
美 [sɔrs]英 [sɔː(r)s]
  • n.来源;源头;根源;原因
  • v.(从…)获得
  • 网络源极;资料来源;起源

复数:sources 现在分词:sourcing 过去式:sourced

external source,main source,original source,same source,important source
use source,trace source,provide source,find source,identify source


n. v.

1.来源;出处a place, person or thing that you get sth from

2.[usupl]信息来源;原始资料a person, book or document that provides information, especially for study, a piece of written work or news

3.起源;根源;原因a person or thing that causes sth, especially a problem

4.源头;发源地the place where a river or stream starts


at source

在源头;从一开始at the place or the point that sth comes from or begins


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Solving 解决 Source 来源 Source Code 源代码 ...


它的源极(Source)与电感输出端并联,并且分别连接到每路升压电路所对应的电流传感器的信号输入端,电流传感器的输出端分 …


民国时期北京都市文化历史地理信息数据库 ... date 时间 source 资料来源 province 省份 ...


UNIT 3. Lesson from Jefferson_旺旺英语教学网 ... obtain 获得 source (来)源;源头 personal 亲自的;个人的 ...


steam - 搜搜百科 ... Half-Life:Blue Shift 半条命:蓝移之巅 Half-Life:Source 半条命:起源 Opposing Force 针锋相对 ...


出字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 出处〖 takeuptheposeandgointoretirement〗 出处source〗 出错〖 makemistakes〗 ...


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... detail 细节;详情 source 来源;水源 change one’s mind 改变主意 ...

The Macintosh logo can be viewed as a regular happy face and a happy face in profile (looking at a computer screen). Source. 苹果机的标志可以被看作是一个正规笑脸和一个侧面欢喜的脸庞(看着计算机屏幕)来源
The term Style is a bit of a misnomer, since these conventions cover far more than just source file formatting. 用风格这个词来描述不是很准确,因为这些规范覆盖的内容远远超过了源代码的格式。
There was no indication that the collision was intentional on the part of anyone, said a U. S. government source who asked not to be named. 据一位不愿透露姓名的美国官员声称,并没有任何迹象表明此次事件为人为事故。
Simulation shows that this controller can reduce the total harmonic distortion of source current and stabilize the DC-link voltage. 从计算机仿真可以看出,该控制器能减小电源电流的谐波畸变率,并能稳定直流侧电压。
Ask her to lengthen the leash, lest you start seeing her as a restraint to happiness rather than the source of it. 建议他把链条放长一点,免得你把它看做是幸福的一种约束力而非源泉。
Typically, consolidation servers use a set of source-specific connectors that may also be referred to as wrappers. 通常,整合服务器使用一组数据源特定的连接器,它们也称为包装器。
If I can see the light source, I usually make sure to leave a mark here on a separate layer as a point of reference. 如果我能看到光源,我通常一定要在一个单独图层上留个记号作为层参考点。
He splits that source and he puts all this stuff about Peter there because he wants Peter to be the first and only then the others. 他切分了资料的信息,填入有关彼得的故事,因为他想让彼得成为第一个,也是当时唯一一个。
Finally, Scriptural reference is often given for the source of the genealogical placement. 最后,圣经常常提到给予安置源系谱。
Dell said China is the company's second-biggest source of revenue, behind the U. S. , and is a key growth country for the computer maker. 戴尔说,中国不仅是该公司第二大营收来源地(仅次于美国),也是它保持增长的关键市场。
Using a charger hooked up to a 220-volt power source (as might be used for a clothes dryer) can cut that down to a more useful four hours. 用一个接通220V电压电源(与烘干机用的相似)的充电器可以缩减到更有实际价值的4个小时。
The last source is drying up a bit, as banks are saddled with high exposure to the sector already and are trying to decrease it. 银行贷款这一源头正在枯竭,因为银行已经在房地产业务上涉水太深、骑虎难下,而且正在减少这方面的业务。
The FBI would not comment, but one source says the investigation is focused on the company and not individuals of this time. FBI没有发表任何评论,但是有消息说,此次调查集中于该公司,而没有针对某一个个体。
Networks that run IP are left with one main source of distinction: how much connectivity they provide. IP网络之间的区别只剩下了一点,那就是它们提供的连接有多有少。
To measure this quality, couples are asked a series of questions: How much does your partner provide a source of exciting experiences? 为了检测婚姻质量,请夫妻回答一系列问题:多少次激动人心的经历是由你的伴侣发起的?
Select a template of your choice from the resources provided or from your own source, for the general look for a layout you would like. 选择你选择,从所提供的资源或从自己的源,给你想要的布局综观模板。
This time, the artificial lateral-line system could work out the general direction of the source and identify the pattern of the vortices. 这次人工侧线系统能够得出漩涡源头的大致方向,也能识别出漩涡的图形。
The official Communist source does not tell us exactly how opium, as an aphrodisiac or as part of a formula, was used in the Ming court. 当年的明朝宫廷,鸦片被作为春药或秘方使用的具体情况,中国官方对骸骨的化验并不能提供更多的信息。
If the system does track the source and state of each chunk of text, then the problem described in this hack simply does not occur. 如果系统没有记录每段文本的来源和状态,那么这一节所述的问题就根本不会出现。
Terahertz radiation source is one of key factors limiting terahertz wave used in a very diverse range of practical applications. 太赫兹辐射源是限制太赫兹波在各个领域实际应用的决定性因素之一。
Orin and I encourage you to read this book for the wisdom it contains, not because of any claims made about its source. 欧林和我鼓励你看这本书,是因为它包涵的智慧,而非对其来源的任何声明。
Such an action might be explained as the direct source that has finally brought forth unbalanced ratio of sex for the newly born population. 这种行为是造成新生人口的男女性别比例严重失衡的最直接原因。
A source told Reuters at the time the bank was in talks with at least one investor group for a recapitalization. 一消息人士上月告诉路透,Guaranty与至少一个投资集团在就资本重组进行谈判。
No one wants to see a soul dig itself into a bottomless pit, as we are All One and each soul is intended to eventually return to the Source. 没人希望看到一个灵魂自掘坟墓,因为我们都是“合一”的,每个灵魂都预期会在最终回归到源头。
It is, says the company, easy to convert existing street lighting to an LED source because no electronics skills are required. 该公司表示,将现有的路灯换成LED的路灯应该很简单,因为不需要任何的电子学技术。
The main source of students' motivation is how much they value what they are learning in school. 学生的学习动机主要来源是他们怎样看待自己在校学习的价值。
If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened, as if it were screened. 如果混合色(光源)比50%灰色亮,则图像变亮,就像被减淡了一样。
A very common type of data produced by testing, one which is often a source for quality metrics, is defects. 测试产生的一个非常普通的数据类型是缺陷,它通常是质量度量方法的来源。
The point this month is not to imitate Windows, but to automate the production of Windows deliverables with open source tools. 本月的要点不是模拟Windows,而是使用开发源码工具来自动生成可在Windows上使用的产品。
The total size of content in the Team Foundation source control server has no limit. TeamFoundation源代码管理服务器中内容的总大小没有限制。