
美 [ˈfjuːəl]英 [ˈfjuːəl]
  • n.燃料;燃油;【新闻传媒】推动力;燃料;刺激物
  • v.(给船等)上煤;(给…)加油;【新闻传媒】加速
  • 网络加燃料;鼓动;的例句

现在分词:fueling 过去式:fueled 第三人称单数:fuels

liquid fuel,automobile fuel
fuel inflation,fuel anger,fuel pump,fuel speculation


n. v.

1.[u][c]燃料any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt

2.[u](尤指使争论等继续或更加激烈的)刺激性言行a thing that is said or done that makes sth, especially an argument, continue or get worse


B9732076   邱品学: 九月 2008 ... assumption 假定 fueled 燃料 enormous 庞大的 ...


flow chart ??? latency... ... debate 辩论 fueled v 加燃料 the despair of 令毫无办法的人(或者物) 令望尘莫及的人(或者物) ...


读者的选择-阅读手册 - china-pub网上书店 ... 例段( example) 诗:鼓动( poem:fueled) 选文阅读( reading selection) ...


fueled什么意思及同义词_翻译fueled的意思... ... oil-fueled engines 燃油动力机具 fueled 的例句: fueled 的英语解释: ...


fueled什么意思及同义词_翻译fueled的意思... ... fueled 的例句: fueled 的英语解释: hydrogen-fueled system 氢燃料系统 ...

The vibrancy she radiated was part of her accolade-seeking act, fueled by the brief highs she got from her binges. 她散发出的活力是荣誉追求行为中的一部分,支持这个的是从表扬沉溺中欧冠获得的短暂兴奋…
To keep yourself fully fueled and at your physical best, eat a light breakfast that includes carbs, protein and a little bit of healthy fat. 清淡健康的早餐应该包括足够的碳水化合物、蛋白质和一点儿健康脂肪。
And he's repaid the team's faith in him with a second-half revival that fueled United's title run. 而他也在确保夺冠的比赛下半场复苏,回报了球队对他的信任。
Fueled in part by this massive injection of liquidity, housing prices that had started dropping due to the recession began to soar again. 导致了部分这样的大规模注入流动资金,房价已经开始下降导致经济衰退又一次加剧。
Fueled by oil, the country's economy was more like that of an Arabian emirate than a Central African nation. 在石油推升下,加彭的经济比较像个阿拉伯大公国,而不像中非国家。
With risk currencies falling, analysts said the euphoria fueled by China's pledge of a flexible yuan over the weekend has clearly faded. 随着风险货币走软,分析师称,中国承诺增强汇率波动性引发的乐观情绪明显消退。
You found a fairy tale, and inspired by love, fueled by desire, you set out a journey to make her real. 你找到了一个童话,在爱的启发下,在渴望的推动下,你开始了自己的旅程并把她变成了真实。
The possibility that more than one assailant might have been involved and that a conspiracy might be afoot fueled unease. 参与行凶的可能不止一人,而且阴谋是提前计划好的,这些推测都加深了民众的恐慌情绪。
Expectations for a resurgence of IT spending among businesses fueled the projections for IBM's second quarter, and the company delivered. 有关企业IT支出将再次增加的憧憬推高了IBM二季度盈利预期——该公司也确实做到了。
You have done much to help us, but I sense that this has only fueled Andariel's fury . She will not stop until we are all dead. 你已经为了帮助我们而完成许多事情,但是我可以感受到这只是在增加安达利尔的暴怒。除非我们统统死亡,否则她是不会停止的。
Game fixing and bribery scandals have fueled widespread cynicism, and on-court fisticuffs have been a perennial problem. 操纵比赛与贿赂丑闻广受批评,球场暴力也成了老大难问题。
It might have no magic, for instance, only powers fueled by alien science; or it may have magic but only modern, real-world technology. 例如,它可能是非魔法的,异能仅来源于外星人科技;或者它可能具有魔法不过仅仅是现代真实的技术。
The global financial system, which had fueled a great expansion of capitalism and trade across the world, was crumbling. 全球金融系统曾经为资本主义的扩张和全球性贸易发展提供了强大的动力,但是在2008年年底却处于崩溃的边缘。
The flurry of tech-sector-fueled initial public offerings we saw at the beginning of the year is now over. 在年初我们看到的以科技为动力部门的首次公开募股的狂潮现在已经结束了。
The increasing graphical processing power of the PC has fueled a strong demand for size-increasing and cost-decreasing display devices. 随着个人电脑图形处理能力的不断增强,更低成本更大尺寸的显示设备越来越流行。
The National Bureau of Statistics said the overall increase in the consumer price index was fueled by rises in food and oil prices. 国家统计局称,食品和石油价格的上涨促成了消费者价格指数的整体上扬。
Lately, there's been a lot of movie-fueled worry surrounding the possibility of a devastating global pandemic. 最近随着电影的推波助澜,由于可能存在灾难性的世界传染病而产生的担忧四处蔓延。
But it was my shortcomings that fueled the fire inside me, forcing me to train even harder. . . and eventually, I reached my goal. 然而正是我的这些不足使我的内心充满了激情,迫使我不断地努力锻炼,最终实现我的目标。
Einstein was interpreted as a relativist by many (including some whose disdain fueled their anti-Semitism. ) This was not the case. 在许多人(包括对他存在蔑视而带有反犹太者的一些人)看来,爱因斯坦是相对论者。
Ireland's so-called Celtic Tiger turned out to be a low-tax haven fueled by property speculators and selfish bankers. 而对于爱尔兰来说,在资产投机者和自私的银行家推波助澜下,所谓的“凯尔特猛虎”最终成为前者的逃税天堂。
He said different kinds of exercise affect the body differently, especially the big muscles that are fueled by blood sugar. 他说,不同的运动对身体产生不同的影响,特别是消耗血糖的大肌肉。
Prosecutors say the young American, you see her there, and her Italian boy friend cut a woman's throat during a drug fueled sexual assault. 检察官称这位年轻的美国人,你看到她就在那里,和她的意大利男友在药物引发的性侵犯中割断一位女性的喉咙。
The fact that almost all plague spewers have been encountered along the Dragon Coast has fueled rumors of a "plague cult. " 在巨龙海岸一带遭遇的瘟疫呕吐怪都刺激了关于“瘟疫崇拜”的传言。
Both began as a hobby fueled by the passion of their founders: for Bruce it was photography and for Craig Newmark it was local events. 都是开始于由创始人的激情所驱动一个爱好:对于Bruce来说是摄影,对于CraigNewmark来说是本地事件。
And later this year, Volkswagen will begin selling diesel-fueled cars in the U. S. , something it has done in Europe for years. 今年下半年,大众将在美国开始销售柴油燃料的汽车,而这个业务已经在欧洲开展多年。
In the right-hand tend to the establishment of the dominance of the process, the spread of Christianity fueled at least played a role. 在右手倾向的统治地位的确立过程中,基督教的传播至少起到了一种推波助澜的作用。
That, in turn, has helped to push up the prices for imported goods flowing into the United States and fueled a rise in consumer prices. 那,依次,有帮助强行上升那价格为输入货物流动的进入美国之内和加燃料一上升在消费者中价格。
Photos on Web sites, including one of a crushed umbrella on 66wz. com, fueled murder accusations, forcing the police to respond. 网站上的图片,包括一把被碾碎的雨伞,激起了谋杀的指责,迫使警方作出回应。
unrest ignited by the police shooting of a teenager was fueled further by resentment of economic hardship and govt. scandals. 警方射杀一名青年引起的骚乱,因国民对经济困难和政府丑闻的愤怒而火上浇油。
The local phenomenon has fueled broader speculation among officials that the fast-footed wives may be part of a larger criminal ring. 当地的现象已引发官员的广泛猜测,他们认为这些来去匆匆的新娘背后可能是一个更大的犯罪集团。