美 [ɪnˈvoʊk]英 [ɪnˈvəʊk]
  • v.调用;激活;援引;提及
  • 网络恳求;祈求;请求

第三人称单数:invokes 现在分词:invoking 过去式:invoked

invoke authority



1.~ sth (against sb)援引,援用(法律、规则等作为行动理由)to mention or use a law, rule, etc. as a reason for doing sth

2.~ sb/sth提及,援引(某人、某理论、实例等作为支持)to mention a person, a theory, an example, etc. to support your opinions or ideas, or as a reason for sth

3.~ sth提出(某人的名字,以激发某种感觉或行动)to mention sb's name to make people feel a particular thing or act in a particular way

5.~ sth使产生,唤起,引起(感情或想象)to make sb have a particular feeling or imagine a particular scene

6.~ sth调用;激活to begin to run a program, etc.


机械制图全部符号及表示含义 - 豆丁网 ... Invisible 不可见 不可见 invoke 调用 呼叫 island 孤岛 孤立物件 ...


GRE分类词汇总结 - 豆丁网 ... conjure v. 请求,祈求 invoke v. 祈求, 恳求, (法律的)实施生效. adjure v. 郑重敦促( …


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... inviting 吸引人的 invoke 祈求 involuntary 不随意的 ...


考研完型600核心词汇 - 豆丁网 ... intrinsic adj. 固有的,内在的 invoke v. 祈求,援引,引用 levy n. 征收,征税 v.征收 ...


BPEL 语言介绍和应用-ASP.NET-第七城市 ... 8.While——While 循环 2.Invoke 请求 3.Assign 赋值 ...


考研完型600核心词汇 - 豆丁网 ... intrinsic adj. 固有的,内在的 invoke v. 祈求,援引,引用 levy n. 征收,征税 v.征收 ...


C#调用DLL中 DllImport 属性详解_百度知道 ... P/Invoke 调用时, ...

The Company hereby irrevocably waives any right to invoke jurisdiction it may have to any court by virtue of the laws of the PRC. 公司在此不可撤消地放弃任何根据中国法律调用其权限向其他法庭起诉的权利。
These indicate that other components can invoke the properties and methods of the new class as if they were shared members. 这指示其他组件可调用新类的属性和方法,如同它们是共享成员一样。
Now that you've created a service and service client, you're ready to compose a BPEL process model application to invoke this service. 现在您创建了一个服务和服务客户机,可以随时编写一个BPEL流程模型应用程序来调用这个服务。
That's a phrase from Thoreau we would invoke at the beginning of every meeting. 那句话摘自梭罗的诗句每次聚会我们都要先读它
The business state machine provides the ability for a condition to call (invoke) another component to perform the condition check. 对于某个条件,业务状态机可以调用另一组件来执行条件检查。
Given the frequency with which institutions are collapsing, he would have been keen to invoke that power soon. 在连续遭受金融机构垮台打击后,保尔森迫切需要尽快获得这个权力。
Whether or not you restrict the access to your scripts, Web clients should not be able to invoke any function of a server-side script. 无论是否限制对脚本的访问,Web客户机应该不能调用服务器端脚本的任何函数。
In other words, you should be able to invoke the component as though it were a local object. 换句话说,您应该能够像调用本地对象一样调用组件。
PtrToStructure is often necessary in COM interop and platform invoke when structure parameters are represented as an System. IntPtr value. 当结构参数表示为System.IntPtr值时,PtrToStructure在COMInterop和平台调用中通常是必要的。
The commands in any person's working set are those they most often use. Users want those commands to be especially quick and easy to invoke. 任何人的工作集中的命令都是那些经常使用的命令,用户都希望这些命令能够特别迅速而容易地调用。
The Web Service Proxy is now configured and is ready to invoke the sample back end service. 现在已经配置好WebServiceProxy,可以调用样例后台服务了。
If I had to make a case for Osborne's approach I would invoke what used to be called the "balanced Budget multiplier" . 如果非要我为奥斯本的做法辩护的话,我会祭出过去所称的“平衡预算乘数”。
With Mr Jobs gone, Apple is just one of many technology firms trying to invoke his unruly spirit in new products. 随着乔布斯先生离我们而去,苹果公司就是许多技术公司中的一个,在新产品方面,努力求助于他那并不现实的精神。
As you can see, you first invoke the controller action as if it were a method call on the controller. 可以看到,您首先调用控制器操作,就像它是另一个控制器上的方法一样。
Sheldon: Then I hereby invoke what I'm given to understand is an integral part of the implied covenant of friendship. 所以说我在这儿是引用我们隐含的友谊契约书中的一个重要部分。
However, the only thing you can do with such a Java object is pass it back to or use it to invoke another extension function. 但能对此类Java对象进行的惟一处理就是将其回传或用它来调用另外一个扩展函数。
Or to call native methods with platform invoke. 或使用此句柄通过平台调用来调用本机方法。
and from there we start to invoke. one of the greatest laws in the Universe. and that's the Law of Attraction. 从这一点起,我们开始召唤宇宙中这些伟大的定律。即——吸引力定律。
Then there's the question of light intensity which seems to invoke a classic catch-22 situation. 接下来,光强度问题似乎落入了经典的“坑人二十二”状态中了。
This serves as the callback mechanism we were missing when trying to invoke the human task directly from the business state machine. 这相当于一个回调机制,它在我们从业务状态机直接调用人工任务的设计方法中是没有的。
Further, depending on the classloader structure, an attacker may be able to invoke servlets outside of your Web application. 更进一步地,根据类加载器的结构,攻击者可能在您的Web应用程序外部调用Servlet。
where the contract does not require the matter, it should invoke the provisions of the practice. 凡合同没有规定的事项,则应按它所援引的惯例的规定办理。
My own preference is to have gcc always mean the native compiler, and I explicitly invoke or configure mingw32-gcc as I need. 我自己的首选是让gcc总是意味着本机编译器,并按需显式调用或配置mingw32-gcc。
I'm having problems when trying to invoke a method of a COM object which exposes more than one interface. 我在尝试调用一个打开了多于一个接口的COM对象中的方法时碰到问题,应该怎么办?
For a few years now, RPG programmers have had the ability to invoke web services using C stubs emitted by the wsdl2ws. sh tool. 最近几年,PRG程序员已经能够使用wsdl2ws.sh工具生成的C存根来调用Web服务。
While he praised it as one of the best laws of its kind, he said not enough has been done to guarantee the safety of those who invoke it. 他称赞该法是同类法律中的佼佼者,但他说,在确保揭发者安全方面做得还不够。
When you invoke an observer method on an instance of a structured type, the method returns the value of the attribute for that instance. 当您在结构化类型的实例上调用observer方法并为其相关联的属性指定一个新值时,该方法将返回这个实例的一个属性值。
The APPLY operator allows you to invoke a table- valued function for each row returned by an outer table expression of a query . 使用APPLY运算符可以为实现查询操作的外部表表达式返回的每个行调用表值函数。
In general, the concept of a Web service proxy class is intended to make it easy to invoke the Web service. 一般而言,Web服务代理类的概念旨在使调用Web服务容易。
Stateless annotation, above, means that this class is now a stateless session bean, and the business interface is used to invoke it. 以上的@无状态注解,意味着此类现在是一个无状态会话bean,将使用业务接口来调用它。