
美 [fæn]英 [fæn]
  • n.迷;狂热爱好者;狂热仰慕者;风扇
  • v.扇(风);吹(使火更旺);煽起;激起
  • 网络扇子;球迷;范

复数:fans 过去式:fanned 现在分词:fanning

big Fan,electric Fan,avid Fan,young Fan,ardent Fan
Fan flame


n. v.

1.迷;狂热爱好者;狂热仰慕者a person who admires sb/sth or enjoys watching or listening to sb/sth very much

2.风扇a machine with blades that go round to create a current of air


风字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 风沙〖 sandblownbythewind〗 风扇fan〗 风尚〖 prevaillingcustom〗 ...


小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... wall ( 墙 ) fan (扇子) pencil ( 铅 笔 ) ...


球迷(Fan)也不太多,你走你的过街天桥,我过我的地下通道。 只可说初赛和预赛看不看都以不太主要了,本届世界杯已伤了 …

范玮琪吧_百度贴吧 ... 唯爱_ fan 17:30 ...


英语运动类单词_爱问知识人 ... amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast,fan 迷,爱好者 outsider 无取胜希望者 ...


船舶实用英语手册 - 豆丁网 ... 造水机 Fresh water generator 11. 风机 Fan 12. 空气瓶 Air reservoir 13. ...


全部漫画 - 腐漫画网 ... BROTHERSCONFLICT 椿篇[前篇] FAN 粉丝[全一卷] Friends 清鹰和空的夏天[全一册] ...

I was also an early Samuel R. Delany fan, and read all his novels before anyone else had heard of him or was paying any attention to him. 还有塞穆尔•R•德拉尼,我很早就是个德拉尼迷,早在别人注意到他,听说他之前,我就读完了他的全部小说。
The bug sniffs the scent, zeros in, and gets captured by the wind from a small fan, forcing it into a bag. 蚊子嗅到气味,全都飞过来,被一个小扇子扇出的风吹进了一个袋子里面。
I just want to get to a safe place and I never attempt to be a harmful computer fan. 我只想找一个安全的地方,决没想过要做一只害虫。
There was no air conditioning in those days, but guest rooms were equipped with an electric fan placed on the bedside table. 当时没有空调,但客房里的床头桌上都放着一台电风扇。
Absence diminish little passion and Increase great one , just as the wind blow out a candle and fan a fire . 离别能使浅薄的感情削弱,但却会使深挚的感情更加深厚。正如风之能吹灭烛火而却会把火煽得更旺。
This newspaper is no fan of Mr Putin, and has warned Western companies of the perils of dealing with him. 我们这份杂志可不是普京的粉丝,我们已经告诫过西方公司与普京打交道的危险。
Especially the fan refuels from beginning to end for us, lets me be very unforgettable. 尤其是球迷自始至终地为我们加油,让我很难忘。
ALEX(Ben Stiller): I've always been used to a large fan base, you know, have you checked out my website? 亚利克斯:我一直都很火的,你看过我的网站吗?
Rafa Benitez has always been a fan of Silva but the financial straightjacket he works in at Anfield is likely to prohibit any deal. 贝尼特斯一直都青睐于席尔瓦,但是他在安菲尔德的财政缩小让他难以达成任何交易。
I do not know when to start from a fan blowing the heat up a one-year cicadas disappeared insects. 不知从什么时候开始刮来的一阵暖风,热醒了销声匿迹了一年的蝉虫。
"Another fan said: " Although he's a little out of control behavior, but on the court, he never disappointing . 另一名球迷说道:“虽然他的行为有点失控,不过在球场上,他从不让人失望。”
The princess could not stand the pain, so that she agreed to lend the fan to Monkey, but she actually gave him a false one. 公主无法忍受的痛苦,使她同意借扇猴,但她居然给他一个假的。
Mr Fan said the real problem the world faced today was an overvalued dollar, not only against the renminbi but against all major currencies. 樊纲表示,目前世界面临的真正问题是美元的高估,不仅是美元兑人民币汇率高估,美元兑所有主要货币汇率都高估。
"It has been the best few days of my life, " said one fan, who was faced with a potential dilemma with his wife set to give birth this week. “这几天的经历在我的生命中无可取代,”一位妻子马上就要生产的球迷如是告诉我们,我们可以想象他的内心是多么的纠结。
Because we continually experience desire, we are oblivious to its presence in us. It is like the noise made by the fan of a computer. 由于我们不断体验欲望,反而对它的存在视而不见,就像对计算机的风扇噪音听而不闻一样。
One of his first designs was an extrapolation of a Star Wars-style swamp boat, inspired by the fan boats used here on Earth. 他最早的设计之一是一种后来很有《星球大战》风格的沼泽艇,其灵感来源于在地球上使用的风扇机船。
If you are a loyal fan of RPG games, then pick up the phone, in the wonderful world of beautiful NABI made it a living away from home. 如果你是忠实的RPG游戏迷,那么就拿起手机,在精彩美丽的封神世界闯荡一番吧。
They were very welcoming. Being a fan I had expected to be out of it a bit, but they really wanted me in their circle. 他们很欢迎我。作为一个影迷来说我感到有点意外,但他们真的很想让我进到他们对圈子里。
He did as she said, and carried the dead Lady Fan back to his place. 他为她说,死者进行的夫人范回到自己的位置。
I've always been a big fan of beauty. Sure, you can't judge a book by its cover but who wants to have sex with a book? 我一直都是美女的超级粉丝。当然,你不能仅凭封面来判断一本书,但是谁会想和一本书做爱?
When you're deciding on new features, how much is fan feedback, and how much is stuff you've been thinking of for a while? 你们决定对游戏做出的所有这些改进,有多少来自于玩家的反馈?又有多少是你们深思熟虑已久的念头?。
the buffer gate is characterized in that: the front end of the fan-shaped shutter is fixedly connected with a surge hopper. 其特征在于:扇形闸板的前端固定连接一缓冲斗。
The next day, Fan's shoes and clothes were found on the bank of Taihu Lake. So everyone thought that he drowned himself in the lake. 第二天有人在太湖边发现范蠡的外衣,大家以为他投湖自尽了。
I've never been a big fan of diet drinks (I prefer good old water), and now I'm glad. 我从来就不是减肥饮料(DietDrinks)的粉丝,我喜欢传统的饮料——水,而我现在高兴了。
Rowing You know so muchabout rowing. It seems as if you are a rowing fan. 你有赛艇运动这么了解。
Her voice was soft and tender and she smiled, as she spoke which made Fan Po-wen feel a little better, in a way. 林佩珊微笑着说了这么一大段,她的语调又温柔又圆浑,因而本来有点气恼的范博文听了以后似乎觉得心头很舒服。
But I feel like any other fan. I'm like the rest of the team right now, I'm suffering. 我就和其他枪迷一样,现在的感觉和球队赛季后期的表现差不多——很糟糕、很煎熬。
Mr M is not a fan of me learning to fly, believing that it increases the odds of him being left to organise the self-catering holidays. 钱眼先生并不支持我学开飞机,认为这会增加他留下来组织膳食自理假期的几率。
Actually, receives like this loses should be the scene fan, as well as superior league tournament's ornamental . 其实,这样受损失的应该是现场的球迷,以及中超联赛的观赏性。
Fan said the central bank could continue to loosen monetary policy if loan growth turns out to be sluggish next year. 范称如果明年银行惜贷、货币供应量持续低迷,央行将继续推行适度宽松的货币政策。