my dearest

  • na.亲爱的
  • 网络我最亲爱的;我亲爱的;当我离开人世,最亲爱的

my dearestmy dearest

my dearest


私人、事务书信 ... My Dearest Anna 我最亲爱的安娜 My Dearest 我最亲爱的 Darling Anna 亲爱的安娜(夫妻之间的称呼) ...


诗意的复兴 - 人人小站 ... [英]瓦尔特·罗利( Walter Raleigh) When I am dead,my dearest, 当我死去,我亲爱的 ...


最美英文爱情诗歌/品读经典英语 -... ... You,Sir “我为什么爱你”,先生68. When I Am Dead,My Dearest 当我离开人世,最


I loveyou还有其他表示方法吗_百度知道 ... You Are My Dearest. 你是我的最爱 My Dearest. 我的最爱 To My Dearest. 给我最爱 ...

You know, my dearest brethren. And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger. 我亲爱的弟兄们,你们要知道:每人都该敏于听教,迟于发言,迟于动怒。
My heart can respond to my dearest, wherever you, my heart is always with you. 我的心只能回应给我最珍爱的你,不管在哪哩,我的心永远跟着你。
My dearest Dad: Your characteristics have such a strong influence on me. 我亲爱的爸爸:你的性格对我有深刻的影响。
"Ah, my dearest Axel, " she said, "I see you're feeling better, you look more calm than you were yesterday. " “啊,亲爱的阿克塞尔,”她说,“我看你感觉好些了,你看上去比昨天平静了。”
I shall love thee forever, my dearest one. Sleep now, as we enter this endless memory together, and see thy death awakened all in a moment. 我永远爱你,我最亲爱的。睡吧,我们将一起加入这无尽的记忆,迎接死亡的降临,你将在死后瞬间醒悟。
Sir, I would like you to meet one of my dearest and sweetest American friends, Mrs Wallis Simpson. 殿下,我想介绍您认识我的一位最可爱、最甜美的美国朋友,沃利斯·辛普森夫人。
Jennifer: So what does this represent: "My dearest Jane. . . " Billy! This was for her! 珍妮花:那这又代表什么:「我亲爱的小真……」比利!这是给她的!
Not see him again! My dearest creature, do not talk of it. I am sure you would be miserable if you thought so! 再也见不到他了!我的宝贝,别这么说啦。你要是这么想,肯定要垂头丧气了。
My dearest, please remember that it is I who read all of your dairy and wrote back, and read all of your messages on your message board! 我最亲爱,请记住,这就是我读取所有的乳和你写和读取所有的您的邮件在您的信息局!
Macauley Rivera, one of my dearest friends in Bible college, had a passion for the Savior. 麦考利·利维拉是我在神学院中最好的朋友,他对主有极深的渴慕。
My dearest parents, I dont know if this election is correct. But not all that case. I dont have opportunities to risk this manner, no? 我亲爱的父母。我不知道这次选择是否正确。其实我真的不敢再冒这次险了。难道不是吗?
They say mother was her boy's lover in a previous incarnation and I am convinced of it. You my dearest, I call you my dear. 人说母亲是男孩前世的情人,我信了。我最亲最爱的人,唤你一声亲爱的。
I never thought of my dearest friend but I lamented for him. 我每次想到我亲密的朋友就为他感到悲伤。
The death of my dearest uncle due to lung cancer in 1997, however, initially motivated me to pursue a career in medicine. 1997年我最喜欢的叔叔因为肺癌而去世,这样的悲痛让我第一次对于医学产生了兴趣。
I missed you whole day, these days I can't get used to staying alone, it is so quiet and empty, I miss you, my dearest sweetest darling mou. 我很想你,这些日子我无法习惯独自一人,如此安静和空荡荡。我想你,我最亲爱的甜蜜的人。
"Stop, my dearest diddle-diddle-darling" shouted Joe now as bold as a lion, and clasping Miss Rebecca round the waist. “停,我最亲爱的晃来晃去的宝贝。”乔现在像狮子一样勇敢地喊着,抱住了丽贝卡小姐的腰。
a place where my dearest family and friends are, where familiar scenes conjure the feeling of leafing through an old photo album. 在那里有我最亲的家人和朋友,在那里熟悉的场景像翻阅的老照片。
But my dearest love, tell me what dish Mr. Darcy is particularly fond of, that I may have it tomorrow. 可是,我的宝贝,告诉我,达西先生爱吃什么菜,让我明天准备起来。
I can neither eat nor sleep for thinking of you , my dearest lo ve, I never touch even pudding . 因为想你,我吃不好睡不着,虽然连你的手指都不曾碰过,但你仍是我的最爱。
I am willing to use all my life to prove the truth that you are my dearest all the time . 我愿拿一生的时间来证明:你一直是我的最爱。
This group of pictures are a small token of my love to my dearest Big Monkey, "honey, i love you. " 谨以此组照片,送给我最亲爱的大猴:“亲爱的,我爱你。”
My dearest love . . . Dearest love . . . I just want to hear your voice , see your face , kiss your eyes . 我最爱的人,最爱的人…我只是想听到你的声音,看到你的脸庞,亲吻你的眼睛。
'I won't leave you! I'll protect you as well as I can, my dearest love, whatever you may or may not have done! ' 我不会离开你的!我会尽我所能来保护你,最亲爱的宝贝,无论你做过还是没做过任何事情!
N=I received the flowers you send. l really liked . because you bought for me, Thank you, my dearest, Love you for life , never change. 我收到了你送给我的话,我非常喜欢。因为是你买给我的,谢谢你,最亲爱的人,爱你一生一世,永远不改变。
My dearest love, today I sat and thought, with every breath. you are the only one i think of. Andthenanopeni我最亲爱的爱,今天我坐在和思想的每一次呼吸,。我认为,你是唯一一个。
Fadeless is your quiet care, Boundless is your deep love. With blessing to my dearest mother, I wish to say: Thank you, mom! 永不褪色的是您默默的关怀,无穷无尽的是您深深的爱心,祝福献给我最爱的妈妈,谢谢您,妈妈!
To my dearest friends at davidcn. Com! Much love in the new year ! We have much to do , see and overcome! 祝喆服最亲爱的朋友们,在新的一年拥有许多的爱!我们还有许多需要去完成,去见证,去克服!
Don't leave me for a second, my dearest! 一秒钟都别离开我,我的至爱!
Oh, my dearest dear sir, I want to take back what I said. You have got a situation open that I want. 噢,最亲爱的先生,我想把刚才说的话收回来。您确实有个待聘的职位,我想应聘。
My dearest Axel, come out of your room. 亲爱的阿克塞尔,从房间里走出来吧。