tough when there's always another task, project or drive-by boss request to knock out before you leave. 想准时下班,总是不容易:老板可能会催着你完成另一个课题,或项目才行。
But Mr Rajaratnam is the biggest fish netted so far in a two-year drive by American regulators to catch crooked traders. 但拉贾拉特南先生是近两年来由美国执法者牵头破获的最大的违规交易的涉案人。
It is part of a drive by Mr Abe's government to raise Tokyo's competitiveness as a global financial centre. 此举是安倍政府一系列举措的一部分,目的是提高东京作为全球金融中心的竞争力。
The stainless steel mesh belt is one kind of friction drive by the continuous mode transportation material machinery. 不锈钢网带是一种摩擦驱动以连续方式运输物料的机械。
but she is perfectly amiable , and often condescends to drive by my humble abode in her little phaeton and ponies . 她的确是可爱透顶,常常不拘名份,乘着她那辆小马车光临寒舍。
But she kept calling back, urging us to at least drive by. 但是她之后不停地打电话来,催我们说至少开车时兜过去瞧瞧。
Three people connected to the consulate were killed in drive -by shootings on Saturday in two separate incidents . 星期六,三名墨西哥领事馆相关人员在两起单独的开车枪击事件中被杀死。
When I drive by with my windows rolled down, it gives me the feeling of moving in another element, like a kid on a water slide. 当我开着车窗驱车路过的时候,它让我觉得是到了另一个天地,如同孩子乘坐水滑梯一般。
As the description for this book says, this is for those movie makers interested in "guerrilla, no-budget, drive-by filmmaking. " 由于这本书介绍说,这在“游击兴趣的电影人,没有预算,是驱动器由电影制作。”
The drive by a revitalized Russian Orthodox Church to weave its tenets into the education system has prompted a backlash. 驾车被一使俄国的正统教堂恢复生气编织它的主义进入教育制度已经促使一个反作用。
Drive by Zhongnanhai and look at the construction barrier that runs along the south side of Chang'an, and you'll see what he meant. 如果驱车至中南海,注视沿长安街南侧的工地屏障,你就会明白他的意思。
Sanha supporters drive by on the back of an open truck, pointing to their wrists in reference to his slogan "Time for Change. " 一辆卡车的车厢上载着桑哈的支持者,他们指着自己的手腕,意思是桑哈的竞选口号:“是变革的时候了。”
Aboard his bike, he weaves through lurching Midtown traffic with his left hand while occasionally snapping drive-by pictures with his right. 骑在脚踏车上,库宁汉穿梭于闹市车流中,他常常左手扶把,右手抓拍街景。