
美 [ˈheɪzi]英 ['heɪzi]
  • adj.朦胧的;薄雾蒙蒙的;记不清的;模糊的
  • 网络烟雾弥漫的;微茫;朦胧术

比较级:hazier 最高级:haziest

hazy memory


1.朦胧的;薄雾蒙蒙的not clear because of haze

2.记不清的;模糊的not clear because of a lack of memory, understanding or detail

3.主意不定的;困惑的uncertain or confused about sth


WE'RE JUST BEGINNING_在线英语听力室 ... ) reminder n. 提醒物 ) hazy a. 朦胧的,模糊的 ) sculptor n. 雕刻家 ...


WE'RE JUST BEGINNING_在线英语听力室 ... ) reminder n. 提醒物 ) hazy a. 朦胧的,模糊的 ) sculptor n. 雕刻家 ...


十五级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... hawker n. 沿街叫卖之小贩 hazy a. 朦胧的, 模糊的, 烟雾弥漫的 headway n. 前进, 航行速度, 进展 ...


微_百度百科 ... 微孔〖 micropore〗 微茫hazy;blurred〗 微妙〖 delicate;subtle;tricky〗 ...


朦胧术(hazy)施法者使自己变成朦朦胧胧的一片,敌人便不容易击中,这是相当有效的防御性法术。 月光术(moon_light)这是一 …


航海及海运专业英语词汇(H1) ... hazy weather 烟雾天气 hazy 多烟雾的 hazy 朦胧的 ...


品酒英语词汇 - 伊万名庄 ... HAZELNUT( 榛实果味) HAZY不清晰) HERBAL,HERBACEOUS( 药草味) ...

X-Ray film of the chest showed increased lung markings with a patch of hazy shadow in the left lower lung near the heart border. 胸部X线片示肺纹理增厚,左下肺心缘可见片状模糊阴影。
Moreover, on looking over it now, I found that my memory had played me false and much of what I thought I knew had become hazy. 而且,当我再次循着记忆搜索字句时,我发现我的记忆力欺骗了我,许多我以为能记得的,都变得模糊不清了。
Front of a hazy, tears from his eyes in her hands, she caught my hand a still, and I went to look for the lost wallet, I know, it was love. 眼前一片朦胧,泪水从眼角地在她的手上,她一把捉住我的手,依然和我去寻找丢失的钱包,我知道,那是关爱。
They go straight to the heart of the matter while fat people let things stay all blurry and hazy and vague, the way things actually are. 他们直接切入问题的要害,而胖人则让事情处于模糊和朦胧的状态———事情本来就是这样。
for after a day or two at sea he began to appear on deck with hazy eye, red cheeks, stuttering tongue, and other marks of drunkenness. 由于出海一两天后,他便开始带着迷糊的眼神、发红的面孔、结巴的舌头,以及其他酗酒的迹象出现在甲板上。
There may have been a few things about Christmas on which Pooh was a little hazy, but opening presents wasn't one of them. 对于圣诞节,维尼也许有的事情还不太明白,可是拆礼物,他最在行了!
The commission's instinct seems to be to take a fairly tough stance on intra-bank lending, but its precise views are hazy. 委员会的本意是在银行间的借贷中扮演一种极其强硬的姿态,不过有关它们更确切的立场尚不清楚。
I saw her thin knitting, sleep hazy She'll be playing a yawn, she rubbed his eyes and continued to weave weave ah ah. 只见她细细的织着,睡眼朦胧的她一会儿便打一个哈欠,可她揉揉眼睛,又继续织呀织呀。
Liu Qing walk alone, looks hazy days revealed little pale beam. He bowed his head again, what do not want to think about. 刘清踽踽独行,看了看蒙蒙的天透露的丝丝熹微的光束。他再次低下头,什么也不愿去想。
Only filled with water to open soon to a housing all over, gently fall on our heads up and everything becomes hazy. 只见水雾弥漫开来,很快把房屋都笼罩了,轻轻地落在我们的头上,一切都变得朦胧起来。
As a result of these efforts, a new balance for European civilization attained a hazy sort of definition after 1648. 由于这些努力,一种全新的平衡关系因欧洲人的文明而在1648年之后获得了一种模糊的定义。
My hazy front road block of wood is distributed , is is unable to see clearly status, therefore I am not able to start off. 我前方的路阴霾不散,看不清楚状况,所以我还不能够上路。
Suddenly, the water seems to be waking up to that moment is slightly undulating ink ripple vague, hazy on the horizon. 忽然,水面似乎被我们吵醒了,那水墨画瞬间被微微起伏的水波模糊、朦胧在了视野里。
After a few days the details gets hazy. After a week it's forgotten completely. 几天后,细节变得模糊;一周后,想法会变得一干二净。
Mengmeng drizzling rain, we drove into Tibet in the remote town of Qamdo Banbar County, as if into a water color landscapes in the hazy. 蒙蒙细雨中,我们驱车进入西藏昌都地区的边远小城边坝县,仿佛走入一幅水色朦胧的山水画中。
Your vision may be hazy or blurry for a few days or a week after surgery. 手术后的几天或一周你的视力可能会暂时性地模糊。
She turned back to the table, her left hand to her mouth, her eyes in a queer, hazy, melancholy mist. 她回到桌子旁边,左手按住嘴巴,眼睛里涌起了一层不可解的、朦胧的、感伤的雾。
Proposed new rules on remuneration in the U. S. , the U. K. and other financial centers are beginning to emerge, but they remain hazy. 美国、英国和其他金融中心正开始制定有关金融行业薪酬的新规定,但具体措施依然不明。
The dividing line between foods and medicines has always been a hazy one. 食品和药物之间的分野一直就很模糊。
The Milky Way is a hazy band of light around the sky, brightest near Sagittarius and Scorpius. 银河是一条绕著天空的朦胧的光,在人马和天蝎座附近最亮。
Hot summer, hazy, mixed interpolation seems endless illusion, passion in the heart of the neon summer surge of, don't take a dust! 炙热夏日,朦胧无限,似乎掺插着无尽幻想,激情的心澎湃在那夏夜的霓虹当中,不带走一丝灰尘!
This floor lamp that chooses meticulously, like the girl that wears white dress graceful, hazy midstream shows a few minutes bashful. 这座精心挑选的落地灯,如同身着白色连衣裙的少女亭亭玉立,朦胧中流露出几分羞涩。
Seen from a distance on this sunny day, however, the bright autumn light made it hazy and golden, like a mirage in a fairy tale. 然而在这样一个晴朗的天气从一定距离看去,明亮的秋季光线使它看上去朦胧而辉煌,就像童话中的海市蜃楼。
Depth of field is a key aspect of many droplet shots, with a clear central area and a hazy smooth outer edge to the shot. 视野深度是很多微小水珠拍摄的关键,中心区域清晰,外缘平滑模糊。
Your memories of high school biology class may be a bit hazy nowadays, but there are probably a few things you haven't forgotten. 现在,你高中上过的生物课或许模糊了,但是大概有些你是不会忘记的。
Jack took a deep breath and almost gagged on the thick smoke he'd thought for a moment was just his hazy vision. 杰克深深吸了一口气,差点被浓烟呛得窒息,他本来还以为眼前那层烟雾是自己头晕眼花所致。
Also hazy: just how much exposure Berkshire's reinsurance operations have to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. 其次:还不清楚伯克希尔的再保险项目在日本核灾难中损失了多少。
"I must really be sick, " he thought as they made their way, "Everything looks hazy, and glowing in a golden light. " “我一定是真的病了。”他边走边想,“所有的东西看起来都很模糊,还隐隐约约地发着金光。”
The beauty is often says dim, because the beauty can sense to the beauty of hazy reservation. 常说朦胧美是最美的,是因为那种美可意会而难以言传的朦胧含蓄的美。
His real feeling was belied to a certain extent by his strained, pale face and somewhat hazy stare. 他那紧张苍白的脸和茫然的眼神,一定程度上掩饰了他的真实心情。