
美 [fret]英 [fret]
  • n.【建筑】回纹饰;网状饰物;烦恼;(弦乐器指板上定音的)档子
  • v.把(弦)压在档子上;用回纹装饰;使烦恼;腐蚀
  • 网络荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer);品;荧光能量共振转移

复数:frets 现在分词:fretting 过去式:fretted



v. n.

1.[i][t]~ (about/over sth).~ (that…)苦恼;烦躁;焦虑不安to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax

荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer)

运用荧光共振能量转移FRET)技术研究CaM和Plk1的时空相互作用王盛 【摘要】: 参与细胞周期调控的分子对细胞周期的 …


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... fraught 充满的;伴随的 fret 烦恼,侵蚀 friction 摩擦,不和,倾轧 ...

音乐形容词 - benhe30的日志 - 网易博客 ... plectrum 拨子 fret neck 琴颈 ...


使用荧光能量共振转移FRET)所作的分子报告已经证明,对于钙元素,可以使用钙调素和钙调素连接肽作为两种荧光蛋白的 …


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... moppet 小孩,小女孩 fret (使)烦躁,焦虑 garret 阁楼,顶楼 ...


大纲六级后词汇 - 豆丁网 ... frenzy n. 狂暴,狂怒 400 fret n. 烦躁,磨损,焦急; fugitive a. 逃亡的,易变的,无常的; ...


分子间荧光共振能量转移技术(FRET)是实时探测蛋白质相互作用的有效方法[2]。目前测量FRET的技术主要有:双通道比值法、 …

But do not fret, there are things that you can do to help you make the best out of your situation. 但请别烦躁,你可以做一些事情来帮助你达到最好的状态。
But in a new paper, economists at the McKinsey Global Institute suggest that the U. S. might not have all that much to fret about. 但麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinseyGlobalInstitute)的经济学家们在一篇新发表的论文中暗示,美国或许并不需要这么担心。
It's nice of you to fret about these things, but it's really none of your business. 你为这些感到烦恼,你是好心,但那确实不关你的事。
Abdalla, seeing her very uneasy, said, "Do not fret and tease yourself, but go into the yard, and take some oil out of one of the jars. " 阿布达拉,看到她非常心神不宁,说,“别苦恼也别自己戏弄自己,去院子里,随便从哪个坛子里弄点油。”
If it's out of your control, why fret about it? Concentrating on things you can control is how you make good things happen. 如果某件事你控制不了,那为什么还要为它而烦恼呢?专注你能控制的事情,把它做好。
However, there is no need to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. 但是,没有必要为你的吝啬而感到烦恼,因为这似乎是惯例。
She begins to fret about her appearance rather than focus on her many outstanding qualities as an intelligent human being. 她开始操心自己的外表,远超过关注自己作为一个智慧的人的其他出色之处。
Don't fret though -- even if I seem to go AWOL, I'm still here keeping tabs on everything. 不要烦恼,但-即使我似乎去擅离职守,我还在这里的一切都保持标签。
Parents in Bangkok fret that schools around the protest site will not be able to reopen after a hot-season break. 曼谷的父母们则担心,抗议点周围的学校在炎热季节停课后,便不开课了。
Then, it was easier to go into her room and get her a fresh pair of gloves myself, than to sit and watch her fret. 于是我便会走进她的房间给她换一副新手套,这样比坐在那里看着她皱眉头要容易得多。
If it was only a matter of grey hair and wrinkles, Brown would not fret too badly. 如果这仅仅是年龄的问题,布朗也不会十分烦恼。
But women are more likely to fret, with almost half admitting that they worry a lot, compared to less than a third of men. 但女性更容易操心,近一半的女性承认她们操心很多事,而男性的这一比例则不到三分之一。
They fret that the problem will thus seem less of a crisis and that this will make it harder to raise money. 他们还害怕这样会使相关问题因为这些数据而看起来不再那么重要,并且加大筹款困难。
It has now fallen nearly 7% since the start of the year as investors fret that the central bank has failed to address inflation. 今年以来该指数已经下跌了近7%,因为投资者担心印尼央行无力解决通胀问题。
Mr Obama's aides fret that Ms Merkel sometimes prefers the company of China and Russia over that of the US in the UN Security Council. 在联合国安理会(UNSecurityCouncil)中,默克尔有时候更愿意与中俄、而不是美国为伍,这让奥巴马的副手们挺头疼。
Spain and Italy would not be the only places to fret about the precedent of rich regions pulling away from poorer ones. 富裕的地区从较贫困的地区分离出来这个先例,西班牙和意大利并不是唯一对此操心的国家。
Tom himself began to fret over the scene-painter's slow progress, and to feel the miseries of waiting. 汤姆本人则为绘景师进度慢而感到焦躁,等得很不耐烦。
SINCE the start of this year, Google's share price has fallen steadily as investors have begun to fret about its longer-term prospects. 自今年初以来,由于投资者开始对谷歌发展远景感到担忧,其股价稳步下跌。
But the bus didn't stop with him; Moments a fret the driver exited, the bus began to roll down the hill, with 27 young students on board. 可是这车却没有继续为他工作,就在司机走下车的片刻,校车开始向小山坡冲下,车上有27名学生。
A few fret that the Americans could lure Germany into a "coalition of the willing" against Iran. 另一部分人则对德国可能被美国拉入反对伊朗的“自愿联盟”而忧心冲冲。
If your roasted chicken tends to emerge from the oven as dry as a snow boot on a summer's day, don't fret. 如果你从微波炉中烤出来的鸡肉和夏天的滑雪靴一样干硬,不要苦恼。
For the kinder among us did not wish to fret the master , we humoured his partiality . 因为我们中间比较心慈的人并不愿惹主人生气,所以我们就迎合他的偏爱。
And some Clinton campaign people are beginning to fret that they may have backed the wrong candidate, and to talk of jumping ship. 有些希拉里阵营的民众开始担心是不是选错了人,讨论着要不是跳到另一条船上去。
While rich cities fret over a relatively modest ebb and flow of population, poor cities must cope with a tidal wave of migrants. 当富饶的都市为相对温和的人口波动烦恼时,贫瘠的城市还在应对移民大潮。
Investors fret that the recent steps taken by Europe's leadership have done little to dissipate the growing strains across the markets. 让投资者烦恼的是,欧洲领导人最近采取的措施对于消减市场日益增大的压力几乎没有奏效。
Some people fret that this will breach their privacy, but it will probably deliver quicker, more accurate searches. 有些人担心,这会侵犯他们的隐私,但是它将提供更快、更准确的搜索。
Investors now fret that Berlin would not have acted unless it knew something the markets did not. 投资者如今担忧,柏林一定是知道了一些市场所不知道的事,否则它不会采取行动。
Fret not at apparent disaster but listen to the whisper, "The LORD is able to give thee much more than this. " 所以,不要为眼前的灾难烦忧,只要倾听那微小的声音︰「上帝能把更多的赐给你!」
Inflation seems set to follow oil and food costs down, but some policymakers fret that it may not fall quickly to a tolerable level. 通胀似乎跟随着原油和粮食成本而下降了,但是一些政策制定者同时又担心通胀并没有足够快的降低到一个可以容忍的水平。
And if you were worried that your food would be bland in the post-apocalyptic future, fret no more. 如果你担心末日后的未来食物变得淡而无味,不必烦恼。