a way out

  • 网络摆脱的方法;出路;一条出路

a way outa way out

a way out


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... A watched pot never boils 心急水不开 a way out 摆脱的方法 a wealth of 很多的 ...


By character ... 尺 ruler 出路 a way out 出钱 to pay ...


牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter15... ... ‘Is he in England?’“ 他在英国吗?” ‘A way out?’“ 一条出路?” ...


百度词典搜索_路 ... A pleasant journey to you ! 祝你一路顺风! a way out;means of livelihood; 活路儿 source of income 财路 ...


常春藤生活英语 Witness... ... 4.step in 介入,插手 5.a way out 出路,摆脱困难的办法 1.murder 谋杀;谋杀罪 ...


The Transformers2 变形金刚2 看电影学英语... ... anyway: 无论如何 a way out: 摆脱困难的方法 buckle up: 扣紧 ...


“天无绝人之路”,未必就只有一条出路(a way out),别无他途。因此,根据原文的语境、语气,此句不妨作一点改动:“Anyhow,…

If, however, you see this course as a way out, there might be some point to it. 不过,如果你把此次学习看作一种出路,或许还有些意义。
We end up with exactly what we don't want, but there doesn't seem to be a way out of the rut. 我们最终得到的是我们根本不想要的东西,但似乎没有办法能走出这个怪圈。
Over the next three days, Mr. Trichet sought a way out of his bind by pushing Europe's leaders to overcome disunity and act. 接下来那三天,特里谢试图找到一条解围之道,努力推动欧洲各国领导摒弃歧见、采取行动。
jake , i found a way out ! down in the basement. 杰克,我找到一条出路!在地下室。
Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way out of her difficulties by opening a day nersery. 从纺织厂下岗半年后,她开了一家日托所,为自己找到了一条出路。
Eva. Eva: But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself. I'll be in touch. 但是我不能太靠近你的牢房,你得自己想办法出去了。我会联络你的。
Turning the yuan into a reserve currency offers China a way out of its mercantilist growth model, which has run its course. 将人民币变成储备货币给中国提供了一条道路使中国可以走出已经物尽其用的重商主义增长模式。
Unable to find a way out in the dark cave, they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of direction. 不能找一个出路在黑暗中洞,他们被惊吓并且不需要一个方向感就忧虑地跑。
This situation is profoundly unsatisfactory, but neither Bacon nor any of his successors have found a way out of it. 这种事态真不如意到极点,但是无论培根或他的任何后继者,都没从这局面中找到一条出路。
And if you see the danger then you will listen, you are already in a state of acute listening to find out if there is a way out of this. 而如果你看到了其中的危险,那么你会倾听,你就已经在一种敏锐的聆听状态中去发现从中是否有出路。
Only a few people try to resist for their temperaments can't stand this, some of whom find a way out with a suitable job and life style. 只有少数人的脾性忍受不了束缚,试图反抗。他们中的一些找到了出路,一个适合自己的职业和生活方式。
At once, she said that if they would go home with her she would show them a way out of their trouble. 她立刻说,如果她们和她一起回家,就告诉她们解决问题的办法。
Mr Sarkozy's prime minister Franç ois Fillon said in June that he would come up with a way out of the impasse, but nothing happened. 早在今年6月,法国总理菲永就曾对记者说,会想出一个办法摆脱僵局,但什么事都没有发生。
A way out of this problem is to "hang a lantern" --to have an on-screen character question the same logic an audience is likely to question. 解决这个问题的一个办法就是“挂灯笼”,即让屏幕里面的角色提出根据逻辑观众可能会提出的问题。
It might be considered to his trust to the professor or to his effort to free from his depression and try to find a way out. 3他可能以为教授不信赖他,他所作的努力白费了以至于他很沮丧,然后开始试着找寻问题所在。
Algernon has no central brain that calculates a way out of the maze. Algernon没有计算迷宫出路的中央大脑。
Now George Bush's Democratic critics want him to talk to both Iran and Syria to help find a way out of Iraq. 如今,批评布什的民主党希望他能与伊朗和叙利亚都谈谈,以助找到在伊拉克的脱困之法。
I wonder if there is a way out of all this division into something that cannot be divided, separated? 我想知道有没有一条走出这一切分别进入某种无法分离、无法割裂之物的道路?
Soon the two of you will have pained expressions on your faces as you desperately search for a way out. 因为你们两个都急于找个理由离开,你们脸上很快就会出现痛苦的神情。
"Umm, " I stammered trying desperately to think of a way out, "I am really out of practice. I'm not sure if I can do it. " “呃,那个……我疏于练习很久了。实在不确定是否能够胜任。”我结结巴巴地做垂死挣扎,希望能够想出一个脱身之法。
"Bacteria are at the bottom of a deep chasm in the energy landscape, and they never found a way out, " explained Dr Martin. “细菌位于能源景观中的一个深深鸿沟的底部,而且他们从来没有找到一条出路,”马丁博士解释。
After many lurid front page headlines, he turned up in Belgium having contemplating suicide as a way out of his depression. 在出现在许多的第一版的头条后,他出现在比利时把企图自杀作为他的抑郁症的一种出路。
He was very anxious and scratched his head but failed to think of a way out. 他急得抓耳挠腮也想不出办法来。
He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one. 他正在设法想出一条出路,但那是不可能的。
Milan and Juventus are ready to offer Portugal international Nani a way out of his Manchester United misery, according to the Italian Press. 据意大利媒体报道,米兰和尤文图斯正准备为葡萄牙国脚纳尼报价,将他带离曼联。
I began to prise at the doors to see if there was a way out. 我开始撬门,想看看能不能出去。
A time came when the king finally got tired of himself and of life, and he began to seek a way out. 有一天,国王终于对自己的这种性格厌倦了,他想下决心改掉它。
Hell on earth to the door has been opened, the fate of humanity seems to be a way out of the sealed! 地狱通往人间的大门已经打开,人类命运的出路似乎被封死!
Billy was out of bed, groping along a wall, trying to find a way out because he had to take a leak so badly. 毕利比床上起来,沿着墙想找个地方走出去,因为小便憋得慌。
Father said, " Things which happen cannot be changed. Don't be so sad. There is always a way out. " 父亲说,“事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路!”