whatever it takes

  • 网络天子寻龙;爱你不论代价;无论如何

whatever it takeswhatever it takes

whatever it takes


TVB Square's TVB Series ... War and Rememberance 乾隆大帝 Whatever It Takes 天子寻龙 Where the Legend Begins 洛神 ...


影视百科 > 电影 > 喜剧 | 剧情 > 爱你不论代价(Whatever It Takes)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《爱你不论代价》的视频 …


Surviv... ... And I choose to survive 我选择生存, Whatever it takes 无论如何,不计代价, You won’t pull ahead 你绝无法超前, ...


Right Here Waiting For You Richard Marx... ... Whatever it takes 不管未来如何 Or how my heart breaks 或我有多麽伤心 ...


... How can we say forever? 何能誓说海枯石烂? Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价 Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我心破碎…


此情可待的歌词... ... Whatever you do. 无论你做何事。 Whatever it takes. 无论怎么样。 Or how my heart breaks. 无论我多悲 …


国外人声Lene Marlin... ... 06.my love 我的爱 07.whatever it takes 不计一切 08.fight against the hours 跟时间对抗 ...


Eng19 Flashcards ... weaken d structural integrity of .. 破坏..结构的完整性 whatever it takes 不惜一切代价 popsicle 冰棍 ...

And he's more than willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that his wife can stay home and that their family is taken care of. 他愿意尽一切力量去确保她的妻子可以留在家中照顾他们的家。
"In the beginning, I thought I'll do whatever it takes, " Ms. Moss said with a laugh. "Anything to get out of Croydon. " “最开始的时候,我想我会不惜一切代价做任何事,”摩斯笑着说,“只要能走出克罗伊登就行。”
Why won't Ms Merkel live up to her promise to do "whatever it takes" to save the euro? 为何默克尔不兑现自己的承诺,“尽一切所能”拯救欧元?
She refuses. Veronica and Nick beg to see it, they'll do whatever it takes to see that tape. 他们向她恳求,为了看带子他们什么条件都答应。
Each day for the next few days, or week or month (whatever it takes), sit down and brainstorm for another 5 minutes. 在接下来的一些日子里,一周或一个月(不论什么),每天都坐下来接着思考五分钟。
Even a fully operational, leveraged EFSF would not be in a position to give a "whatever it takes" bond purchasing guarantee. 即便欧洲金融稳定安排具有充分的可操作性、且杠杆化程度足够高,也难以“不惜一切代价”为债券购买提供担保。
If it is, then we have to do whatever it takes because al-Qaida is out to annihilate us. 如果真有此需要,那么即使不惜代价我们也要增派部队,因为基地组织一心想消灭我们。
Vietnam has become united nation from the top to the bottom to do whatever it takes defending their ancestors' land and sea. 越南会变成一个从上到下团结一致的国家,无论做出任何牺牲都会保护他们先祖留下的海洋和土地。
So we're helping, whatever it takes. - You want to leave with me? OK. 所以无论如何我们一定要帮忙你们要跟我走?
I try to keep on top of my work to avoid having to take it home, but if it's unavoidable, I will do whatever it takes to complete it. 我会尽量掌握进度,避免把工作带回家,如果真免不了,我会竭尽全力去完成。
Henderson has committed himself to doing whatever it takes to fix GM, even if it means going into bankruptcy. 亨德森宣布,他将尽一切力量来解决通用,即使这意味着进入破产。
The company makes more than 90% of its profits through maintenance fees, and will do whatever it takes to keep those fees flowing in. 这家公司拿出利润的90%作为后期维护费,并且不计代价的保证这些费用。
Prime Minister George Papandreou has said he will do whatever it takes to save the economy, no matter how painful. 希腊总理帕潘德里欧说过,无论需要采取的措施多么严酷,他都会尽一切努力来拯救经济。
Now the South has a fight on its hands, and they're prepared to do whatever it takes to preserve their way of life. 如今,南方的局势已是箭在弦上,而他们已经下定决心,为了保持现有生活方式将不惜一切代价,
Others have us going through back doors and over the wall, making a tunnel, connecting dots, and doing whatever it takes. 而另一些,我们得穿墙打洞,从点到面,建立各种渠道,做任何需要的工作来实现它们。
They are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their mission, even if it kills civilians or results in the team's own destruction. 他们愿意以任何必要手段来完成他们的任务,即使需要杀害平民或导致小队自身的毁灭。
I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you, whatever it takes to stay here with you. 我如此高兴找到了你,我不会失去你,不管和你在一起需要什么代价。
You know how you said to do whatever it takes to fix my marriage? 你上次说我应该不惜代价挽救婚姻?
"Whatever it takes to reach his maximum potential, " she said. "It's worth it. " 她说:“只要能开发出他的最大潜能,我们做父母的,干什么都值了。”
Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy. 做那些凡事让你感觉富有的事情。
"If I can help them to live two more days, or two more years, whatever it takes. This is what makes me happy. " “如果我能帮助他们再活两天,或两年,我愿不惜代价,这才让我感到幸福。”
Managing a Greek default should be presented as a measure of Europe's political will to do whatever it takes to sustain the single currency. 应该把掌控希腊违约的行动当作衡量欧盟政治意愿的一个指标,看它是否愿意尽一切可能保住单一货币。
Regardless, many teenagers feel it's a necessity to own a car, and will do whatever it takes to be able to drive. 不论怎样说,很多青少年仍是感觉有辆车是需要的,只需能开上车,干什么都行。
Acknowledge that sacrifices and effort are necessary to reach your goal, and be willing to do whatever it takes. 承认在达到目标前,努力与付出是必需的,并且无论发生什么都愿意做下去。
Do whatever it takes to give yourself resolution and closure, and do so without hoping that you are going to get back together. 做一些可以让你解决问题和消除窘况事情,不要心怀期许两人又会在一起。
A free-spirited musician, determined to stay true to herself, will do whatever it takes to follow her heart. 一个自由奔放的音乐家,决心要忠于自己,会尽一切跟随她的心。
One is his willingness to do whatever it takes to put down the rebellion. 其一是他愿意采取一切措施来镇压叛乱。
Gordon Brown promises to "do whatever it takes to ensure the stability of the UK financial system" as Bradford & Bingley is nationalised. 英国财政大臣GordonBrown承诺:“尽一切所能,确保英国金融系统的稳定。”并将Bradford&Bingley进行国有化。
"Whatever it takes" is not a bad motto for the fight to save the eurozone. 对旨在拯救欧元区的战斗而言,“尽一切努力”是个不错的口号。
There is a strong resolve in Brussels to do whatever it takes, recognising that economic failure would hurt more than Europe's amour propre. 欧盟当局有很大决心采取一切必要措施,因为它已经意识到,经济崩溃带来的痛苦将远大于欧洲自尊受挫带来的痛苦。