
美 [ˈhwɪs(ə)l]英 ['wɪs(ə)l]
  • n.哨子;口哨;汽笛;汽笛声
  • v.吹口哨;吹哨子;打呼哨;鸣叫
  • 网络口哨声;哨声响起;鸣笛

第三人称单数:whistles 现在分词:whistling 过去式:whistled

whistle tune


n. v.

1.哨子a small metal or plastic tube that you blow to make a loud high sound, used to attract attention or as a signal

2.哨子声the sound made by blowing a whistle

3.口哨the sound that you make by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed

5.汽笛a piece of equipment that makes a high loud sound when air or steam is forced through it


中国好声音吧 | 微吧 一起扎堆吧! ... NayaNews 中转站 whistle 口哨 OH 小强 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... whisper 耳语 whistle 吹口哨 whit 一点 ...


舞台英文术语 ... First Aid Kit 急救药箱 whistle 哨子 warning light 警示灯 ...


高中必背3500词汇表听写版 - 豆丁网 ... whisper v. 低语,私下说 whistle n. 口哨,口哨声 white a. 白色的 ...


在职硕士英语词汇_百度文库 ... troop 军队,部队 whistle 口哨;警笛;汽笛;哨子 tropical 热带的;位于热带的 ...


日本AV女优(A) - 西域驼铃的日志 - 网易博客 ... 罩杯: F cup 《哨声响起》( Whistle! ) 身高:160 cm ...


请用英语翻译一些厨房用具名称_百度知道 ... whistling kettle 鸣笛水壶 whistle 鸣笛 teapot 茶壶 ...

For years, these activists have kept up the whistle blowing on the company to try to get it to reduce the amount of waste it's discharging. 这些年来,这些活动家们一直在揭发这个企业以迫使它减少废料的排放。
So you can think about this like trying to talk and chew gum and whistle at the same time. 你可以想象着这好比是同时讲话和嚼口香糖、吹口哨。
Agent Scully was not prepared to blow the whistle on Mulder for his continuing investigation of the closed X- Files . 对穆德仍继续调查秘密的X档案一事,史考莉探员并不打算走漏消息。
"Now, I'll tell you what, young Copperfield, " said he, "the wine shall be kept to wet your whistle when you're story-telling. " “现在,小科波菲尔,你听我说好啦,”他说,“这个酒留着你说故事的时候给你润嗓子吧。”
As I grew up, came into the world, and observed the actions of men, I thought I met with many, very many, who gave too much for the whistle. 我长大了走进社会,观察人们的作为,感到我遇到的很多很多的人,他们都为了一个哨子付出了过高的代价。
If it fails to inflate, or you need top up the air, blow into this tube. A light and whistle are provided to attract attention. 充气失败,或者你需要补充充气,向管子直接吹气即可。照明灯和哨子供你引起注意使用。
A bell rang, the engine whistle screeched, and the train began to move, not to stop again for several hours. 铃声响了,引擎发出尖锐的汽笛声,火车开始移动了,几个小时之内不会再停下来。
I remember that the first time, every time I tried to get in front of him, they called a foul and blew the whistle on me. 我记得第一次防守他时,每次当我接近他时,我总是会被吹犯规。
The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve. 图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。
As the man on the gate said, winter, spring, autumn or summer, you never get out of Wycombe less than 45 minutes after the final whistle. 就像门旁那个男子所说的:冬天、春天、秋天或者夏天,在终场哨后你永远休想在45分钟之内离开威科姆球场。
The man of whiskers gave a blast on the whistle which he used to wear hanging round his neck. 大胡子拿起老是挂在脖子上的哨子吹了一声。
Tess could whistle like most other country girls, though the accomplishment was one which she did not care to profess in genteel company. 苔丝同大多数乡下姑娘一样会吹口哨,虽然她在体面人面前不愿承认会这门技艺。
I just feel like if that had been a certain guy on the other team, the whistle would have been blowing. 我只是觉得如果有某个家伙的其他团队,哨子就吹。
but on this point i was soon to be relieved for silver giving a little whistle , a third man strolled up and sat down by the party. 但在这一点上,我很快得到了宽慰,因为西尔弗轻轻地打了个呼哨,第三个人逛荡了过来,坐在这一对的旁边。
He made up his mouth as if to whistle, but he didn't whistle . 他把嘴闭拢,作出要吹口哨儿的样子来,但是他却并没吹口哨儿。
Let's whistle it a day. I'm Very abundance tired or I consider we HAs covered the main points of the meeting aleasysty. 咱们当今就到此为止。我很累,而且我以为,咱们已经处理了这次会谈的主要重难点型。
The State Department continued to blow on this worn locution like a stuck whistle. 国务院也在继续使用这个老掉牙的惯用语,就象在吹一个吹不响的哨子。
The sudden sound of the train whistle brought me to myself; i had not know how far i had been walking, deep in thought. 突然火车汽笛声使我醒悟过来,我自己还不知道陷入沉思已走了很远。
He blew it all the way home, but before he got to his house, already bored with his whistle, he stopped blowing it. 回家路上,他一直吹著哨子,但进家门前他不再吹了,他已厌倦了吹哨子。
Rooney appeared to mouth "12 men, 12 men" into a television camera as he departed the turf at the final whistle. 鲁尼在比赛结束后离开球场的时候好像在对着电视摄像说着“十二个人,十二个人”。
As goalkeeper broke down its tears at the final whistle, millions of men, women and children wept unashamedly with him. 比赛结束的哨声响起时,守门员忍不住流下了热泪。与他一同毫无顾忌潸然泪下的数百万的男女老少。
The whistle blew to give notice that the boat was about to leave. 汽笛声响了,告诉人们船就要起航了。
He is undoubtedly a first-rate referee in terms of working ability, but his morals are a far cry from his 'golden whistle' reputation. 以他的工作能力无疑是个一流的裁判,但他的道德观却与他‘金哨’的美名相去甚远。
Mary did not even thank us for helping her , so the next time she needs help she can whistle for it . 我们帮助玛丽,她甚至连感谢话都没说,下次她需要帮助时就休想得到了。
It is similar to how the sound of a train's whistle seems to shift as it recedes into the distance. 这个现象与当火车向远处后退时的汽笛响声类似。
Captain blows his whistle. After slamming of doors, the children appear on the terrace in a line, and then walk down one by one. 上校吹响哨子,一阵嘭嘭关门声后,一群孩子出现在阳台上,排着队走下楼来。
I don't know at the time, I hear the train whistle sounds, far and near, like the music of the birds, marked forest distance. 我不知道那时几点钟了;我听到火车鸣笛的声音,忽远忽近,就象林中鸟儿的啭鸣,标明距离的远近。
Out of his pocket he took an odd-shaped, ornamented brass whistle, on which he piped a series of complicated trills. 他从口袋里掏出一个样子很怪但很精致的铜哨子,吹了一连串复杂的信号。
For a start, Razon, said he has ordered 500 police officers to patrol the streets of the capital Manila with a baton and whistle. 作为开始,Razon说他已经命令500名警察带着警棍和口哨在首都马尼拉的街道上巡逻。
You're too used to sweating blood for your money. But look at me, I just lie on my back and whistle and it'll come. 你太习惯于拼死拼活地挣钱了,瞧我,我只是躺着,吹吹口哨,钱就来了。