
美 [strɔŋ]英 [strɒŋ]
  • n.斯特朗
  • adj.强壮的;强健的;强的;强劲的
  • adv.坚强地
  • 网络强烈的;坚强的;强势

比较级:stronger 最高级:strongest

strong sense,strong wind,strong support,strong desire,strong will


有体力having physical power

1.强壮的;强健的having a lot of physical power so that you can lift heavy weights, do hard physical work, etc.

2.强的;强劲的having great power

3.(对身、心影响)强烈的,深刻的having a powerful effect on the body or mind

有影响力having power over people

4.有权势的;有影响的;有实力的having a lot of power or influence

难以抵抗╱击败╱攻击hard to resist/defeat/attack

6.强的;强大的;厉害的very powerful and difficult for people to fight against or defeat

7.难以辩驳的;确凿的difficult to attack or criticize


8.[obn]坚决的;坚定的;不动摇的;始终不渝的holding an opinion or a belief very firmly and seriously

9.坚定的;强烈的;深厚的very powerful

不易破碎not easily broken

10.坚固的;结实的not easily broken or damaged; made well

不脆弱not easily upset

11.坚强的;不易受惊吓的;有主见的not easily upset or frightened; not easily influenced by other people

有望成功likely to succeed

12.有望成功的;可能性大的likely to succeed or happen

擅长good at sth

13.擅长的;突出的good at sth


14.大量的;众多的great in number

15.(用于数字后,表示某集体的规模)多达…的,计有…的used after numbers to show the size of a group


16.健康的;强壮的;身体好的not easily affected by disease; healthy

稳固firmly established

17.稳固的;牢固的firmly established; difficult to destroy


18.坚挺的;行情看涨的;呈强势的having a value that is high or increasing

19.经营状况良好的;景气的in a safe financial position

易于看╱听╱感觉╱嗅到easy to see/hear/feel/smell

20.醒目的;响亮的;明显感觉得到的;浓烈的;强烈的easy to see, hear, feel or smell; very great or intense


21.味重的having a lot of flavour


22.浓的;酽的containing a lot of a substance


23.强硬的;冒犯的having a lot of force, often causing offence to people


反义词_百度文库 ... short (矮的) strong强壮的)--- weak (虚弱的) ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 struggle vi. 斗争 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 struggle vi. 斗争 ...


一轮强势(Strong)事后,罗马(Rome)先负卡坦(Yucatan)尼亚,再和AC米兰,时时好心,就是时时好日。状况开 始上涨。


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 struggle vi. 斗争 ...

it forms a group of a large number of areas, in aesthetic activities and cultural life of the theory show a strong vitality. 在古典美学领域,以“游”为中心,形成了一个数量可观的范畴群,其强大的理论活力表现在审美活动与文化生活的诸多方面。
There is such a strong resistance to honour their mother that it becomes apparent that they rather die than to honour their mother. 她们对尊敬自己的母亲有着很强烈的抵触,而且很明显,她们宁愿死去也不愿去对自己的母亲表达尊敬。
He said the U. S. team has strong tactics, discipline and is very physical. 他说美国队战术严谨、纪律严明、身体素质也非常好。
The wind is too strong for me to fly in a line through the storm. 风力太强了,我不能一直直线飞行穿过暴风。
The American government may talk about the desirability of a strong dollar but it seems to have no intention of doing anything about it. 美国政府或许会说不希望美元保持强势,但看起来美政府并不打算在这方面有所行动。
Japan media will talk about BYJ only, will give a strong impression that this movie is only for BYJ fans. 日本媒体依然会只谈论裴勇俊,这又会给人们留下“电影是为专裴迷而拍”的印象。
But the cartel has a mixed record in trying to stop sliding prices by cutting supply, especially in the face of a strong recession. 但欧佩克以减产手段阻止油价下滑并非屡屡奏效,尤其是在经济出现严重衰退时。
"I am convinced that General James Jones is uniquely suited to be a strong and skilled national security advisor, " he said. 我相信,琼斯将军独具的条件,使他能成为一位坚强而有才能的国家安全顾问。
Win or lose, San Francisco Giants' Dusty Baker has to be a strong candidate for the National League Manager of the Year award. 不管是输还是赢,旧金山巨人队教练达斯蒂·巴克尔都是本年度全国联赛最佳教练奖热门人选。
Accord with human body engineering characteristics, strong, cartoon characters, small volume, not to occupy a space, easy to carry. 符合儿童人体工程学特点,结实耐用,卡通造型,体积小,不占空间,携带方便。
Investment in education and research and a strong safety net can lead to a more productive and competitive economy. 教育与科研投资以及强大的社会保障网络,可以催生生产率更高、更具竞争力的经济体。
Initiative with a strong sense of responsibility, patient and meticulous, and with excellent professional ethics. 工作主动,责任心强,耐心细致,具有良好的职业道德。
That turned out to be premature, as there remains a strong chance that Fiat may walk away from the talks. 这原来是为时尚早,因为仍然有很大的机会,菲亚特可能离开会谈。
An aggressive person has courage and energy. He feels strong and independent. He is often the first one to start a fight. 一个惯于侵犯他人的人都有勇气,有力气。他觉得自己身强力壮,凡事自作主张,经常是他,第一个挑起了打架。
And neither kind of supposedly strong government was more likely to survive at the polls within two years of a bout of budget-slashing. 一般看来在一轮预算削减的2年内强势政府不可能在大选中幸存。
A strong majority said the economy was the most important issue facing the U. S. -- and, by far, most of those voters backed the GOP. 绝大多数人都说经济是美国面临的最重要的问题,目前为止,他们中的多数都是支持共和党的。
He did not doubt nor did he distrust the promise of God, and by being strong in faith, he gave glory to God. 对于天主的恩许总没有因不信而犹疑,反而信心坚固,归光荣于天主。
Can work in teams, proactive in exploration for new ideas. With a strong sense of confidentiality of the technologies and techniques. 具有团队工作精神,善于探索和研究,具创新和开发精神和产品技术及构成的保密意识。
The sea looks beautiful on a fine day. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. 在晴朗的日子,大海看起来很美,可是在刮大风时,大海很粗暴。
China has always been a strong advocate, firm supporter and active participant of South-South cooperation. 中国始终是南南合作的积极倡导者、坚定支持者和深入参与者。
You are very resilient souls and it seems remarkable to us that you have such a strong sense of survival. 你们都是非常有弹性的灵魂,以我们的角度看是不可思议的,你们已经拥有了一种强烈的生存感受。
The rest of South America is enjoying strong economic growth, but Venezuela is only just emerging from two years of recession. 休战的南美洲经济增长强劲,但委内瑞拉才刚从两年的经济衰退中走出来。
I do not know why so much can be charged with each other, we, in the face of this subject is always so strong rebut the other. 我不知道为什么那么多事都可以互相起诉的我们,面对这个话题的时候总是那么强烈的反驳对方。
No sort of mechanistic rationalism is ever possible and there is a strong hatred of the idea of logical necessity. 机械式的惟理主义在这里是永远不可能的,而且对于逻辑的必须概念都抱着一种憎恶的态度。
She said there had been strong evidence that Mei Xiang might be pregnant, but no one was sure. 她说已有明显的迹象表明美香可能怀孕了,但谁都不敢肯定。
As if he had got a pair of strong long legs in his heart. 他的心灵仿佛获得了一双有力的长腿。
Visibility in parts of Moscow was down to a few dozen meters due to the smog, which carried a strong burning smell and causes coughing. 烟雾散发出强烈的烧焦味并引发咳嗽,市内某些区域能见度仅为数十米。
A strong and persistent desire to be or an insistence that they are the other sex. 对转变性别有着长久而强烈的渴望与坚持
However, your place in Ascension is so vital to a successful completion, that a strong focus is placed upon the Earth and its inhabitants. 然而,你们在扬升中的位置是如此地关系重大对于实现一个圆满的完成,一个强大的焦点被放在地球和它的居民身上。
You, as a highly trained employee with a strong loyalty factor to the company are a strong resource for the future. 你作为受过大量培训的雇员,对公司拥有高度的忠诚感,这会是你未来强大的资源。