still alive

  • n.仍活着
  • 网络还活着;还活著;仍然活着

still alivestill alive

still alive


Hedgehog ... Honeyed And Killed 甜蜜与杀害 Still Alive 还活着 2011 DEstroy meMOries 2011 毁灭记忆 ...


镜之边... ... Take me where I have to go 带我到我该去的地方 Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive 还活著 And you tried to 你也累了 ...


仍然没有 的翻译结果 --cnki翻译助手 ... No food for lunch 没有午餐 Still alive 仍然活着 No More Water 没有一滴水了 ...


徐州音乐厅 - 人人小站 ... 王国之心 Kingdom Hearts 依然生存 Still Alive 传送门 Portal ...


2009年... ... hitchhiking was clearly( 明显地) still alive( 活着的, 仍然存在的) and well( 健康的,良好的, 满意地, 从分地) ...


第17届金卫星奖提名名单:《悲惨世界》领跑 ... 《勇敢传说》/ Brave 《依然活着》/ Paul Williams:Still Alive 《无法无天》/ La…

So he took three javelins in his hand and plunged them into Absalom's heart while Absalom was still alive in the oak tree. 约押手拿三杆短枪、趁押沙龙在橡树上还活著、就刺透他的心。
How much of EJB version 1. 0 technology is still alive? 有多少1.0版的EJB技术仍有生命力?
No one knew for certain whether any of the children were still alive. 没人确切知道是否仍有学生活着。
I'd better be careful. If he's still alive, the scribe might be anywhere. A weapon in good condition would be reassuring . 我最好小心些。如果教士还活着,他可能在任何地方。一个精良的武器能让我安心些。
My heart aches for those that have lost loved ones and those who wait to hear if their child is still alive. 我心在痛为那些失去亲人的人们和那些等待他们的孩子生死消息的人们。
She was still alive, and the one thingBaur knew for sure that day was that he had to get her to safety. 她还活着,而且那天有一点鲍尔很清楚,他肯定要让她到个安全的地方。
When a body is recovered at sea still alive, the mystery man (Damon) seems to have forgotten everything in life, including who he was. 当一个机构在海上回收还活着,神秘人(达蒙)似乎忘记了生活中的一切,包括他是谁。
Sealed in a humid box, she returned to dust. But I never regarded the thought that "her souls was still alive" as a bizarre one. 密封在潮湿的盒子里,她已经归于尘土,但我从没有认为“她的灵魂依旧存在”是个奇怪的想法。
If the ancient builders of these walls were still alive today, they would be proud to see such a great change in the roles of their walls. 如果这些古老城墙的建造者如今依然健在,他们一定会为自己修建城墙的作用有如此巨大的转变而自豪。
Seems to me there couldn't be much to be happy about at that age, except that you're still alive I suppose. 对我来说不可能有很多乐意在那个年纪,你还活着,我想。
If you have been rebellious against the LORD while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die! 我今日还活着与你们同在,你们尚且悖逆耶和华,何况我死后呢?
But it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive, and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, 'Jim, I knew you'd come. 因为当我到他身旁的时候,他仍然活着。当听到他说‘吉姆,我知道你会来’的时候,我就已经很满足了。
The victim was still alive at this point and remained so as firefighters used a tow truck to pull him from the drain. 然这时候的他还活着并没有死,于是消防队员就用拖车将他从雨水道里拉了出来。
Muhammad al-Amir Atta, the father, told me that, against all evidence, his son was still alive, that it was the Mossad that had framed him. 这位父亲,穆罕默德·阿玛尔·阿塔,不顾一切证据地告诉我,他儿子还活着,是摩萨德诬陷了他。
After the steel stopped falling he was still alive and he raised his head and looked across the bridge. 钢铁碎片落定之后,他还活着,他抬头望对面的桥。
Therefore, the Emperor think that this war is defeated, sad to say: If Wei Zheng still alive, certainly will not let me in the expedition. 因此,唐太宗认为这战属于战败了,痛心地说:如果魏征还活着,肯定不会让我进行这次远征。
You need only to breathe in and out to see that those you love are still alive around you, and you can be very, very happy. 你只需要吸气和呼气就能看到,你爱的人仍然活在你身边,你就能非常非常幸福了。
It is gratifying to be irreplaceable but it should also be worrying, even to a man whose mother is still alive at 102. 不可替代虽然让人很有满足感,但也应该令人担心,即便默多克的母亲102岁了仍然健在。
One of the Jews in hiding smuggles himself into a concentration camp to see if the younger sister of the woman he loves is still alive. 藏在下水道里的一个犹太人偷偷跑到集中营,去看他深爱着的女人的妹妹是不是还活着。
If the great scientist were still alive today, he would no doubt expand his definition to include the latest research findings. 如果这位科学伟人还活着的话,毫无疑问他会扩充他的定义,把最新的研究成果包括进来。
Trying to escape the police and a shadowy group of killers, he is also desperate to find out if his beloved wife is actually still alive. 为了躲避警察和一群隐秘杀手,他更绝望地发现自己深爱的妻子实际上还活着。
Sometimes, the only method of accountability is a victim's word (if they are still alive) against that of an officer. 有时,唯一的取证方法是受害人(如果他们还活着的话)和警官的证词对质。
We stared in touch for many decades, but I lost track of him several years ago and don't even know if he's still alive. 我们互相关注了几十年,但是几年钱我们失去了联系,我甚至不知道他的死活。
They believe he is still alive because his wife and children have yet to claim money he left in a Berlin bank account. 他们相信Heim依然活着,因为他的妻子与子女还未申领他留在柏林银行账户中的钱财。
I have an intellectual appreciation that mountain-climbing is risky, but I've got to tell myself after 20 years of climbing I'm still alive. 在理智上,我很清楚登山运动是危险的,但是我不得不告诉自己,爬了20年山我仍然健在。
The greatest weakness of humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're still alive. 人类最大的弱点就是活着时,他们不敢向别人诉说自己无尽的爱。
Some phone messages may have been deleted to make room for more messages, giving her family false hope that she was still alive. 一些电话信息可能被删除,为更多信息腾出空间,这给了她的家人虚假的希望,认为她还活着。
The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they are still alive . 大多数人中最大的软弱,就是他们常不敢向对方表明,他们是多么地爱对方,当对方活在世上之时。
The company will regularly send you email 25)prompts to verify that you're still alive, at a frequency of your choosing. (Once a day? 公司将定期向你发送一封邮件(每天一封或每年一封,可以自由选择)以确定你是否还活着。
YiNing bought many baby clothes to see YiNing capable, capable in a good mood, the father is still alive informed her. 一宁买了很多婴儿衣服送给一帆,一帆看到一宁心情不错,就把父亲还活着的事情通知了她。