
美 [weɪst]英 [weɪst]
  • n.腰;腰部;(衣服的)腰部;有…腰身的
  • 网络腰围;背心;腰宽





1.腰;腰部the area around the middle of the body between the ribs and the hips, often narrower than the areas above and below

2.(衣服的)腰部,腰the part of a piece of clothing that covers the waist

3.有…腰身的;腰身…的having the type of waist mentioned


夜火模特刘梦君全套下载 ... 鞋码 Choes:35 腰围 Waist:55 臀围 Hip:84 ...


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服装英语 - 志在蓝天 ... 门襟止口 front edge 腰身 waist 斜下摆 slant-cut bottom ...


考博英语词汇 ... wagon n. 运货马车,运货车;敞篷车厢 waist n. 腰,腰部;背心 walnut n. 胡桃 ...


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690个英语四级高频词汇 ... version n. 版本,译本;说法 292. waist n. 腰,腰部 293. yawn vi. 打哈欠 295. ...


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Often remove parts of the abdomen for the infusion to avoid the belt down and around the waist and 4 ~ 5cm away from the umbilical region. 常取下腹部为输注部位,避开沿着腰带周围和腰围处及距脐4~5cm区域内。
Stripped to the waist her chest is covered only by a pair of braces, with her bust looking noticeably fuller that usual. 赤裸着上身,仅仅用两条肩带遮住胸脯,她的胸部看起来明显比以前丰满了。
Both of his hands are around my tiny waist, I feel the sweat on his hands even through my clothes. 他的双手一直环在我的纤腰上,我隔着衣服都能感觉到他手心的汗。
It was a life-sized man from the waist up, dressed in robes and a turban (to emphasize the mystic quality, I suppose). 它是一个真人大小的机器,上半身穿着穿着长袍,戴着缠头巾(我想是为了增加神秘感)。
10Gaston pulled the sleeve of his wife's dress, gathered his arms around her waist and looked merrily into her troubled eyes. 10加斯顿拉了拉妻子的衣袖,双手搂着她的腰,快乐地望着她那充满困惑的眼睛。
Press both of your legs back toward the wall and lengthen everything from your waist up to the crown of your head away from the wall. 施力于两腿背对着墙,并拉长腰两侧的任何部位向上到头顶远离墙。
I stretch out a pair of emollient big hands, the prison prison embraces Lin Bai Shui's slender waist and picks her up down. 我伸出一双有力的大手,牢牢抱住林白水的细腰,将她接了下来。
His hands caressed her waist gently before they fell and he moved slowly back to take the surrey on to the barn. 他的双手抚摸她的腰,温温暖暖,飘然落下,他缓缓离开回去把马车牵放到库房里。
slung about him - one before and one behind - besides the great cutlass at his waist, and a pistol in each pocket of his square-tailed coat. 希尔弗一前一后背了两支枪,腰间别着一把大弯刀,方襟外套两边的口袋里也各装了一支手枪。
all day long up to heR waist in a tub, in rain, in snow, when the wind cuts your face. 不管下雨下雪,风刮你的脸,她也得从早到晚,把半个身子浸在洗衣桶里。
I still needed a belt, but they were just right now, with a bit of room to spare (the 32 will fit up to a 33 actual measurement waist). 我仍然需要扎腰带,但裤子现在正好合身,还剩余一点空间(看来32最大可以适合实量33的腰围)。
His hand on my waist is as guiding as it always was, and he hums the tune to himself in a steady, youthful way. 像往常一样他把手放在我的腰部引导着我,嘴里哼着曲子,显得沉着冷静,朝气蓬勃。
The Pendulum Type. The waist moves slightly, which is often found in the dance of the Miao nationality. 腰部的动律小,形成上身轻微的摆动,如苗族的舞蹈。
Circle your waist with a tape measure, then move it down until the bottom of the tape rests at the top of your hip bones. 用卷尺围住腰部,然后向下移动,直到卷尺底部停在髋骨上。
A piece of waist Dao. Other fittings is copper, but only the head is iron. Everybody please take a look whether it's the original or not? 腰刀一把。别的装具都是铜的,就刀首是铁的。各位看看是原配的不?。
This kind of body, should be quite easy to put on the clothes, but must avoid the tight-fitting clothing or the low waist trousers. 这种体型,应该是比较容易穿衣的,但要避免紧身衣裤或低腰长裤。
Do not hang the body slumped over the side, hands on each other's waist, or can be gently attached to each other's face. 千万别呆呆的挂在身体两边,手可以放在对方的腰上或者轻轻的贴在对方的脸上。
"You think of her as voluptuous, but that combined with a tiny waist made her exaggeratedly feminine and attractive, " she said. 你觉得她很惹火,又加上杨柳细腰,让她具有了非同寻常的女人味和魅力。
He hitched one end of a rope around the drain pipe and the other one around his waist, then climbed down the building. 他把绳子的一头拴在下水管上,另一头拴在他的腰上,借助绳子爬下了楼。
As she fished for change in a pouch at her waist, she said, "I just want to keep this going. " 边说着,她边把手伸进腰包里找零钱,她说,“我只是希望能坚持下去。”
He had already filled a huge belt that was round his waist, and a bag that hung at his side. Another bag, half full, lay at his feet. 他的腰间多了一条很粗的腰带,还挂着一个装满了黄金的口袋,另外还有半袋黄金堆在他脚边。
The crumple of her waist at the back, as she bent back to look, was a little weary; and it used to be so gay-looking. 当她扭转身去时,她看见她腰部的皱折是疲乏的,但是从前却是很轻盈愉快的!
While his clothes ablaze, the flames shot from his waist to well over his head. 衣服着火了,火苗迅速从他的腰蹿过他的头。
Although my waist is still sore, but my head is not dizzy, and Doctor Say Yes nephritis (the kind of early), is take medicine. 虽然我的腰还在疼,但我的头已经不晕了,医生说是肾炎(初期的那种),正在吃药。
As peri-menopause begins, fat tends to accumulate around the waist and chest, increasing our risk of heart disease. 在这个十年期间,增加的脂肪主要积累在胸部和腰部,这使发生心脏病的几率加大。
Just a moment, please. I'll go and check our stock. How much do you measure around your waist? 请等一下。我会去查看存货。您的腰围多少?(武蓝蕙。
A woman's attractiveness relates to the size of her waist compared with her hips, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixson. 新西兰人类学家巴纳比·迪克森研究发现,女人是否具有吸引力,与腰臀比例有关。
You'll also see him in the relays immediately unzip his suit and pull it off his shoulders and down around his waist. 你也会在接力比赛中看到他迅速解开泳衣把肩上的部分拽到腰间去。
She was standing twenty or thirty meters away, in shorts and an open blouse knotted at the waist, looking at me. 她正站在二、三十米远的地方,身穿短裤和敞开的短上衣系在腰部,正在望着我。
When I perched on the edge of the sofa in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. 我刚在他前面的沙发边缘定,他便用手臂环抱住我的腰,将我拉过去躺靠在他胸前。