
美 [pɪt]英 [pɪt]
  • n.深洞;深坑;矿井;麻子
  • v.使…表面有斑点;在…上打洞;去掉…的果核
  • 网络凹坑;匹兹堡(Pittsburgh);陷阱


bottomless pit
dig pit


n. v.

深洞deep hole

1.[c]深洞;深坑a large deep hole in the ground

2.[c]矿井a deep hole in the ground from which minerals are dug out

商业in business

5.[c](交易所中某一商品的)交易场所the area of a stock exchange where a particular product is traded


be the pits

是坏典型;是拙劣典型;最糟糕to be very bad or the worst example of sth

the pit of your/the stomach

心窝;心底the bottom of the stomach where people say they feel strong feelings, especially fear

机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... peeling 剥离 pit pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀 ...


形成凹坑(pit) 等而不是导槽。导槽和凹坑等可以结合地形成。


点击航空公司代码即可链接到运价表:_馆档网 ... PHL (费城), PIT (匹兹堡), PVD (普罗维登斯), ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... pistol 手枪 pit 坑,深洼;陷阱;煤矿 pitch 沥青;掷 v.投掷,扔 ...


植物细胞_互动百科 ... 2. 细胞质( cytoplasm) 1) 纹孔pit) 2)胞间连丝( plasmodesma) ...


电动车常用英文_百度文库 ... Friction 摩擦,摩擦力 Pit 深坑 起凹 Floor removeable 可移动板 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... piston 活塞 pit 坑,深渊,陷井,煤矿 pitch 沥青 ...


凹洞 (pit) 和平面 (land) 连续序列的集合中,有一些特定序列特别容易受到碟片瑕疵的影响,假如可以避免这些序列的发生, …

The whole stinking civilized world lies like a quagmire at the bottom of the pit, and over it, like a mirage, hovers this wavering smile. 整个发臭的文明世界像一块沼泽地一样处于这个深渊底部,这种犹犹豫豫的微笑像一座海市蜃楼一样在上面飘忽不定地摇曳。
The deep pit which had been the cellar, the blackened field- stone foundations and two mighty chimneys marked the site. 那个原来是酒窖的深坑,那些烧黑了的粗石墙基和两个巨大的烟囱,便是这幢大厦所在的唯一标志。
One by one, they emerged through a swinging door, out of a pit a half-mile deep, pumping fists and hugging family. A great-grandfather. 们一个接一个地从半英里深处陆续升井,走出转门,击拳庆祝,与家人拥抱。
Just as he thought of the concert thing, his car stuck in a pit. 正当他想着音乐会的事情,他的车卡在一个坑里。
They were exactly like auctioneers buying and selling their wares except that they were in a trading pit battling it out. 他们就像拍卖一样,只是他们在交易所场内而已。
Well, I just feel that I would plunge into a pit if I had to secede, as you put it. 照你说的,我觉得如果我不得不离开的话,我就跳进了一个陷阱。
Schumacher almost edged Barrichello into the pit wall as he tried in vain to stop his former team mate passing him for P10 late in the race. 大舒马赫几乎将巴里切罗挤到PIT墙,他企图阻止他的前队友在上周的比赛中超过他获得第十。
Q. You and the car look to be in shape. How are the mechanics, with all the pit stop simulations you've done? 你和车的情况看起来都很不错。那从模拟测试中完成进站的情况来看,机械师的状态如何?
Since the beginning of this decade, the stock market has been a money pit. 自从十年前开始,股市就已经是一个金钱陷阱了。
We were a bit worried about a problem with an exhaust and so we told the driver to be very careful at the second pit stop. 我们那时很担心轮胎衰竭的问题,所以我们告诉车手要在第二次进站的时候非常小心。
Halve the avocado and remove the pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl. Reserve the shells for serving. 牛油果纵切对半去核。勺出牛油果肉放入碗里。牛油果壳预留用来盛蘸酱用。
Race spectators around the world will continue to see the name of the renowned CERTINA brand on the pit-stop-lane lollipop. 世界各地的赛车观众将继续在停车站的信号牌上看到著名的CERTINA品牌。
To get out, you have to get the enemy to go over the top of the 1 and fill the pit at the bottom. 要出去,您得想办法诱敌到1的顶端,并让它「填补」底端的陷阱。
He was still amazed by how soundly they slept, as if night were some sort of pit they had been thrown into, something irreversible. 他常常惊讶于她们熟睡的程度,好像跌入了黑夜的深坑,一去不回头。
"That's a nice dinosaur, " she said as she played in the fossil pit at the end of the trail. “那只恐龙很和善,”她一边在路径终点处的化石坑里玩,一边说道。
The obscurity was more dense there than elsewhere. It was a pit of mire in a cavern of night. 黑暗在这儿比任何地方都深厚,这是夜之洞穴中的一个泥坑。
To test the theory, the scientists recreated what ancient tool makers might have done by heating a pile of silcrete stone in a fire pit. 为了检验这个理论,科学家们通过在一个火坑里加热砾岩石,重现了远古工匠们可能的做法。
'A full gravel-pit, all right? ' said the Psammead, sounding bored. ' But get out before I begin, or you'll die underneath it. “满满一砾石坑,行了吧?”赛米德说,听起来它不耐烦了。“可在我开始之前先走开,不然你们会被压死的。”
The stomach ache calls the epigastric pain, is often has the ache primarily illness by the stomach cavity near pit of the stomach place. 胃痛又称胃脘痛,是以胃脘近心窝处常发生疼痛为主的疾患。
He paused, open-mouthed, on the verge of the pit of his own depravity and utter worthlessness to breathe the same ar she did. 他张着嘴,打住了,在快要落入堕落的深渊时打住了。他完全不配跟她呼吸同一种空气!
And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand. 以后,我看见一位天使从天降下,手持深渊的钥匙和一条大锁链。
The only happy thing was a small pit on top of it, which would be filled with water after rain. 稍稍能安慰我们的,是在那石上有一个不大不小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。
When we woke up the next morning, Hillary and I knew I had jumped into another pit I'd have to dig myself out of. 第二天醒来的时候,我和希拉里都清楚我昨天跳进了一个深渊,必须自己想办法寻路出来。
An idea that tantalized global financial markets came out of the weekend and immediately sank into the tar pit of European decision making. 一个令全球金融市场翘首以待的想法上周末出炉了,但马上就沉入了欧洲的决策泥沼中。
I think we will see tomorrow after the start, at the first pit stop and how much fuel everybody has, but it's too early to say. 我想我们得看明天的起步和第一停,看看每个人到底带了多少油,现在说这个还为时过早。
Trading on the floor, down in the pit, might have been exciting during this era, but today the Chicago Board of Trade floor is silent. 在那个时代,也许在场内交易很刺激,但是现在的芝加哥交易所场内很安静。
The open-pit mining of a surface-oxidized copper ore was carried out which did not consider the influence of underground mining at all. 某铜矿区地表氧化矿的露天开采活动就是在完全不考虑对地下开采的影响下进行的。
In the pit of that conflict tens of thousands of people were dying each year, at least ten times more than in Afghanistan today. 在伊拉克冲突最严重的时候,每年有成千上万人死去,这个数字是阿富汗目前伤亡人数的至少10倍。
Suddenly, a beam of reddish light formed an arc from the ditch, and the horse, as if treading on air, leaped out of the pit. 张郃挺枪来刺,忽然一道红光,从土坑中滚起,那匹马平空一跃,跳出坑外。
By the outer margin of the pit was an oval pond, and over it hung the attenuated skeleton of a chrome-yellow moon. 在深谷的外侧边缘,有一个椭圆形的池塘,池塘上高悬着一勾朦胧昏黄的残月。