
美 [pərˈsu]英 [pə(r)ˈsjuː]
  • v.追求;追逐;追赶;跟踪
  • 网络从事;追踪;继续

第三人称单数:pursues 现在分词:pursuing 过去式:pursued

pursue career,pursue policy,pursue life,pursue strategy,pursue truth
actively pursue,pursue systematically



1.~ sth追求;致力于;执行;贯彻to do sth or try to achieve sth over a period of time

2.~ sth.+ speech继续探讨(或追究、从事)to continue to discuss, find out about or be involved in sth

3.~ sb/sth追逐;跟踪;追赶to follow or chase sb/sth, especially in order to catch them


务字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 谋求〖 seek〗 追求pursue〗 事业;事务〖 affair;business〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... obsequious a 谄媚的,奉承的 pursue v 追赶;追击 section n 切开;部门 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... previous a. 先,前,以前的 222. pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行 224. stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐 …


我的地盘我做主 - yueming - 网易博客 ... run after 追求;追赶;追逐 pursue vt. 从事;追赶;继续;纠缠 ...


蹑_百度百科 ... 10、追随;追赶[ follow] [pursue] 追踪;追随在人后面 [lighten (one's step)] 放轻脚步走 ...


我的地盘我做主 - yueming - 网易博客 ... run after 追求;追赶;追逐 pursue vt. 从事;追赶;继续;纠缠 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... obsequious a 谄媚的,奉承的 pursue v 追赶;追击 section n 切开;部门 ...


新视野大学英语 单词表 第四册 - 新月空中英语 ... virtue 美德,优点;贞操 pursue 追捕,追求,继续从事 glory 光荣,荣誉 ...

Eventually, the author, Doug Lea, decided to pursue making it a standard part of the Java platform as JSR-166. 最终,作者DougLea决定设法让它成为Java平台的标准部分——JSR-166。
Some parents participating in the Fuxin No. 2 school suit said they faced pressure from local authorities not to pursue the matter. 参加富新二小诉讼的一些父母说,他们面临着当地政府要求他们不再追究此事的压力。
If not openly, will be counted as breaches of discipline, we must pursue the matter and the responsibility of the unit leadership. 如果没有公开,一律算作违规违纪,要追究当事人和单位领导的责任。
Her reason was that math was something she was good at but probably wouldn't pursue on her own, as she would literature or home economics. 她的理由是她数学较好,但自己不大可能像文学和家政学那样主动去学。
You might be able to pursue it within your current job, or do it as a side job or just as a hobby at first. 你可能在现在的工作中就能实践,或者把它作为兼职来做,或者仅仅从爱好出发。
That would give it a majority in both chambers, and hence greater freedom to pursue its own agenda. 这样,它就会在两院都占大多数,因而在施展它自己的施政方针时会有更大的自由。
As the price tends to be fixed, cutting down the cost is the only way for coal enterprises to pursue the maximization of economic benefits. 在价格趋于一定的情况下,降低成本是煤炭企业追求经济效益最大化的唯一出路。
I will learn more than I can do to pursue a bright future. Life is only once for everyone. Don't loss it in wasting your life. 我要更多的学习,追赶更美好的明天。因为,生命对每个人都只有一次。不要浪费生命。
Only by continous efforts to put a full stop into a comma and to pursue your goal can a perfect full stop be waiting for you in the front. 只有不断努力地把句号变为逗号,不断地追求自己的目标,完美的句号才会在前方等待你。
As she wishes to pursue a number of different activities in the UK HSMP is for her. 为她提供了希望在英国追求更大成就的途径。
This sensitivity of character drove her to pursue her study of English in a much different way from my other students. 由于她的易感,她以一种与我的其他那些学生很不一样的方式从事英语学习。
"We think the ghrelin prompted the mice to pursue the high-fat chow because they remembered how much they enjoyed it, " Dr. Perello said. “我们认为脑肠肽导致小鼠选择高脂食物,因为它们知道高脂是其最喜爱的食物,”伯勒约博士介绍。
Luckily, I know how to access internet now. Those days as you flied on the sky and I jump to pursue you on earth have gone with the wind. 还好,我学会了上网,以前那种你在天上飞啊飞,我在地上追啊追的日子将一去不复返了。
The last four lines repeat the contents of the front, and show singer's desire to pursue a better life again. 最后四行重复前面的内容,再次表达了歌者追求美好生活的愿望。
What's next for Candice? She dreams of coming out with a calendar featuring Champ, but she definitely plans to pursue photography. 坎迪斯下一步的打算是什么?她希望能够推出一套查姆普的日历,另外她打算坚定地追求她的摄影事业。
The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him. 人的本能是追逐从他身边飞走
You know, i did the same thing. Well, it was rutgers, not brown, But i got in and i realized that if i didn't pursue music, I'd never do it. 我以前也做过同样的事。是罗格斯大学,不是布朗大学,但我进了大学才发现,如果我不追求音乐,我就永远不能了。
Mahathir Mohamad, why Datuk Yong Teck Lee did not raise and pursue this matter when he was the Sabah Chief Minister? 为什么杨德利当时身为沙首席部长时并没有提出这种问题呢?
She was the first day, sitting in the front row, to those who pursue the vision of a relentless back of the head. 她每天到得最早,坐在前排,给那些追寻的目光一个无情的后脑勺。
Exactly they pursue the spirit of dream to let me infatuate deeply, hearing one of their song can get the power. 正是他们的追求梦想的精神让我深深着迷,听他们的每一首歌都能得到力量。
Taiwan aborigines' myth of Shooting the Sun came into being in the precondition to pursue permanent survival. 台湾原住民的射日神话,便在其为追求永续生存的前题下应运而生。
Be persistent. If you know what you're doing is important and right, stick to it. Doggedly pursue your goals. Learn to "fail forward" . 要坚持。如果你知道你做的事是重要且正确的,那就要坚持下去。顽强地追逐自己的目标。要学会“向前摔跤”。
You need to: give her a little space - let her 'miss' you just a bit. Let her pursue you. 你所需要的是:给她一个小小的空间--让她多想你一点,让她追求你。
Ultimately, it is up to the people of Asia to pursue their own rights and aspirations, just as we have seen people do all over the world. 最终,应由亚洲人民来追求自己的权利和愿望,就像我们在全世界看到的一样。
You never know how much time you are going to have to live you life, so pursue your passions and make the right choice now. 你永远不知道你还能生活多少时间,因为追求你酷爱的东西,现在就作出正确的选择。
But he said his coalition government will continue to pursue its own strategy in countering the Taliban insurgency. 不过,他说巴基斯坦联合政府在打击塔利班暴乱活动中将继续执行自己的战略。
It [a government] must try to create the right conditions, but the individual himself and herself must pursue happiness. 政府必须努力创造正确的条件,但每个人都得去追求幸福。
The professor was amazed and decided to pursue the matter further. 这位教授对这个调查结果很吃惊,而决定更深入了解。
Everybody has authority to pursue style, the problem that how much is beautiful money, and depend on holding whether meticulously . 每个人都有权追求时尚,不是花钱多少的问题,而在于是否精心把握。
Indeed, in the end, it was a belated attempt to pursue reform and take on some of the LDP's vested interests that did for Mr Fukuda. 表面看来,政治一如平常,但事实上,对于福田而言,追求改革并挑战自民党某些即得利益的尝试为时已晚。