in china

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in china


初中英语短语大全 ... 22.thank you 谢谢 China 在中国 24.speak Japanese 讲日语 ...


2011年翻译... ... 16.经...批准的... approved by. 17.在华... in China 18.以...为主要服务对象 provide services mainly to... ...


书魂_百度空间 ... :31C:DATE OF ISSUE 开证日 050622 IN CHINA 050622 在中国到期 SWIFT MT700 SENT TO:MT700 转送 …


YouTube上外国... ... Nice ceremony in china 中国的开幕式很棒。 Olympic Ceremony Level:Chinese 奥林匹克开幕式的中 …


Jean M - "+strThisPageTitle+" ... Tamara Franzmann's 塔马拉的博客 IN CHINA 到中国了 PLANNER 策划师培训 ...


...月)在纽约布鲁克林美术馆举行;1980年,摄影集《中国之行》(In China)率先由美国Alfred A. Knopf 公司出版,并获当年 …


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2011湖南永州市中考英语试题... ... “talk” 是讲话,故选C。 “in China表示范围,本句应该用最高级, “turn up” 是发生,故选B …

"I woke up in January of this year, " she said, "and my New Year's resolution was to get known in China. " 冯姐说:“今年一月的某天早晨我从梦中醒来,然后我知道了自己的新年计划:在中国出名。”
It would have been easy to opt out of religious life while living in China, since being Jewish has always been only a part of who I am. 在中国﹐选择不参加宗教活动本是件容易的事情﹐反正犹太人的身份并不是我的全部。
I suppose it is no wonder then that I ended up living in China, looking for a cure to this burning yellow fever inside of me. 我想这是不奇怪,我最终留在中国,为这个燃烧我内心的黄热病寻找治愈方法。一种治疗方法,只有一个美丽的中国女人的爱可以带来…
The earliest appearance of cities is in China. The history of cities come down in one continuous line with its integrality and fixity. 中国是世界上产生城市最早地国家,城市的历史有其壹脉相承的完整性和固定性。
as to the foreigners in china , it all right no matter how much they like to be in the limelight. 至于在中国的外国人他们再喜欢出锋头也没有关系。
He said the company's washlet sales in China have tripled since 2004. 他说,公司的卫洗在中国的销售额从2004以来已经增加了两倍。
Currently, there are few high-tech solutions being used in China to find problems or to analyze and draw correlations between them, Dr. Cao博士说,当前中国很少采用高科技解决方案来发现问题,或者是分析问题、寻找关联。
The train collision was one of several high-profile public transportation accidents in China recently. 此次列车相撞事件是近来中国发生的几起备受瞩目的公共交通事故之一。
In addition to the new factory in Thailand, he said, the company is looking to open a plant in China, India or Brazil. 益子修说,除了泰国的新工厂,公司还考虑在中国、印度或巴西新建一家工厂。
As a Chinese-American in a small town like Ji'an, I look as if I could be a local, born and raised in China. 我是个美籍华人,所以看起来就像本地的中国人,但其实我从小是在美国长大的。
Chen left Shanghai for Beijing after several years of being made to feel like a second-class citizen in China's bustling financial hub. 在上海这个喧闹的金融中心住了几年,总被视为二等公民的陈广选择去了北京。
This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year. The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding. 这辆售价600美元的车可不是玩具车来的,它将会在明年在中国推出市场。这种流线型外形的单座车由大众汽车生产。
If anything, as with Google in China, it has become a stick with which critics have been able to beat the company. 要说有什么的话,就和谷歌在中国的遭遇一样,新公关战略变成了批评人士用来抨击该公司的大棒。
A disturbing video of a British tourist carrying out a drunken sex attack on a woman in China has caused outrage after it was posted online. 一名英国游客酒后性侵犯一名女子的令人不安的视频传上网后在中国引发众怒。
Lastly, I would like to say that the concept of human rights or the movement for human rights is only in its beginning stage in China. 最后,我应当说,人权这种概念或者人权这样一种运动在中国还刚刚开始。
It has programs around the United States and its Web site lists international partners in China, Tanzania and a few other countries. 在全美,国家创业指导基金会有很多项目,并且它的网站上列出了在中国,坦桑尼亚以及其它一些国家的合作伙伴。
In China's supposedly classless society it is a little bit of urban snobbery. But for how much longer? 在中国大致的社会等级中,这有点俗不可耐的城市气,可是还会持续多久呢?
Chiang was not a true representative of the bourgeoisie in China and he never came to grips with the relics of feudalism in his own land. 蒋介石却不是中国资产阶级的真正代表,也从来没有同本国的封建残余进行过斗争。
In China today, the search for a partner is often not inspired by love - but driven by a stark financial calculus. 在今天的中国,寻找伴侣往往不是因为爱——而是受赤裸裸的利益驱动。
How much do you know about dialects in China? 你对方言了解多少?
Our Trade Investment teams in China stand ready to help you take advantage of all this. 我们在中国的贸易投资团队已经准备好帮助您利用这些优势。
Do you know how much arable land there is in China? 你知道中国可耕地有多少吗?
"The ability of Western companies to do effective business in China over the next five years is going to be increasingly limited, " he says. 他认为,在未来五年,西方企业在中国开展有效业务的能力将越来越有限。
In the beginning of the reformation in China, the movement returned to glory again, thus later it had to decline in the market economy. 改革开放初期它曾一度重返荣耀,但在市场经济时代,它又无可奈何地走向式微。
Add that lost time up over a week, a month, a year, and you're looking at a ton of wasted time in China. 将一个星期、一个月、一年等待的时间加起来,你就会发现在中国被浪费掉的时间多的令人发指。
IT USED to be said that you could not believe anything in China until it had been officially denied. 网上常说,在中国官方出面否认之前不要相信任何事情。
Chipchase had the pick of the firm's studios around the world, but says there was no doubt that he wanted to be in China. 奇普蔡斯本可以选择公司在世界各地的任何一间工作室,但他说,自己想去中国是毫无疑问的。
Though Steve Jobs might get his way in China over the issue of shared technology, he would be one of few. 虽然斯蒂夫乔布斯也许会从分享技术开辟出自己在中国的道路,但他只是少数人之一。
In China, where the deprivation of a minor violation of the law and unable to work the right to inherit part of the heirs, null and void. 在中国,凡违背法律规定剥夺未成年人和无劳动能力的继承人的继承权的部分,归于无效。
OFFICIALLY, it has long been glorious to get rich in China, but both politics and red tape still make it a lot harder than it should be. 名义上已经很长一段时间了,在中国致富是一件值得光荣的事情,然而政治和各种繁文缛节还是让这比想象中要难。