after all

  • na.毕竟;终究;最后
  • 网络究竟;到底;终于

after allafter all

after all


大学英语四级常用词组 ... above all 首先,尤其是 after all 毕竟,究竟 ahead of 在...之前 ...


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • Lausanne • (瑞士西部城市)洛桑 • after all • 毕竟;终究 • Peru • 秘鲁 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... above all 首先,尤其是 after all 毕竟,究竟 ahead of 在...之前 ...


Just Gor For It!!! - 乃牛 - 网易博客 ... 9,account for 解释 10,after all 到底 11,allergic to 对 ……过敏 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be alike to 与…相同,与…相似 after all 毕竟,终究;虽然这样 all along 始终,一直,一贯 ...


a few_百度文库 ... after a while= 过了一分,不久 after all= 终于,毕竟;虽然这样 ahead of= 在…前面,先于 ...


“终”字怎么组词 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... [finality;end] 结束;完结 [after all] 终归,最后还是 [eventually] 终究;毕竟 ...

After all, how much damage could one pathetic little furball really do? 毕竟,一个可怜兮兮的小毛球能搞出多大破坏呢?
in 1969, after all, that created momentum for a moratorium on new offshore drilling, and another spill could change the poll numbers today. 毕竟是在1969年加利福尼亚城市圣巴巴拉海岸发生一次重大漏油事故后,人们对于新的近海钻探活动呼叫暂停的势头才出现。
After all, Life is usual, or even trifling , not very alike a poem and a picture, sometimes, it seems to be the plain essays one by one. 生活毕竟是平常甚或是琐碎的,没有那么多的诗情画意,有时候倒觉得像一篇篇朴素的随笔。
And after all that I put you through now I see Im not the only one. 而且毕竟,我替你接通我见到的现在我不是唯一的一个。
After all, isn't that how you got a proposal out of him? 你不就是这样才让他求的婚?
After all, he made a habit of ending each evening with a set of ultra-modern pieces. 毕竟,他形成了一种习惯,以一套超现代的作品来结束每场音乐会。
'I wanted to keep my guest bedroom clear, ' she said, adding that she may have to turn it into a shoe closet after all. “我不想把这些东西放到客卧,”她说。不过梅隆又补充说,或许她还是要把这间屋子改造成一个专门放鞋子的地方。
I started to wonder if he would be better off living with someone after all, but I knew he could not leave the farm. 我开始还在想是不是还是有人陪着爷爷一起住更好些,可是我也知道他不会离开农场。
After all, the free material does not add up to a diploma, and viewers can't interact with the faculty. 毕竟,免费资料并不意味着学历,浏览者无法与教师进行互动。
Obviously, her refusal of his proposal was a great blow to him, but after all he was able to get over with the misery. 很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。
After all an axioms wants to establish to to satisfy numerous precondition, impossible assurance each words is all certainly right. 毕竟一个定理要成立要满足众多的先决条件,不可能保证每句话都一定正确。
after all, it isn't easy to ask soldiers or bankers to broaden their vision. 而让士兵或银行家扩展自己的眼界则并不简单。
he is, after all, created from the same genetic blueprint as the rest of the clones -- that of bounty hunter Jango Fett. 毕竟,他和其他克隆人一样,是由同一个基因蓝图——赏金猎人詹高·费特的基因——生产出来的。
Thing is, Mr Scofield is not our problem anymore. Seems there was an error in his paperwork. He's going to be transferred after all. 先生已经不会再成为我们的问题了。他的文件了出了点错误,仍将被转狱。
They're all likable, and after all these years, it's easy to understand them like actual friends. 他们都很可爱,这么多年之后,我们对他们的了解就像对自己身边的朋友一样。
After all three keys for a type of logon have been used, the Client Access server deletes the oldest key and creates a new one. 使用了某个登录类型的全部三个密钥之后,客户端访问服务器将删除最早的密钥并新建一个密钥。
Childhood is better, but, after all, life is only a starting point, naive, simple, and can only belong to the starting point of ignorance. 童年固然美好,但那毕竟只是人生的起点,幼稚,单纯,无知也只能属于起点。
I don't know what made me start confiding in her. She was a chance acquaintance, after all, someone I'd met on a train journey. 我不知道是什么原因使我开始信任她。她毕竟只是一个萍水友伴,一个我在坐火车途中相遇的人。
It had to be recognized, after all, that I was still a school boy. 必须认识到我终究还只是个学生。
After all, that college freshman you might have otherwise offended could be your boss one day. 然而,那个你也许有偏见大学新生,可能有一天就是你的新BOSS。
Part of the appeal of bottled water, after all, was that you didn't have to plan ahead by filling a canteen. 瓶装水的一部分吸引力就是,你不需要把费劲地去填满器具柜。
He could picture his grandmother placing flowers on top of his namesake's grave, a few tears in her eyes even after all these years. 他可以想象他的外婆把花放在那个与他同名的人的坟墓上,并且在这么多年之后眼睛中仍然有几滴泪水。
After all the concern over possible damage to health from using mobile phones, scientists have found a potential benefit from radiation. 在经历使用手机可能对身体导致的种种伤害之后,科学家终于发现了手机辐射一个潜在的益处。
Some are inclined to shrug their shoulders. After all, corruption does not seem to be stopping India from growing. 有些人只是耸耸肩,毕竟腐败看来并未阻止印度发展的脚步。
After all, when someone says something pleasant to you directly, it's easy to discount it as mere politeness, or even flattery. 毕竟,当某人对你直接说一些好听的话,你很容易对它打点折扣而当做是礼貌或甚至当做是阿谀。
The past was more like smoke and dream, had gone with the wind. Expect tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day! 往事如烟似梦,已经随风而逝。还是期盼明天吧,毕竟,明天又会是崭新的一天!
When he returned, the market had closed, and he did not get his shoes after all. 等他赶回来时,市集已经关了,他还是没能买到鞋。
After all, Mary's running away had been genuine enough; though it had the results that any calculating woman could have foreseen. 归根结底说来,玛丽是存心出走的,虽然这事情的后果任何一个有心机的女人都能够预料得到的。
He went home to get it, but when he returned, the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all. 他回家去取量好的尺码。等他赶回来时,市集已经关了,他还是没能买到鞋。
But it's killing me to see you go after all this time. 但当看到你这次离开我时,那种感觉就能将我杀死