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Form A


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The surface and the atmosphere form a giant battery, as the lightning discharges of thunderstorms demonstrate. 就像在暴风雨中闪电释放大量电能所证明的那样,地表和大气层间形成了一个巨大的电池。
He and difficult employee children form a year from sub items, tens of thousands of yuan, help finish school. 他和艰难员工后代结成对子,每年捐助数万元,协助完成学业。
The paleosol with less porosity did not develop well in water bearing space and was prone to form a water-resisting layer. 结果表明,黄土层含水空间发育好,入渗率较大,利于构成含水层;
The rescuers on the bank waded into a shallow part of the river and gripped each other's arms to form a human chain. 岸上的救援者跳进河水较浅的地方,相互挽着手臂组成了一条“人链”。
He said the major strategic and economic challenges obligate Israel to form a national unity government. 他说,以色列面临的主要策略及经济挑战需要以色列成立全国团结政府。
Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I was descended form a slave, but it never depressed me. 身边总有人不断使我想到自己是奴隶的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。
A year's worth of snow can form a yearly layer that normally survives hundreds---if not thousands---of years. 一年的降雪可以形成终年的积蓄层,通常可以保存几百年,甚至上千年。
In particular, pultruded FRP tubes are easy to be assembled to form a structural subsystem for civil engineering applications. 最重要的是,拉挤成型玻璃钢管易于安装,可组成土木工程中的结构次级系统。
FAO senior economist Abdul ceremony Sae Ba Xian, said: "the high oil prices and food prices continued to form a vicious cycle. " 粮农组织资深经济学家阿卜杜勒礼萨·阿巴西安说:“油价和粮价持续居高,形成了恶性循环。”
The parts of a machine work with a maximum of cooperativeness for a common result, but they do not form a community. 一部机器的各个部分,为着一个共同的结果而以最大限度的相互合作运转,但是它们并不形成一个共同体。
Inthe tradition of Slutsky, business cycles can be viewed as the result of stochastic shocks that on aggregate form a moving average series. 在传统的Slutsky,商业周期可以被看作是随机的结果冲击,形成一个总移动平均线系列。
This guide non-free normal form a rational concept of career, successful employment, is of great significance. 这对于指导非免费师范生形成理性的择业观,顺利业,是具有重意义的。
To form a filter value, specify the name of a column followed by an operator and a value to filter on. 若要形成筛选值,请指定列的名称,后跟一个运算符和一个要筛选的值。
I hope you will not always stay up late, but form a good habit of early to bed, early to rise. 我希望你不要总是熬夜,要养成早睡早起的好习惯。
It was a thin strip of paper form a fortune cookie. "You will be married within a year, " it said. 那是从一种幸运甜饼里拿出来的一张薄纸。上面写着:“你将在一年内结婚。”
It occurred to me that cleared of its ramshackle fences and planted with flowers and grass, it might form a pleasant park. 我不由得想到要是把东倒西歪的栅栏拆除,再栽上花卉草木,这地方倒满可以开辟成一座赏心悦目的公园呢。
In four, park on children's caring, patience, let the children form a sense of security. 在园对幼儿有爱心、耐烦,让幼儿形成寂静感。
That would not matter so much if he led a party that might form a credible government. 如果安倍领导的自民党能组建一个有公信力的政府,那情况也许就不会这样。
In reality these parts may be unrelated, but within the confines of the image their color, shapes, and size form a sense of unity. 事实上,这些组成部分可能是不相关的,但是在某幅图像中它们的颜色、形状和尺寸形成统一感。
Such a material, Veselago determined, could form a superlens: a flat sheet capable of focusing light even better than curved lenses do. 维斯赖戈确定的这种的材料,可能形成一种完美透镜:一块平板,对光的聚焦效果比传统的曲面透镜更好。
Mr Fini responded by taking 33 deputies with him to form a new parliamentary group, thus depriving Mr Berlusconi of a majority. 菲尼率领33名众议员组成新的议会团体做为回应,使贝鲁斯科尼阵营在议会失去了多数优势。
That is to say, let the material atoms self-assemble and form a complex structure, just like the kind of self-assembly that life shows. 也就是说,让“原料”原子自己“装配”成复杂的结构,就像生命所表现出来的那种自我装配的特性。
Even if you are not ready to get engaged, this full moon may coax you to make a decision to form a business partnership. 即使你还没准备好结婚,这次满月也可能让你做出一个决定,寻找一个商业伙伴。
Let's begin now to crystallize your dreams, and over the next few days form a plan that will ensure their attainment. 我们现在就来使的你的梦想具体化,在接下来的几天里,制定一个计划,以确保梦想能够实现。
These enterprises include research and development, production, sale, yuan form a complete set of parts of an apparatus has. “这些企业包括研发、出产、发卖、元器件配套都有。”孙文平暗示。
One of her assignments is to form a lump of clay into a block and then measure the dimensions of the block. 她的一项任务是形成黏土团入块然后测量块的维度。
But it took two months for her to form a coalition. 但是,她却花了两个月的时间来组成联盟。
Whenever you attempt to link two elements together to form a pipeline, GStreamer checks to see if their pad's templates are compatible. 当您试图将两个元素链接到一起以组成一个管道时,GStreamer会查看它们的单元模板是否兼容。
Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. 打篮球,始终是我最喜爱的,所以我的一些同学和我会形成一个小团队及一起打篮球。
Bridging : When two or more catalyst pellets wedge together to form a bridge in the reactor tube with a void volume underneath. 架桥:当两个或多个催化剂颗粒在反应管中挤在一起形成桥路,从而导致下方出现空穴的现象。