
美 [hoʊl]英 [həʊl]
  • n.整个;整体;全部;所有
  • adj.全部的;整体的;完全的;所有的
  • adv.全新的;完全不同的
  • 网络整个的;完整的


whole world,whole thing,whole day,whole process,whole story


1.[obn]全部的;整体的;完全的;所有的full; complete

2.[obn](强调大小或重要性)整个的,全部的used to emphasize how large or important sth is

3.完整的;完好无损的not broken or damaged


a whole lot

非常;很多very much; a lot

a whole lot (of sth)

许许多多;大量a large number or amount

the whole lot

一切;全部;所有everything; all of sth


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... start v. 开始,着手;出发 whole adj. 整个的 Halloween n. 万圣节前夕 ...


反义词_百度文库 ... learn 学习 whole 全体;全部 -- part 部分 ...


整体Whole ),而非总和(Sum ),整体是有机的,总和是“堆积”的、无生命的。这是朱氏所谓生物学的历史研究方法, …


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... whoever pron. 谁;无论谁 whole a. 完整的 n.全部 wholly ad. 完全地,全部 ...


新起点英语五年级下册 单词表_百度文库 ... souvenir 纪念品;礼物 whole 完全的;全部的 terrible 可怕的 ...

It's part of the whole thing and it's easy to lose so much time, even when it's one or two cars. 这就是整件事的一部分,很容易失去许多的时间,即使当时是一辆或者两辆赛车。
She was woman, alive for the first time, made of fire and passion, a willing vessel wanting only to be filled and made whole. 她是女人,平生第一次,激发了热情的火焰,只想把那希望充满全身一腔的血管。
Mother lied on her side, facing the outside, thus I knew the whole of a woman in a flash. 她肢体侧卧,面外背内,让我一瞬间明白了女人的全部。
That seems unlikely to be the whole story (the amount of help needed to compensate would be huge), though it might be a contributory factor. 尽管这可能是一个促成因素,但似乎不大可能成为整个故事(需要补偿的帮助数额将是巨大的)。
Because its perception is always whole, it is incapable of dividing man from man, of setting man against nature. 因为它的感知总是整体的,智慧不会划分人与人,不会让人对抗自然。
In saline city whole traffic carries a system in, dividing railroad to carry is blank outside, other types of transportation is all ready. 在盐城市整个交通运输系统中,除铁路运输是空白外,其它运输形式齐全。
They're 8, 000km long and if you were able to sit on one you could travel across the whole of the United States in just four minutes. 这些火舌有8000公里长,一个人如果坐在上面,可以在4分钟内横穿美国。
Throughout the novel, Dickens enlarges on this theme, describing slums so decrepit that whole rows of houses are on the point of ruin. 整个小说,狄更斯扩大这个主题,描述贫民窟,使整个排破旧的房屋都在点毁掉。
In Europe they joyously count the houses, the whole cities that have been leveled to the ground and that "will have to be replaced. " 第二次世界大战结束后,他们兴致勃勃地清点那些在欧洲被战火夷为平地、必须重建的房子和城市。
His plan is then to take a week to consider the farm bill package as a whole document before plunging into a full committee markup. 他接下来的计划是在进行全体委员会审定之前,花一周时间从整体上考虑一下整个农业法案。
Stewart and his team put out several issues of "The Whole Earth Catalog, " and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. 斯图尔特和他的团队出版了几期的《地球目录全编》,当这份刊物走到了尽头,他们推出了最后一期。
You see deviation of that whole phase diagram, like you're pushing down on it. 这就是我们在整个相图里看到的偏移,就像有人在把曲线往下推一样。
And I did exactly what I did with you, and I told them and explained them and the whole thing. And at the end they went crazy, clapping. 我做了同样的事情,我告诉他们,给他们解释了一切。曲子结束的时候,他们都狂呼了起来,鼓掌。
Her eyes start to be suffused with water smog, the whole body is numb and feeble to not go, blare, why her body ambition so acute? 她眼睛泛起水雾,全身酥麻得不行,呜,为什么她的身体会这么敏感?
I was so excited I could hardly sleep. I got to the office early and accomplished more in two hours than I had the whole day before. 我激动得睡没有着觉,提早到办公室上班,两个小时以内便干完了比之前干一整天借要多的活。
Then the participants are likely to be afraid to say that this whole plan makes no sense. 与会者很可能会害怕说出他们其实认为这个计划完全行不通。
And at night, when the whole organism is at rest, the meditative mind has no dreams for it has been awake all day. 那么到了晚上,当整个有机体休息时,冥想的心不会有梦,因为它整天都是清醒的。
On the whole, the big-screen hit turns out to be not a fox that knows many things, but a hedgehog that knows one big one. 总的来看,热门电影不是知道很多事的狐狸,而是知道一件大事的刺猬。(此比喻源自古希腊诗人阿寄洛克思。)
I love this movie and I love the way BYJ portrayed his role. It was like real. One of the best movie I've ever seen in my whole life. 我喜欢这部戏,并且喜欢裴勇俊饰演的角色的方式,是真的喜欢,是我一生中看过的最好的戏剧之一。
And, on the whole, the threat of religious extremism with which strong men used to justify repression has not materialised. 总的说来,铁腕领导人用来证明其镇压行为正当的宗教极端主义威胁并未出现。
It might be a good idea if he were deprived of certain privileges until he is ready to tell us the whole story. 我们或许应该取消他的一些特权,直到他把事情原原本本地告诉我们。
The sand hides most of the relic's contour. So the extracted contour is usually just a part of the whole contour. 由于泥沙的掩埋,提取出来的文物轮廓曲线通常只是原物的一部分轮廓,而且变形严重。
But the point remains: Open APIs and a bit of imagination open up a whole new world of applications and possibilities. 但是核心思想已经体现出来了:开放的API加上一些想象开辟了一个全新的应用程序世界和无限可能。
Questioner: But how am I to see that whole thing instantly? How am I to understand so that it never comes back? 发问者:但是我要怎样即刻看到事情的全貌?我要如何去了解它,它才再不会反复出现?
This year it had a whole building to itself, which had been Ericsson's sole prerogative. 今年,华为已经有了专用大楼,以前这可是爱立信才能独享的特权。
"That's when you start thinking, 'I'm spending a lot of money on this car and not getting a whole lot of value out of it. '" 据他所说,当少于这个数时,“你会想:‘我为这部车花费了这么多金钱,但得到的回报并不等值。’”
You begin to have a sense of the body as a whole series of different interconnected energy patterns. 你开始把身体理解成一大堆不同的、相互连接的能量分布系列。
Scientists have used the latest imaging techniques to peer inside the digestive system of a python an hour after it had eaten a rat whole. 在蟒蛇吞噬了一整只老鼠一小时之后,科学家利用最新的成像技术,窥视了其体内的消化系统。
She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began. 大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。
He said he's booked up the whole week except tomorrow afternoon. 他说除了明天上午他这一周都安排满了。