
美 [slæp]英 [slæp]
  • n.拍;拍打声;类似拍打的声音
  • v.拍;(尤指生气地)啪的一声放下;啪地击打(或撞上)
  • adv.猛然;径直;恰好;正好
  • 网络掌击;打耳光;掴

复数:slaps 过去式:slapped 现在分词:slapping



1.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)(用手掌)打,拍,掴to hit sb/sth with the flat part of your hand

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(尤指生气地)啪的一声放下,随意扔放to put sth on a surface in a quick, careless and often noisy way, especially because you are angry

3.[i]+ adv./prep.啪地击打(或撞上)to hit against sth with the noise of sb being slapped


外研版高中英语必修4单词_百度文库 ... palm n. 手掌 slap vt. 掌击 mind reader n. (自称或被认为)能看透别人 心思的人 ...


网络用语_互动百科 ... kick: 扁 slap打耳光 KHBD: 葵花宝典 ...

仁爱英语九年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... argument 争论,辩论 △ slap (用手掌)打,,掴 mud 泥,泥浆 ...

仁爱英语九年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... argument 争论,辩论 △ slap (用手掌)打,拍, mud 泥,泥浆 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... skip/ skip/vi. 跳;跳绳;略过 slap/ slAp/vt. 掴,拍 n.巴掌,拍 slaughter/ 5slR:tE/vt.&n. 屠杀,屠宰 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... artichoke n. [植]朝鲜蓟 slap vt. 拍, 掌击, 拍击n.拍, 掌击, 拍击 helpers n. 帮忙者, 助手 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... skip/ skip/vi. 跳;跳绳;略过 slap/ slAp/vt. 掴,拍 n.巴掌,拍 slaughter/ 5slR:tE/vt.&n. 屠杀,屠宰 ...

It was designed to be a slap to the face of Americans. Everyone knows that China is the only real threat we have to world domination. 这被设计成扇在美国脸上的一记响亮耳光。每个人都知道中国是我们统治世界真正的威胁。
Perhaps she did not know, that slap her in the face, but the deep pain in my heart. 或许她不懂,那巴掌打在她脸上,却深深的痛在我心里。
You may imagine when such a guy was talking about if her breasts was loose or not, her hands might be itching to slap. 你可以想像陈清扬听到这么个人说起她的乳房下垂不下垂时,手心是何等的发痒。
Before then it had been content to slap foreign brand labels on some of the products it manufactured. 在那之前,海尔一直安于为外国品牌进行贴牌生产。
You're thinking, well it's not that big of a deal, you know, I'm a pretty friendly person. Slap yourself on the face. 你在想,嗯,这没什么大不了的,你知道,我是一个相当友好的人。给自己一个耳光。
The shameless admission of the stitch-up, however, should have been a humiliating slap in the face for any self-respecting audience. 但是,这次权利交接中无耻的行为,对任何有自尊心的观众而言,本应该像一巴掌打在脸上那样耻辱。
He excitedly told me that he had just won the lottery, but I gave him a slap in the face when I told him that his ticket was expired. 他兴奋地告诉我中了六合彩,仔细看才发现原来彩票过期,我就像把一盆冷水泼向他。
"So, Doc, " he said, letting the back of one hand fall into the palm of the other with an audible slap, "how much time I got? " “那么医生,”他一只手的手背啪地落在另一只手的掌心内,“那我的日子还剩多少?”
Did Helen Hunt has to slap Haley in real life during the making of Pay it Forward? Yes, she had to slap Haley, but she did a safe slap. 中,海轮亨特真的打了海利一个耳光吗?是的,她打了海利。但是不重。
She also said that if I thought too much about this kind of things, she might slap me on my face. 她还说,假如我在这些事上琢磨得太多,很可能会吃耳光。
the universe clearly does not want you and robin to be together. Don't piss off the universe. The universe will slap you. 很明显宇宙根本就不想让你跟罗宾在一起,别跟宇宙过不去,否则就等着挨它呼过来的巴掌吧。
I saw that too! Yao was so frustrated to see that Brooks didn't pass the ball. Some one should slap Brooks on his face to wake him up. 我也看到了!当看到小布没能传过来球时,姚明是多么地沮丧。应该有人上去给小布扇一个大耳光,让他清醒清醒。
It's a slap in the face for the 20 years of work we have done, which we hope is part of a process towards stability and understanding. 他说,“这是对我们二十余年工作的一记响亮耳光。我们本来希望可以为南北朝稳定和谅解架设桥梁。”
"Slap it round a bit, " Perry, the other butcher, tells the mesmerised group as he slams a steak down on the table. 另一位屠夫佩里(Perry)把一块牛排重重的摔在台子上,同时告诉这群着了迷的顾客说:“把它拍圆点。”
It was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg and cram his fist into his mouth. 很明显地,出于一种滑稽的天性,他感觉被某种力量驱使着,去拍打自己的大腿,把拳头塞进嘴里。
In 'Moonstruck, ' Cher's character confronts her boyfriend with a slap and a sharp reprimand: 'Snap out of it! ' 在电影《月色撩人》(Moonstruck)中,雪儿(Cher)饰演的角色给了她男朋友一记耳光,并痛斥道“振作起来!”
The idea that teens need to be encouraged to slap the clown or rock the little man in the boat is bizarre. 诸如青少年需要鼓励去侮辱粗人,或者向小船里的小孩扔石块的主意很不靠谱。
Joey: Ah, I'm gonna be one of his helpers. It's just such a slap in the face, y'know? 啊,我将会扮演他的一个助手,这简直是当头一棒,你们明白么?
Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get out of here. " 可是斯皮尔伯格给了他一个嘴巴,说:“你们中国人炸了珍珠港,给我滚开这里!”
I was surprised to see that when his wife reveal a family secret, he gave her one slap in the face. 我吃惊地看到,当他妻子泄露了一个家庭秘密的时候,他给了她一记耳光。
Without realizing, you kill it with a quick slap of your hand, but notice a little blood on your arm where the mosquito was. 你不加思索一巴掌拍死了它,会留意有一点血迹留在原处。
But all he gave him was a slap on the wrist - he fined him two hundred dollars and suspended his driver's license for 30 days. 可是,他仅仅让他罚款两百美元,吊销他的驾驶执照一个月。
memories will always hit me a slap, pointing to the old wounds would not let me forget. 回忆总是会打我一巴掌,指着旧伤不准我遗忘。
What if I could stick this molecule, slap it onto a bacteria that was pathogenic to me, that had just invaded my lungs? 假如我把这个分子,植入到一个细菌上,而这个细菌恰恰是正在侵略我肺部的病原体呢?
First, she swung a slap at her husband's attacker. She followed up by picking up the plate and trying to strike him with it. 她一开始就扇了攻击她先生的攻击者一个耳光,然后捡起盘子试图以牙还牙,接着走回到丈夫身边。
It was as if she were asking me to slap her. 这就好象她在要求我去抽她的耳光一样。
ln fact, when he gets out of that car, I'm gonna slap him in the face. 事实上,他要从车里出来我会扇他
Truant and saw his wife had suffered a relapse, on the last play her a slap. 懒惰鬼一看,妻子的老毛病又犯了,就上去打了她一个耳光。
But she, thinking that he had raised his hand to slap her face, she gave him a sound crack in the jaw with that big peasant hand of hers. 说完他想拍拍她的脸蛋,她却以为菲尔莫举起手来是要扇她耳光,便用她那只乡巴佬的大手朝他下颚上响亮地抽了一记。
[Our parents' divorce was] like a slap in the face for her. 我们的父母离婚,就像是在她的脸上甩了一个巴掌。