snow white

  • un.雪白
  • 网络白雪公主;纯白;名模神采

snow whitesnow white

snow white


白雪公主Snow White)是广泛流行于欧洲的一个童话故事中的人物,其中最著名的故事版本见于德国1812年的《格林童话》 …


关于颜色的英语单词大全_百度文库 ... Smoky grey 雾灰色 Snow white 雪白 Soft color 嫩色 ...


五月八日生日花:德国铃兰(lily of the valley)花语:纯白snow white)德国铃兰具有吊钟形的纯白花朵是它最大 -------------- …


同问求《名模神采》(SNOW WHITE)电影原声 2008-12-28 18:07 提问者: 冉尛寳 求《名模神采》(SNOW WHITE)的电 …


我要……翻译英语……我要绣顾十字绣……_百度知道 ... Grape-LT 浅葡萄紫色 Snow White 雪白色 Gray Blue-MD 中深灰蓝色 ...


  白色精灵SNOW WHITE)──艾莉西亚‧佛罗伦斯,身为繁华国度的唯一公主的她,不但拥有天生的皇家气质,还有白皙肌肤 …

Snow-White agreed, and went with him, and the wedding was celebrated with great splendour and magnificence. 白雪公主答应了,跟王子回到王宫,举办了盛大的婚礼。
Sadly, shortly after Snow White was born, her mother, the good and noble Queen, died of a mysterious illness and the King soon remarried. 令人伤心的是,白雪公主出生后没多久,她的母亲,那位善良、高贵的皇后,就离奇地病逝了,国王不久又娶了一位皇后。
He took Snow White deeper and deeper into the forest, then he spoke to her. 他带了雪白色的越来越深的进入森林之内,然后他跟她说话。
Disney's animated movies have gripped the imaginations of every generation since the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1937. 从1973发行《白雪公主和七个小矮人》以来,迪斯尼的动画电影吸引了每一代人的想象力。
Poor Snow-white could not refuse such a present, so she opened the door and let the woman in, quite forgetting the advice of the dwarfs. 可怜的白雪没有办法拒绝这样一个礼物,于是她打开门让女人进来,马上就忘记了矮人给她的警告。
Back then, Disney's board might easily have been mistaken for a pair of Snow White's dwarf pals (specifically, Sleepy and Dopey). 如上所述,迪士尼公司的董事会可能轻易被错认为是白雪公主的一对小矮人朋友(尤其是瞌睡虫和糊涂虫更为贴切)。
Garden leek out of the tiny flowers as white as snow, white scent attracted 35 butterflies dance in the garden, half-day refused to leave. 园子里的韭菜开出细小的洁白如雪的花朵,馨香引得三五只白色的蝴蝶在园子里起舞,半日不肯离去。
We all felt it's lucky to walk up on such a fine day, green woods, fresh air, blue sky and snow-white cloud. 如今我们如此姣好的天气行走,感到真是幸运,绿色的森林,新鲜的空气,蓝蓝的天,雪白的云,让人感觉一切真是美好。
Now what Snow White could not possibly know was that this house did not belong to children at all, but to dwarfs! 白雪公主无从知道这所房子里住的不是小孩子,而是小矮人!
The sky blue wall blends with the snow-white bed and it creates a picture of a cloud slowly taking an angel up to heaven. 房间里的淡蓝色衬托着雪白的床,像一朵白云一样,把天使带入天堂。
It seemed as if she slept; for her skin was snow white, her cheeks rosy red, and her hair black as ebony. 她看起来就像是睡着了;因为她的皮肤还是雪白的,她的脸颊还是玫瑰红色,她的头发黑的像乌木。
An hour later an elderly doctor in his sixties with snow white hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a fatherly demeanor approached me. 一个小时之后,一位上了年纪的医生走近我,他六十岁开外,雪白的头发、宝蓝色的眼睛,颇具长者风范。
Carry Snow White with you to your palace. Be kind to her, please. 好吧!把白雪公主带到你的宫殿。请善待她,
This shook the coffin, and caused the poisoned piece of apple which Snow-white had bitten to roll out of her mouth. 这振动了这个棺材,白雪吃的那一口毒苹果从她嘴里滚出来。
A piece of apple fell from her mouth, after which Snow White opened her eyes and stood up. 一块苹果从她的嘴里掉出来,白雪公主睁开眼睛站起来了。
As you might expect, Sigourney Weaver, in yet another Snow-White-eclipsing star turn for the Queen, is the only one to emerge unscathed. 也许如你所料,影片中的另一位明星西格妮·韦弗,她饰演的皇后让主角白雪公主黯然失色,她是此部影片中唯一一位脱颖而出演员。
Snow White went into a forest. She found a house, and went into the house. 白雪公主走进一片森林,她发现一个房子,走了进去。
One morning it had quite opened, and its little snow-white petals stood round the yellow centre, like the rays of the sun. 一天早上她已开得旺,那小小的雪白花瓣挺立在黄色的花芯上,像太阳的金黄光线。
After one hour the Queen went out of her room. She called one of the servants, and said, "Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her. " 一小时后,王后从她的房间走出来,她叫来一个仆人说:“把白雪公主带到森林中杀掉。”
Though she was told not to let anyone in, Snow White wanted to have a comb and opened the door. 虽然白雪公主被告知不可让任何人进屋子,但她很想要有一把梳子,于是便开了门。
I do not want to see Snow White, and you find an excuse to secretly took her to the forest to kill. 我不想再看到白雪公主了,你找个借口,把她带到森林里偷偷杀掉。
Snow White sat up, blinked her eyes, and smiled. Snow White wasn't dead after all. The prince's kiss had broken the Queen's evil spell! 奇迹出现了!白雪公主坐了起来,闪动着美丽的大眼睛甜蜜地笑了。原来,白雪公主并没有死,王子的亲吻解除了皇后的邪恶的咒语!
Snow-White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the seven dwarfs have forbidden me to do so. " 白雪公主把头从窗户里探出来说道:“我不敢让人进来,因为小矮人们告诫我,任何人来了都不要开门。”
Between each number of the set, which covered his entire career, he ran his hands through his snow-white hair and adjusted his spectacles. 在横跨他整个职业生涯的每段曲目中间,他的手划过雪白的头发,整理了一下自己的眼镜。
Snow White began to run into the wild forest until it was almost evening. 白雪公主开始运行到野生森林直到它几乎是晚上。
As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 当你在童话的公园里闲逛的时候,你可能会在走廊或者街道上看到白雪公主和米奇老鼠。
Snow-White and Rose-Red were by now used to his rudeness and did not expect thanks for their help. 这时,红、白玫瑰已经习惯了小矮人的粗鲁,也没指望他会对她们的帮助表示感谢。
Snow White had never seen a place like this, but somehow , she knew it was a safe place . 白雪公主从没见过这样的地方,但凭着感觉,她知道这地方很安全。
Snow white wants to go home . The twins ask her to come again. She says OK. Then she goes home. 公主想回家了,三胞胎邀请她再来玩,公主说好的。然后公主便回家了。
he asked, indicating a tall old man in a clean blue overcoat, with a big, snow-white beard and eyebrows and a ruddy face. 皮埃尔指着一个矮老头问,这人身穿整洁的蓝呢大衣,留着一把雪白的大胡子,雪白的眉毛,红光满面。