I Remember

  • 网络我记得;我忆起;我还记得

I RememberI Remember

I Remember


惊喜 Beyond专辑 惊喜mp3下载 在线试听 ... 无事无事 Alright Alright 我记得 I remember 管我(国语版) Piss Off ...


英语诗歌 / 名人诗歌 / 经典赏析_英文阅读网 ... The Fountain 喷泉 I Remember,I Remember 我忆起,我忆起 Old Black Joe 老 …


每个人都有一个[蓝莓之夜]。_Tiramisu_新浪博客 ... - 在, Yeah... 我还记得 I remember. 幸好没学会 and I'm glad I failed. ...


remember什么意思 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... remember me1. 勿忘我 i remember1. 我记起来了 remember1. 记住,记得 ...


autumn goodbye_百度百科 ... don't forget 请不要忘记 I remember 我会记得 Memories can fade 记忆会褪色 ...


阅读版08年1月号... ... Fall on Me 乘爱飞翔 I Remember,I Remember 我记得呀,我记得 The Plot against People 与人对 …


Fighter... ... I've had enough,yeah... 我已经成熟了 I remember 我又想起来了 When I,thought I knew you 我本以为我了解您 ...

In retrospect, what I remember about that was that there was almost no security. 现在回想起来,当时令我印象最深的就是几乎不存在什么安保措施。
I remember one of my goals at the very beginning was to have Christmas dinner with him because he would not eat with us. 我记得我最初的目标之一是让他和我们一起吃圣诞晚餐,因为他从不和我们一起吃饭。
I remember when I started practicing Buddhism fourteen years ago, and I was told that the end of this practice was to be happy. 还记得14年前当我开始修习佛教的时候,他们告诉我修行的最终是得到幸福。
He had very little to do with us--if I remember right he had only for a while taken the place of one of the masters of our class. 他和我们没有多大的接触---若是我没记错的话,他只是在短期内代过我们班上一个老师的课。
I remember someone advising me that it was "such a man's world, you have to elbow your way in. " 我记得一些人劝告我说动画界是个“男性为主体的世界,你必须奋力的挤进去。”
How well I remember them all, and that when I came home at night and looked back to the morning, it seemed to have been a month agone. 我对那天发生的一切记忆犹新:我在那天晚上回家后,回忆早晨发生的事情,好似发生在一个月前。
I remember trying to describe it to my mother and I could sense she felt it wasn't quite right - my emotions were too extreme. 我记得我曾试图向母亲描述这种感觉,我能感觉到她觉得这有些不对头——我的情绪过于极端了。
When he came upon a picture annotated by his wife, showing bricks engraved with donor names, he nodded and said, "I remember that. " 当他看到一张经他妻子注解过、上面显示刻有捐助者名字的砖墙的照片时,他点了点头,说:“我记得这张。”
I remember we had a little five-a-side, and I literally threw a ball at him and he volleyed it first time into the back of the net. 我记得有一次我们踢五人小场,我将球直接抛给他,他第一时间以一记凌空抽射将球射入对方网内。
I do not recall what I said, but I remember turning to look at the rising sun with a group of people behind me. 我想不起来我都说了什么,但是我记得转头看到天边的太阳正冉冉升起,有一群人就跟我站在一起。
With a thought of your smile I remember yesterday. I enjoy the time with you. 一想起你的微笑,我就想到了昨天。我享受与你在一起的每分每秒。
You must be happy, because I hope you happy, I remember I said to you as long as you live better than me is enough. 你一定要幸福,因为我希望你幸福,记得我曾对你说过只要你过得比我好就足够了。
And then I remember to relax and stop trying to hold on to it. 后来我记得要放轻松,别一直想要紧抓着不放。
And I remember standing underneath the hot shower and trying to defrost my fingers. 我忘不了当时站在喷头下,试着解冻我的手指时的情景。
Wait a minute. . . I remember telling myself that if I ever had to ask that question, then I'm definitely dreaming. 稍等,我记得曾对自己说过,如果我问了那样的问题,那么我就一定是在做梦。
And one of the most fantastic displays that I remember, or at least visually, was a foraging behavior. 我记得其中一个最神奇的景象至少是可见的景象,是它们的觅食行为。
I remember everything as if it had happened yesterday. 我记得一切事情,好像那些都是在昨天发生得一样。
I remember just trying to get out of the water. 我只记得想尽快从水里起来。
Other than more derelict factory buildings than I remember from times past, nothing seemed to me to have changed that much. 除了比记忆中的过去多了些废弃工厂的遗骸,一切似乎都没有大的改变。
at this time, I remember many years ago wrote a poem: northerly ah, please do not bird overblow, it is in the sky flying flowers . . . . . . 这时候,我想起了多年前写的一句诗:北风啊,请不要将鸟鸣吹落,那是天空中飞翔的花朵……
No, I remember now, I'd actually stopped trying to think of something. 不对,我刚想起来,其实我停下来过。
I remember as a, as a mathematics student, thinking, well, you know, where am I ever gonna use simultaneous equations. 我记得还是一个数学系学生的时候就想,你知道的,我究竟要在那里使用联立方程式。
I remember that Iused to be proud of my hair, as if it could matter what colour a thing was. 我记得我曾很骄傲于自己的头发,仿佛它能左右其它物品的颜色一般。
Welcome to take-off "I" of the sky. Hope that our friends will always be happy, to the point I remember reading the comments and opinions! 欢迎大家坐客“我”的天空。希望网友能永远幸福,看完记得给点评论和意见哦!
Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent! I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell! 流着斯巴达之血令人憎恶的家伙!虽然我失去了视觉但我记得你的味道!我要把你打倒哪怕永远这样纠缠下去,直到世界上再也没有一丝你们的味道!
Sees it[a souvenir picture], very easy to remember the childhood, because I remember past times very much. 看到它【一张纪念照】,很容易想起童年,因为我很怀旧。
I remember a little incident at the custom, when a lady after me had her hand carry scanned and was asked for a 'chat'. 我想起在海关发生的一件小事,在我后面的一位女士接受安检,被要求‘聊一下’。
I remember Edwin van der Sar saving Nicolas Anelka's penalty and, for me, it was like the earth stood still. 我记得埃德温。范德萨扑出了阿内尔卡的点球,对我来说就像地球重新开始转动。
I remember going to the recording studio, and there was a park across the street, and I'd see all the children playing and I would cry. 我记得在去录音室的路上,对面街有个公园,看见其他孩子都在玩我就想哭。
If she had a bad day or something was bothering her, I remember she would say, "I sure wish I could sit on my mama's lap for a minute. " 如果哪天她心情不好,或者有什么事情让她觉得心烦,我记得她总会说:“我真希望能够在妈妈的腿上坐一会儿。”