
美 [seɪl]英 [seɪl]
  • n.帆;乘船航行;(风车的)翼板
  • v.起航;飘;(船)航行;(人)乘船航行
  • 网络赛欧;风帆;新赛欧

复数:sails 现在分词:sailing 过去式:sailed

sail boat,sail ship


v. n.

1.[i][t](船)航行;(人)乘船航行to travel on water using sails or an engine

2.[i][t]驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行(尤指作为体育运动)to control or travel on a boat with a sail, especially as a sport

3.[i]起航to begin a journey on water

4.[i]+ adv./prep.掠;飘;浮游;(人)昂首而行,气宇轩昂地走to move quickly and smoothly in a particular direction; (of people) to move in a confident manner


sail close to the wind

冒风险(干危险或可能违法的事)to take a risk by doing sth that is dangerous or that may be illegal


九年级英语单词表 ... Confucius 孔子 sail 航行 Pacific 太平洋 ...

仁爱英语九年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... defeat 击败,战胜 sail 航行;起航; coast 海岸;海滨,沿海地区 ...


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张挂著风帆sail),凭藉风力行驶的船。有眷宿舍: ㄧㄡˇ ㄐㄩㄢˋ ㄙㄨˋ ㄕㄜˋ(you-juan-su-she)学校、机关、工厂等提供 …


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谁有剑桥英语二级词汇表_百度知道 ... round adj 圆的 sail v 航海 Sally n 萨莉 ...


银魂吧_百度贴吧 ... mmm 丶猫小怪 sail 启航 eriol 的梦 2-1 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... sage 贤能的 sail 帆船 sailor 水手 ...

At once he began to shorten sail, to invest only in the soundest securities, and to convert all his weaker ones into cash. 他马上开始收缩资金,只投资在最可靠的证券上,并把他所有比较不可靠的证券都变成了现金。
"Do you suppose the boat will sail promptly? " asked Jessica, "if it keeps up like this? " “你看船能准时开吗?”杰西卡问。“如果天气老是这样的话,行吗?”
A modern ship is able to sail across the Atlantic in a few days. 一艘现代化轮船可以在几天内横渡大西洋。
And could not any other seaman sail across the ocean just as he has done ? 难道其他海员就不能像他一样横跨大洋吗?
I cannot choose whether the wind is strong or weak, but I can decide how far to sail in a day, or whether to continue sailing at all. 我无法选择风的大小,但我可以决定今天是否继续航行或是航行多远。
The Greeks believed that Gibraltar was one of the Pillars of Hercules and no one dared sail beyond it. 希腊人相信直布罗陀是赫克利斯石柱之一,因而没有人胆敢驶离它的范围。
If you are not afraid of suffering, the courage to set sail against the wind and rain, the sea and the sun will be reflected on the Rainbow. 只要你不怕苦难,有勇气架起风帆抗击风雨,海面就会倒映彩虹和太阳。
He felt as ashamed as if he had, without warning her, stepped off the Cobb and set sail for China. 他深感羞愧,这好比自己事先对她没打个招呼就一步迈下防波堤,乘船到中国去了一样。
Fortunately the wind was blowing on shore from the ocean, so we were able to hoist the sail. 运气还不错,风正从大海往陆地上吹着,我们还能把船帆升起。
Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often they'll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost. 船买家偏向于高估他们每每将解缆,裁减多少船的费用。
Therefore! His character made him in the business community to sail with the wind. 因此!他的性格也让他在商界顺风顺水。
A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan. 太阳帆飞船只消进入这条高速公路,然后搭车远航便是,就像是电风扇吹动纸飞机前行一样。
One idea was that it reached out to "the edge of the world. " Sailors were afraid that they might sail right off the earth. 一种想法是大西洋远抵“世界的边缘”,海员们担心他们会一直航行到地球边上掉落下去。
The boat leaves Liverpool on the fifteenth, but beFORe we set sail(FOR New York)I have to spend a few days in Scotland. 船十五号离开利物浦,但是(开往纽约)之前,我得在苏格兰呆上几天。
The teacher, if I can fly in the sky, it is you give me a pair of wings, If I can sail in the sea, that you gave me a frolic strength! 老师,假如我能搏击蓝天,那是您给了我腾飞的翅膀;假如我是击浪的勇士,那是您给了我弄潮的力量!
Thrown into the deep waters of sailing in his youth, he left with his parents to sail the Mediterranean for a year and a half. 童年时的他就曾经和父母一起在地中海进行了1次长达1年半的航行,一个真正“在水里长大的孩子”。
They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth. 他们先摇了一阵橹使船离岸,接着扬起帆,驾着小船欢乐地渡过河口。
But do you think, " said Lucy, " Aslan's country would be that sort of country - I mean, the sort you could ever sail to? 你看,“露茜说,”阿斯兰的国土是那种——我意思是说,乘船能找到的国土吗?
so that, by the time the captain's party was ready to sail, there were several other whaling vessels on the point of starting. 于是,到船长的捕鲸队准备停当的时候,几艘其他的捕鲸船也正要出发了。
The men were able to steer the raft, but they could not sail against the wind. 舵手很容易操纵救生筏,但是他们不能在逆风中航行。
The boat, ready, waiting and capable of transporting you to new shores, is also clearly visible, though the sail has not yet been raised. 船,已就位,等待着、且有能力将你们转移至新的海岸,这也是显而易见的,即使帆还没有升起来。
Social workers in the Netherlands are trying to stop a 13-year-old girl from pursuing her dream to sail around the world on her own. 荷兰社会工作者试图阻止一名13岁的小女孩实现其独自航行世界的梦想。
A mouse told his mother, "I will sail where the wind blows . " "Blow me a kiss, " Said his mother. 一个小鼠对他的妈妈说,“我将在和风的带动下航行。”“那带给我一个吻。”小鼠妈妈说。
"It was just a wish, " said Penny wistfully. "We could sail away. There are ships again, now that the war is over. " “我说的只是愿景,”佩妮惆怅地说。“我们可以乘帆远行。只要战争结束,到时候就会有船了。”
He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue. 他绝望了,正在此时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。
"If you become a tree, " said the little bunny, "I will become a little sailboat, And I will sail away from you, " “如果你变成大树,”小兔子说,“我就变成小船,扬帆远航。”
You want to jump in the car and sail down the highway with all the windows down and your hair flapping in the wind. 于是你想要跳进车中,沿着高速公路行驶,车窗大敞,头发随风飘荡。
They went for a sail around the island as soon as they got to the coastal city. 他们一到那座海滨城市就乘船去环岛游览。
Last December, a court ruled that Laura could remain with her father, despite his support for her plan to sail solo round the world. 去年12月,法院规定laura可以和她的父亲在一起,尽管他支持她单独环游世界的航程!
To sail on the sea on a stormy night like this was a great risk but the crew was determined to take the bull by the horns . 在这样的大风大雨的夜晚出海航行是很冒险的,但船员们决心顶着风浪上。