i remember the

i remember thei remember the

i remember the

It was the best I remember, the glowing sun sat at the end of a beautiful corridor of trees making it look like they were on fire. 这是我看到过的最美的日出,太阳散发着光芒出现在林中道路的尽头,整个森林似乎燃烧起来。
I remember the name because we had to clear it the next day and spent several hours there. 我之所以会记得这个位置的名称是因为在第二天我们就攻占了它并在那停留了好几个小时。
I remember the last two Halloween, once the children rang the door, I was just cooking, they could not wait. 想起过去两个万圣节。一次孩子们按门铃,我正做饭,他们等不急撤退了。
I remember the British pulling out of the place a few years ago, but I'm not sure what happened after that. 我记得几年前英国就已经撤走了,但那之后的事我不清楚。
I remember the portrait of him up in Gatsby's bedroom, a gray, florid old man. 我记得他那张挂在盖茨比卧室里的相片,一个头发花白,服饰花哨的老头子。
I remember the whole thing as if it had happened yesterday. 整件事我都记得,仿佛它就发生在昨天。
I remember the scene as if it had occurred this morning. 我还记得那时的情景,就好像是今天上午才发生的。
I remember the whole thing clearly as though it had happened yesterday. 整个事情我记得清清楚楚,就好像是昨天发生的一样。
and I remember the day my mama told me that she had it. 我永远都会记得我妈妈告诉我她有艾滋的那天。
'I remember the panic set in that I knew I hurt myself, ' he said. 'I knew it was something bad. ' 他说:“我记得当时的恐慌场景,因为我把自己伤到了。我知道这很糟。”
Near the end of the documentary, I remember the interviewer asking him if it was all worth it. 我记得影片接近结尾的时候,有个记者问他这一切是否值得。
I remember the last thing my fourth grade teacher said to me, "Try to leave some books in the library for the other kids. " 我依稀记得四年级老师对我说的最后一句话是,“图书馆里的书,你试着留点给别的小朋友看吧。”
I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday . 我记得事情的全部过程,就好像是昨天发生的。
Phoebe: I remember the day I got my first pay check. There was a cave in in one of the mines, and eight people were killed. 我还记得我第一次领薪水的那天,矿井塌方了,那一次死了八个人。
I remember the name of the diner we walked into when the movie ended: it was the "American diner. " 我也记得看完电影后我们进去用餐的那家小餐馆的名字:它叫作“美国餐馆”。
I remember the event as if it happened yesterday. 我记得这件事,就好像它是昨天发生似的。
I close my eyes , and I remember . The fields of green and flowers gold. 我闭上眼睛回忆,草地青青,花儿闪着金色光芒
I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof. 记得我被绑架后,歹徒给我父亲寄了一块手指。可他说证据不足。
I remember the first day I saw her playing basketball. I watched in wonder as she ran circles around the other kids. 我记得第一天看到她打篮球的情景。看着她在其他孩子旁边兜来转去,我感到十分惊奇。
Jimmy: Oh, I remember the time when those Chinese fellows asked me to supervise the building of the Great Wall. 吉米:我记得有一次,中国的一位皇帝还特地的,把我请到中国去建造那长墙。
When he brought a ball home, I remember the shock of seeing him smile sweetly when he saw how excited his sons became at the sight of it. 有一次他带了一个足球回家,我记得,当他看到儿子们欣喜若狂的反应时,他甜甜地微笑着,而我们也因他的微笑而感到惊奇。
For a time, my mother was living in Welwyn Garden City and I remember the Italian prisoner of war camp. 有一振子我和妈妈住在(英国)韦林花园城,我记得这里有一个关押意大利战犯的集中营。
I remember snuggling next to him on Sunday mornings. I remember the strong, warm feeling of dozing off in his arms. 可星期天早晨挤进他的被窝,偎在他怀里睡着时的温暖感觉,我至尽记忆犹新。
I remember the time my son Sebastian came home from school and told me that he was being bullied by an older boy. 我记得那次,我儿子塞巴斯蒂安从学校回家告诉我他让个大孩子欺负了。
eg. 1. I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 我记得事情的全部经过就像发生在昨天一样。
And I remember the covers of some of our news magazines, our weekly news magazines, that said that we were coming into an Ice Age. 我也还记得我们的一些新闻杂志,周刊新闻杂志,过去就在说我们将进入冰河时代。
I remember the story of a woman who complained that her partner would never make a commitment to marriage. 我记得一个女人的故事,她抱怨男朋友从来不和她沟通未来的婚姻计画。
They weren't the only ones who made mistakes. I remember the umpire gave away the right to serve of net-fault you made. 他们并不是惟一犯错的人,我记得你犯了身体触网的失误,裁判将发球权判给了对方。
I remember the sad spectacle of her standing in her wedding dress, covered in mud. 我记得她穿着婚纱、满身泥污站在那儿的凄惨样。
So we were just practising in the basement of the music school and I remember the dust falling from the ceiling while we were practising. 于是我们在音乐学院的地下室练习。我还记得在练琴的时候,尘土从天花板上掉下来。