
美 [dæd]英 [dæd]
  • n.爸爸;爹爹
  • int.〈美口〉神
  • 网络二极管阵列检测器(diode-array detector);父亲;爹(daddy)


Dad say,get Dad,tell Dad,see Dad,Dad know





人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... city n. 城市 dad n. (非正式用语)爸爸 Tuesday n. 星期二 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 232 grandpa n (口语)爷爷,外公 233 dad n (口语)爸爸,爹爹 234 wife n 妻子 ...

二极管阵列检测器(diode-array detector)

二极管阵列检测器DAD) 的高效液相色谱(h ighperfo rm ance liqu id ch rom atography, HPLC) 法。


雪拉扎德·哈维_百度百科 ... Childhood( 童年) Dad父亲) Efficient( 效率) ...


所以都喊Dad),妈 (英Mum,美 Mom)!一如他们的成人一样。


双语美文-在线阅读 ... 布雨之龙 The Dragons Who Rained 老爸 Dad 一杯牛奶的温暖 A Glass of Milk ...

重复地址检测(Duplicate Address Detection)

可参见: RFC 4429 - Optimistic Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) for IPv6 (2) 生成IPv6地址后立即发送用于DAD的邻居请求(…

He knows how much I like sports and still he is going to call my dad. 他知道我有多么喜爱运动,但是他仍然要打电话给我爸。
It's prepared the night before, which means it's ready to go as soon as Dad wakes up itching for a tasty breakfast. 这款菜肴需要提前一夜准备,也就意味着等到爸爸起床为早餐挠头时,能够尽快呈上。
After 20minutes, the little boy picked up a toy plane, walked up to my Dad and said, "how much for this, Mister? " 20分钟后,小男孩拿起一架玩具飞机,走向我爸爸,问:“先生,这个多少钱?”
"Is tITe love in with you and Dad? " I question IT in a Very abundance low voice. 我低声地问道:“你和爸爸之间有么有感情啊?”
It had some pencil scribblings and at the top of the page was written, "My Dad. " It was a poem about me. 上面是铅笔涂写的文章,在页面的上面写着:《我的爸爸》--一首关于我的诗。
Bing Xin's grandmother to see from the prose of "Laughter, " Dad, turn on the side of her mother stacked blankets. 看起了冰心奶奶的散文《笑》,爸爸,就在一旁翻叠妈妈的被褥。
They talk about their dad fondly and matter-of-factly, and have big pictures of him in their rooms. 他们会满怀深情、实事求是地谈论自己的父亲,在他们的房间里挂着他的大幅肖像。
He dumps his mother, takes up with dad and toddles off into the sunset with a copper-bottomed male gender identity. 他丢开母亲,和父亲讲话,带着一种完全可靠的男性性别感,摇摇晃晃地走进阳光里。
My dog decided to go through the trash, then ran up to my dad with one of our used condoms caught on her teeth. 狗狗跑去垃圾箱里翻了半天,然后叼着一只用过的套套跑到了我爸那里去。
quite a similar feeling while writing this diary as there was a diary about my dad in the early of this year too. haha! 写这篇日记的时候感觞有点似曾相似,年初的时候好像也因为爸爸写了类似的文字。
Jeffrey: Not only was I born in Salinas , but I lived there all my life. So when my dad announced that we were moving, it was quite a shock. 杰夫利:我出生在萨利纳斯,而且是一直生活在那儿,有一天爸爸对我们说要搬家了,我们都愣了。
In her dream, there was a room full of people crowding around the bottom of a long staircase, anticipating her dad's arrival. 在梦里,有一个房间,站满了人,他们都拥挤在一个长楼梯的末端,等着她父亲的到来。
At the end, I would like to encourage you to talk to your dad more, to discuss your plan with him, and to try to get his support. 最后,我想鼓励你和你的爸爸多交谈,多和他讨论你的计划,并且试着得到他的赞同。
"I had a little poem that I would recite to myself at least four to five times a day, " was Dad's reply to my 18-year-old unasked question. “有一首小诗,我一天至少会给自己背四至五次。”这是我父亲对这个我十八岁时不敢问的问题的回答。
If you don't live near your Dad, you can promise to do a few things to help out around the house on the next visit-thenfollow through! 如果你住的离爸爸不近,可以许诺下次去看他时帮他做几件家务事,要说到做到哦!
The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. 接下来的一天,爸爸拿出他儿时的照片告诉我一些他童年的故事。
One of our daughters woke me in the middle of the night and said, "Dad, I had a bad dream, and now I can't sleep. " 我的一个女儿在半夜把我叫醒,对我说:「爸爸,我作了一个恶梦,现在睡不著了。」
We watched it over and over, my son clinging to it as some kind of validation that he was not the only one whose dad had died. 我们一遍一遍地看这部动画片,儿子对它爱不释手,似乎在确认他不是唯一失去爸爸的孩子。
No way, Dad! I'm not going over to Damien's with you tagging along as our chaperon. That would be humiliating. 坚决不行,爸爸!我才不要你陪我去达米安家。那样会很丢人。
My dad was watching a snooker competition on the television, and I liked what I saw so much that I asked for a table. 当时爸爸正从电视上观看一场斯诺克比赛,我看到后非常喜欢,于是就想要一张球桌。
I've been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an hour, but the line is always busy. 我给我爸妈打电话都打了一个小时了,但是一直占线。
Well, Dad, " said the boy, " I challenged Larry to a duel. And, you know, I gave him his choice of weapons. 于是小男孩说,“爸爸,我和拉里进行了一场决斗。嗯,你知道的,我给了他选择武器的机会。”
"Almost finished, " he said cheerfully. And then his voice dropped into a lower key. "My dad made good on his promise last spring. " “快完工了,”他兴奋地说着。之后他的声音突然降了八度音。“这个春天那个承诺,我爸没有食言。”
But I'll have it in my pocket when I get home, and I'll take it with me wherever I go from now on. Love to you, dad. 但是我将带它(用玫瑰色看待人生)回家,并从现在开始无论去哪里,我都会带着它…
Dad and Grandma along with the wet nurse's home to see Grandpa, so all the things left behind after moving my mother and I had to do. 爸爸又跟着奶奶一起去奶娘的新家看爷爷,所以搬家之后留下的所有事情都得我和妈妈来做。
"I said, 'Dad, it is 10 p. m. , and I've got so much stuff to do, ' " Mr. Greenberg recalls. “当时是早上10点,我说:‘爸,我的事情太多了。’”Greenberg回忆说。
Most of the time, she can be found lobstering with her dad working in the stern. Each season has its own story to tell. 大多数时间,她都和父亲在船上捕龙虾。每个捕鱼期都会发生各不相同的故事。
Begin with a simple: "I know you've noticed that Dad and I have been upset lately, so we wanted to let you know what's going on. " 很容易开始:“我知道你注意到你爸爸和我最近很忧虑,所以我们希望你能知道事情进行的怎么样。”
Mother had to fight off my dad because he went along with most of the professionals, the dark forces who wanted to put me in an institution. 母亲要同父亲斗争因为他同大多数的专业人士搭一条船,他是想把我送到福利院的暗黑势力。
One day he went roaring up to his dad's house on his Harley Davidson motorcycle to ask for some money. 有一天,他骑著哈雷机车到他爸爸的住处想要一些零用钱;