
美 [strik]英 [striːk]
  • n.条纹;条痕;(尤指不好的)性格特征
  • v.在…上画条纹(或留下条痕);使布满条纹(或条痕);飞奔;疾驰
  • 网络纹理;斑纹;倾向

复数:streaks 现在分词:streaking 过去式:streaked



n. v.

1.条纹;条痕a long thin mark or line that is a different colour from the surface it is on

2.(尤指不好的)性格特征a part of a person's character, especially an unpleasant part

3.(尤指体育比赛或赌博中)顺的时候,背的时候,运气,手气a series of successes or failures, especially in a sport or in gambling


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... straight beam, 直射波 streak条纹 ultrasonic instrument, 超生仪 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... color, 颜色 streak条痕 crystal form, 晶形 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... straw 稻草,麦杆,吸管 streak 条纹,纹理,性情,癖性 streamline 流线(型) ...


盆栽观叶植物产品等级标准_百度百科 ... 3.6 叶色 leaf color 3.7 斑纹 streak 3.8 冠幅 crown diameter ...


绝望主妇第一季节第5集剧本(中英文) - 豆丁网 ... goodbye: 再见 当她和 streak: 倾向 continue: 继续、连续 她担心 ...


药品注册常用英语_文档下载_文档资料库 ... Veterinary Microorganisms 兽医微生 streak 划线 划线接种 wire loop 菌种保存培养 …


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... straightening 矫直 streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... streaking n. 裸奔(指在公共场所裸体飞跑) streak v. 飞跑, 加上条纹 meteors n. 流星, 大气现象 ...

There's nothing more frustrating than having the shutter snap shut just a few seconds before a choice streak shoots across the sky. 没有什么比在流星划过天空前几秒才按快门更令人失望的了。
Of course, that's partly because he missed out on all those double-digit victories at the tail end of the win streak. 当然,这部分因为他缺席了所有最近连胜时以两位数取得胜利的场次。
When she discovered a malicious streak in him, she turned a deaf ear to what he said. 当她发现他有恶意的倾向,她就不听他所说的。
The paranormal image shows up as a white streak of light which seems to emerge from a small hill. 那张超过正常范围的图片展现了一条从小山上浮现的白色光条纹。
We were on a win streak and unconsciously we may have been a bit too relaxed. 之前的连胜让我们都不自觉的放松了起来。
Most private traders on a losing streak keep trying to trade their way out of a hole. 大多数个人交易者在持有正在亏损的仓位时,竭力想打成平局。
Elrath has no "dragon breath" , but when his righteous wrath is stirred, his eyes burst into a streak of blinding light. 艾尔拉思没有龙息,但是当他的愤怒释放的时候,他的眼睛会发射出耀眼的光芒。
Its far bright lights would streak across the sky and its sonic ba-boom! would rumble out, regular as a flight to Chicago. 宇宙飞船的灯光从远方呼啸划过天际,巨响轰鸣,和飞往芝加哥的航班并无两样。
One of them fell, and made a bright streak of light across the sky. 其中有一颗星星落了下来,在空中滑过一道亮光。
The galaxy is running out of raw gas and dust, with the dark streak representing the last material available for star formation. 该星系正在消耗完自己的原料气体和尘埃,中间的暗条显示了形成这颗恒星的最后一些可用物质。
It may well appeal to people for whom the iPad is too large to carry around, yet want some of the tablet experience coupled with a phone. 对于那些嫌iPad个头太大携带不便,但又希望体验一把“平板+手机”乐趣的人来说,Streak可能很具吸引力。
He isn't much to look at: a blue jay-size fellow with plain, olive-drab feathers and a single streak of orange on his head. 他相貌平平:个头跟蓝松鸦差不多,深绿褐色的羽毛,头上有橙色的条纹。
The interpreter should have something of a pedagogical streak, their work being one of continuous explanation and explication. 口译工作是一种不间断的解释和说明,因而译员应当有某种教学特质。
We're playing a good basketball team and a guy that I know is going to come in and want to break this streak. 我们是一支伟大的球队而且有个我认识的人将要到来甚至想要终结我们的连胜。
Meanwhile, the DPJ's leader, Ichiro Ozawa, who used to have a reformist streak, now sounds like an old-style LDP boss. 与此同时,日本民主党党首小泽一郎曾有革新者的倾向,而现在就像一个老式自民党的头儿。
Despite bravely dealing with his surgery, Koda is said to have a bit of a naughty streak: "He'll chew just about anything, " says Lynch. 尽管勇敢地接受了手术,柯达的兽医林奇还是“揭露”了柯达的一个小毛病:“它几乎会嚼任何东西。”
Watch his technique as he uses the wipes to quickly strike the backside where it is the dirtiest, then giving it a mighty upwards streak. 观看他的技术,因为他使用湿巾,迅速打击背面是最脏的地方,然后给它一个强大的向上连胜。
You could also find you are hit with a bit of an independent streak and might want to strike out on your own professionally or spiritually. 你也可以找到你打了一个独立的连胜位和可能希望自己的罢工或进行专业精神。
Dressed fashionably in black, with rings on his fingers and shades on his nose, Mr Hirst is an impish figure with a strong streak of humour. 这位艺术家身着一身时髦的黑色,手指上戴着多个戒指,鼻梁上支着太阳镜——可以说他是一位言谈有很强幽默感的顽童人物。
She was swept away by his good looks. It was only later that she found out that he had a cruel streak. 她被他英俊的长相迷住了,直到后来才发现他待人残忍。
Before Wen Xiang could finish, a streak of firelight suddenly struck at him from the darkness ahead. 话未说完,一道火光突然从前面黑暗处向他袭来。
So you see there never was a bad James in the Sunday-school books that had such a streak of luck as this sinful Jim with the charmed life. 诸位请看,主日学校的课本中可从来没有哪一个坏小子詹姆斯能像这位有符咒庇佑、无法无天的吉姆这样走运,把日子过得如此称心如意的。
He said he had forgotten he had even done it until Bryant's hot streak opened that dusty page in the Lakers' record book. 贝勒说他本来已经忘记了他曾经做到过,但是科比最近的得分狂潮让人翻开了尘封已久的湖人队纪录。
The digital camera was unable to cope with the brightness of the main streak and turned it into a thick blurry line. 数码相机无法应付闪电主体的亮度,它变成了模糊的粗线条。
It was exceptionally clear, almost the color of the sky, which at that very hour did not exhibit even a streak of cloud. 它格外清楚,几乎天空的颜色,在那个最小时不甚至展现一种云的条理。
The young Dutchman says that he needs a more ruthless streak in his finishing to force his way into Arsene Wenger's thinking. 这位年轻的荷兰人说他需要在射门上更加的有侵略性才能让自己在阿森温格的阵容中杀出一条路来。
The long hot streak at the box office seems to be losing steam, just as the summer hits. 在夏季来临之际,美国票房持续已久的火爆形势看来要失去动力了。
I have always been regarded as someone mild in character. Never had I imagined that there was such a violent streak latent within me. 连我自己也没想到,在一般人眼中颇为温和的我,潜意识里竟然有如此暴力倾向。
Consistency: Ability to keep a shooting streak or get out of a shooting slump. 译为——稳定性。保持手感和找回手感的能力。
Energetic materials for defense - Performances - Detonation velocity - Measurement with a streak camera and a cylindrical pellet. 军用高能材料.性能.爆炸速度.带闪光灯的照相机和园柱状炸药的测量