what you want

  • 网络需要什么商品;你想要什么;你想要我干什么

what you wantwhat you want

what you want


例如:在定货的信中,必须明确说明 "需要什么商品"(What you want) " 何时需要" (When you need the goods) " 货物发到何地何 …


小绿豆? - 小刚 - 网易博客 ... - Something need doing? 要做点什么吗? - What you want? 你想要什么? - Okie dokie. 好的好的 ...


兽族步兵_百度百科 ... - Master? 主人? - What you want? 你想要我干什么? - Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我? ...


中译 共有 412 笔相关歌词。 ... 10.oceans (脑海) 1.what You Want (随心所欲) 2.just The Way You Are (在我眼前的你) ...


... (Splitting Images) 1-06:你想要的 (What You Want) 1-07:苦团圆 (Bitter Reunions) 1-08:爱的囚犯 (Prisoner's of Love) 1-0…


Our Lady Peace-Not... ... I am always here 反正不过如此 What you want 你想要什麽? What you lost 你失去什麽? ...


英语重点词组复... ... social situations 社会情况 72.... what you want 你想要的内容 73 catch up with sb 赶上,追上(学习) 74 ...


Evanescence ... ... 12. Swimming Home( 回家之路) 01. What You Want( 你还想要些什么) 02. Made Of Stone( 心硬如石) ...

Okay, just do what you want. I count on you. By the way, how much you charge for a shampoo in set? 好的,就按你说的做。我指望你了。顺便问一下,你们洗头发的收费是多少?
Traditionally mutators have always been a community effort and we feel that it should stay like this, only you know what you want. 传统的插件一直是社团里面每位成员共同的努力,我们认为应这样,只要你想的到你就能得到。
I'm going to keep trying to update it as much as possible, but if anyone has any ideas for what you want put up, let me know! 我要不断尝试更新它尽可能多,但如果任何人有任何的想法是什么你想提出,让我知道了!
However, if this person takes you out and does not make a loving connection, the form of "going out" will not bring you what you want. 然而,即使这人真的带你出去吃晚餐,也无法与你成为充满爱的灵魂连结,「出门去」的形式将不会带给带给你你所想要的。
Fallen into your world~If the kiss is what you want, then my hearts beat for you as well. . . 沉陷入你的世界之中~如果说这个吻是你也想要的,那我的心脏就是为了你而跳的…
Try to have fun in everything you do. Hapiness begins with a smile. And becoming what you want starts with doing it! 试着做某事的时候多一点的乐趣,快乐从一个微笑开始,也从你做你想做的事开始。
say goodbye forever to excuses , indifference and regrets . stand up , claim what you want and get ready to do what it takes to get it. 向各种借口、冷漠、和遗憾说永别吧。站起来,大声说出你的目标,并准备好为实现目标做出必要的付出。
Instead of going for what you want, you commit to thinking about it a little longer; possibly for the rest of your life. 你不去争取你想要的东西,而用更长时间,甚至是你的余生致力于思考。
If what you want is more money, a lawyer may not be able to help much there, either. 如果你想得到之是更多之钱,律师可能也帮不上多大之忙。
You may still be trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. 你可能仍然处在摸索的过程,想弄明白到底什么才是你想要的。
Your relationship pattern is often contradictory , making it hard for you to know what you want and what you need. 你的两性相处模式通常是自相矛盾饿,这使得你很难道认清自己想要的和需要的。
He is able to give you what you want to hear and what he wanted to give the audience in terms of knowledge. 他是能够给你你想要什么听到什么,他想给观众在知识方面。
When you start a business, you need to have the frame of mind that this is what you want to do for the rest of your life. 开始一项事业的时候,你要有明确的心态:这就是我下半辈子想要做的事情。
There will be hundreds of people out there with your same degree; there will be thousands of people doing what you want to do for a living. 将会有成百上千的人在与你相同的程度,将有成千上万的人做你想要做什么谋生。
Go for what you want. . . you certainly dont need a man to achieve what you want. . . but at least be consistent about it. 在想得到你想要的东西时…你肯定不希望让一个男人来替你实现梦想…这一点上可能每个女性都是一致的。
Beauty you do not, the money you do not, what you want. 美女你不要,钱你也不要,你要什么啊。
If you find the truth too difficult to bear, you'll be enslaved to those who tell you what you want to hear. 如果你发现真相难以承受,那么你就会成为对你甜言蜜语者的奴隶;
Daydreaming can motivate you and give you a clear idea of what you want your end goal to be, but it won't help you get there any faster. 白日梦能激励你并给你一个终极目标的清晰轮廓,但是它不能让你继续前进。
A lot of it depends on what you want to get out of your study. 此取决于你想要学习的大量的知识。
What you want is yours. Do not mistake the little effort that is asked of you for an indication that our goal is of little worth. 你想要什么,那东西便非你莫为,不要误以为,这练习只要求你付出这一点点精力,就表示我们的目标大概也没什么了不起。
The pleasure of shopping is not the moment you get what you want, but the process of walking, looking for and finding. 购物的乐趣不只是买到你想买的东西的那一刻,也包括逛街,寻找和找到想要的东西的过程。
If I have prejudices against you, I won't be able to understand what you are talking about, or what you want to tell me, I cut you off. 如果我对你有偏见,我就不能理解你在说什么,或者你想告诉我什么,我把你隔断了。
Do what you want, how much ability you in the end? 你想怎样就怎样,你到底有多大的能耐?
Photo Tip: Remember that light can bring emphasis to what you want the viewer to be drawn to in a photograph. 摄影小贴士:记住,光线可以强化你希望观众看到的东西。
My pressure on her hips, sinking my fingertips into every inch of you, 'cause I know that's what you want me to do. 我的压力在她的臀部,沉入你的每寸我的指尖,因为我知道这就是你要我做什么。
Connected up, it's a great trade-off in terms of the size of the device and simplicity, and that's often what you want. 向上连接,它在装置和单纯的术语同样大小中是一个很棒的交换,而且那时常是你想要的事情。
You realize that you have the power to make decisions that are right for you and with that comes the confidence to go for what you want. 你会发现自己有能力做出正确的决定,并且更加有信心地去追求你想要的生活。
If its a genre I am not familiar with, let me hear some music close it to to get an idea of what you want. 如果这是个流派,我不熟悉,让我听到一些音乐关闭这方面得到你想要一个什么样的想法。
when you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it. 当你认为自己不可能得到你想要的,很可能的是你不会得到它。
Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay. 她说:“着手去做吧,去要你想要的东西,在餐厅的另外一端会有人告诉你该付多少钱。”