
  • 网络命名和目录接口(Java Name and Directory Interface);命名和目录接口(Java Naming and Directory Interface);命名技术



命名和目录接口(Java Name and Directory Interface)

JNDI(Java Name and Directory Interface): JNDI API被用于执行名字和目录服务。它提供了一致的模型来存取和操作企业级的 …

命名和目录接口(Java Naming and Directory Interface)

客户机通过命名和目录接口JNDI)对宿主接口进行定位,然后再利用这个宿主接口创建一个Bean对象。宿主接口指定了一个 …


《Java Web应用开发... ... 5. 2. 7 部署描述符( deploymentdescriptor) 2. 3. 1 命名技术( JNDI) 2. 3. 2 部署技术( deployment) ...



When specifying search parameters, however, it is a JNDI requirement that you specify the uid value as if it were an attribute value. 但在指定搜索参数时,JNDI要求指定uid值,就像它是属性一样。
As you could probably have guessed, the best solution is to use JNDI resolution. 正如您可能已经猜到的那样,最好的解决方案是用JNDI解析。
I really only need one indicator, be it a JNDI name or an annotation, to let me know if it is local or remote. 我确实只需要一个指示器,可以是JNDI名称或者注释,就可以知道该接口是本地接口还是远程接口。
Every connection factory or destination used in the sample application must be registered in a JNDI directory with a unique name. 在示例应用程序中使用的每个连接工厂或目的地必须使用唯一名称在JNDI目录中注册。
The example utilizes a queue and a topic on the queue manager, using the JNDI bindings to switch back and forth between them. 示例利用队列管理器上的队列和主题,并使用JNDI绑定在它们之间来回切换。
Administered objects are not dependent on JNDI, but it is implicit that they can be bound to and looked up in a JNDI namespace. 受管的对象并不依赖于JNDI,但暗示它们可以绑定到JNDI名称空间并可以在其中查询它们。
This method could be altered to set up any JMS provider or to use JNDI to retrieve the Administered Objects. 但是可以修改这个方法用来配置任何JMS提供者,或者使用JNDI来检索受管理对象。
JMS topics are defined with a name, a JNDI name, and a topic name, where the topic name is for the structure defined in the topic space. 使用一个名称、一个JNDI名称和一个主题名称对JMS主题进行定义,其中,结构的主题名称在主题空间中定义。
The changes become effective only when the object is looked up in JNDI, which typically occurs once, when the program initializes. 仅当在JNDI中查找对象时更改才有效,这通常在程序初始化时才出现一次。
With these optional configuration parameters, up to five JNDI parameters can be specified as name-value pairs. 使用这些可选的配置参数,最多可以作为名称-值对指定五个JNDI参数。
By default, ADS does not support the Java schema, and will display the error Unable to bind object if you try to add the JNDI objects. 默认情况下,ADS不支持Java模式,并且在您试图添加JNDI对象时将显示无法绑定对象的错误。
A simple example is that of an LDAP search request being mapped to a JNDI search operation. 简单的示例就是映射到JNDI搜索请求的LDAP搜索请求。
The JNDI name must later be bound to JNDI names used by EJB and Web modules to look up the connection factory. 稍后必须将这里的JNDI名绑定到EJB和Web模块所使用的JNDI名,以查找连接工厂。
If the JNDI names are not right, then the client application will not be able to locate the JMS destinations. 如果JNDI名称不正确,则客户机应用程序将无法定位JMS目的地。
If the JNDI names are not right, then the application will not be able to locate the connection factories. 如果JNDI名称不正确,则应用程序将无法定位连接工厂。
For the activation specifications, you also need to specify a destination type and a destination JNDI name, as shown in Figure 13. 对于激活规范,您还需要指定目的地类型和目的地JNDI名称,如图13所示。
If you receive errors about JNDI names not being found, you've probably set one of these elements incorrectly. 如果收到找不到JNDI名称的错误消息,则可能错误设置了其中一个元素。
The Service Locator pattern is still useful for encapsulating the code that uses JNDI, even if the locator does not use caching. ServiceLocator模式对封装使用JNDI的代码仍然有用,即使定位器不使用缓存。
Using this naming context will not tie up a bean with the JNDI name of a resource that is known only at the time of deployment. 使用这个命名上下文将不会把bean与只在部署时才知道的资源的JNDI名密切联系在一起。
The next step is to call these EJBs using JNDI to access the database. 下一步是调用这些使用JNDI的EJB来访问数据库。
Note how the JNDI names tie up with the datasource names you created when you were planning the database. 请注意JNDI名称是如何同您设计数据库时创建的数据源名称相关联的。
Scroll down to the WebSphere Bindings section and enter the correct JNDI name for that resource (found in the WebLogic config. xml file). 向下滚动到WebSphereBindings部分,为资源(在WebLogicconfig.xml文件中找到的)键入正确的JNDI名称。
You have now completed the JNDI resource configuration and are ready to deploy and test your applications. 现在,您已经完成了JNDI资源配置,您可以部署和测试您的应用程序了。
In this case, you need a new client-side JNDI implementation capable of working with your new directory server. 在这种情况下,需要一个能够操作新目录服务器的新的客户端JNDI实现。
Besides opening a communication channel, this link allows you to map your enterprise application's datasource JNDI names. 除了打开一个通信信道之外,该链接还允许您映射企业应用程序的数据源JNDI名称。
The listener port has to be configured with the JNDI names of connection factory and the WebSphere MQ JMS destination as shown in Figure 3. 侦听器端口已被配置,含有连接工厂JNDI名和WebSphereMQJMS目的地JNDI名,如图3所示。
In a lot of situations, you might need to browse the JNDI name tree, either to understand applications or debug application problems. 在许多情况下,您可能需要浏览JNDI名称树,以了解应用程序或调试应用程序的问题。
The code in this class first does a JNDI lookup to see if it can get an instance of the service. 此类中的代码首先进行JNDI查询,以确定是否可以获得服务的实例。
The nodes can reuse any existing JNDI repositories and administered objects that are already set up for the existing JMS network. 这些节点可以重用任何现有的JNDI储存库和已为现有的JMS网络建立的管理对象。
Use the first form to access a datasource associated with a JNDI name, by providing that name as the value of the dataSource attribute. 通过提供JNDI名作为dataSource属性值,您可以使用第一种格式来接入与JNDI名相关的datasource。