
美 [wɪŋ]英 [wɪŋ]
  • n.翼;机翼;厢房;(飞行器的)翅膀
  • v.飞行;被迅速送往
  • 网络翼步;边锋;荣

复数:wings 现在分词:winging 过去式:winged

composite wing,fly wing,progressive wing,political wing,radical wing
spread wing


n. v.

鸟;昆虫of bird/insect

1.[c](鸟、昆虫或蝙蝠)翅膀,翼one of the parts of the body of a bird, insect or bat that it uses for flying

建筑物of building

3.[c]侧翼部分;侧厅;耳房;厢房one of the parts of a large building that sticks out from the main part

汽车of car

4.[c]挡泥板;翼子板a part of a car that is above a wheel

组织of organization

5.[c](起某种作用或持相同观点的)派,翼one section of an organization that has a particular function or whose members share the same opinions

足球;曲棍球in football/hockey

6.[c](运动场地的左右)翼,侧翼the far left or right side of the sports field


get your wings

获得飞行资格;通过飞行考试to pass the exams that mean you are allowed to fly a plane

(waiting) in the wings

准备接替某工作;准备就绪ready to take over a particular job or be used in a particular situation when needed

on a wing and a prayer

只有一线成功的可能with only a very slight chance of success

on the wing


take sb under your wing

呵护;庇护;把…置于卵翼之下to take care of and help sb who has less experience of sth than you

take wing

展翅飞翔;飞走to fly away


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... impolite adj 无礼的;粗鲁的 wing n 翅膀;机翼 extra adj 额外的;外加的;特大的 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... impolite adj 无礼的;粗鲁的 wing n 翅膀;机翼 extra adj 额外的;外加的;特大的 △ ...


国标舞_互动百科 ... Cross Hesitation 交叉犹豫步 Wing 翼步 Open Impetus Turn 开式推转 ...


高中英语单词表 ... winner n. 获胜者,成功者,优胜者 wing n. 翼,翅膀;边锋;侧厅;边房 wine n. (由葡萄等制成的)水果酒 ...

正确的中文名翻译英文名_在线英语词典 ... WING 泳 WING WING 颖 ...


联队wing)也不是基本战术单位,西方式空军,基本战术单位始终是中队(squadron)。联队很多情况下是基地行政单位, …

A stroke is all dangerous of test, make me stronger, more humble, my hope have no broken wing. 一次次打击,都是凶险的考验,使我更坚强,更谦卑,我的希望没有折翼。
The wing clubs could have also been used to fight off predators, too, and this brings up an important point. 这种因翅膀结构产生的种群分区也能够用于干掉头领,并且,这是非常重要的一点。
Chinese scientists have developed a "Wing-In-Ground" aircraft which can fly long distances just a few feet above the sea surface. 中国科学家研制出“永在地上”飞机可飞长途跋涉只是一个几英尺以上的海面。
If fiscal policy as a left- wing economic take -off , then monetary policy is no doubt that it is the right - wing. 如果把财政政策比作经济腾飞的左翼,那么货币政策无疑就是它的右翼。
But, judging from the wing, it looked to me that when he see the ghost in the queen's apartment, he might have made more of his stockings. 不过,我从边上看过去,觉得他在王后的寝宫中看到鬼魂时,本来还可以使那双长统袜表现得更帅一些。
The cage has a few "Aconitum" and a pair of "black jade wing" jet wings female I feel pretty good, which should be 400 to win. 这个笼子里有几只“乌头”和一对“黑玉翅”,黑玉翅母我感觉还不错,这对要400才能拿下。
The taxi driver had never heard of a hotel on Wing Lok Street, but the staff was able to give him directions over the phone. 出租车司机从来没有听说在永乐街的酒店,但酒店员工能在电话里告诉他怎么走。
The aerofoil of a wing creates more lift than drag, but exactly how much depends on its design and the speed of the air passing over it. 飞机上的机翼制造升力超过阻力,但具体取决于机翼的设计和当时经过的空气流动速率。
The wing of Xenicibis (top) compared with that of a typical ibis Eudocimus (middle) and the extinct, flightless ibis Apteribis (bottom). 始祖鸟的翅膀(顶部)与典型鹮类(中部)和已灭绝不飞行的鹮类(底部)样本对比。
Corona lobes ovate-lanceolate, base turgid, with a pair of longitudinal grooves defining a blunt dorsal wing, shorter than anthers. 卵状披针形的副花冠裂片,肿胀的基部,具一确定一钝尖背翅,短于花药的纵向槽。
You think you should plan and prepare to the point of perfection; you think you should be able to wing it. 你认为应该为了完美而计划做准备。你认为能够赢。
The cars collided and he lost a bit of his front wing, while the side of mine was slightly damaged. 车相撞,他损失了一些他的前定风翼,而一侧的地雷遭到轻微的损坏。
If bird in sky you understand the please borrowing sorrow I a pair ot wing . Let me fly with you together. 天空的飞鸟,如果你懂得我的忧伤,请借我一双翅膀,让我随你一同飞翔。
The other option for the church is to listen to its conservative wing, give up the marriage licence and stop trying to please everyone. 教会的另一选择是听从保守派的建议,放弃主婚许可,不再试图讨好所有人。
But even if he supported some of right-wing America's attacks on "liberals" , he would certainly have objected to its choice of words. 但是即使他支持某些美国右翼对“自由主义者”的抨击,他一定不会同意右翼所用的词汇。
We were expecting to have a small problem, maybe with the front wing, but it would have taken too long so we needed to wait. 我们预测会是一个小问题,也许是前翼,但这会花很长的时间,所以我们需要等等看。
Colonel Mason says if the cuts go through. . . . it could take his wing up to a year to recover. 梅森上校认为,如果执行削减,恐怕需要一年的时间才能让他的队伍恢复战斗力。
The criticism came after Mr Santos said he would not rule out Colombian forces pursuing left-wing Colombian rebels in neighboring countries. 这项批评源自于桑多斯宣称他将不会把邻国那些追逐左翼哥伦比亚反武装分子的哥伦比亚军队清出门户。
He thought they had more time to reflect on things and were not all that easy for his right-wing critics to stampede. 他认为他们有更多时间来仔细考虑问题,并不那么容易受右翼批评家影响而把选票全部投给他们。
Southern Chung Rong said: "The air of the animals, the moving object, it passes temperament, form and spirit dance Wing. " 南朝的锺嵘说:“气之动物,物之感人,故摇荡性情,形诸舞咏。”
Anna looked at her mother, who was tossing restlessly with the pain of her injured wing. It was clear that her mother could not go. 安娜看了一眼妈妈,翅膀的伤痛让她不停的发抖,显然妈妈是不能再去了。
A unit of two or more squadrons in the U. S. Air Force, smaller than a wing. 空军大队美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队
Berlusconi said he had expected the ruling as the court was dominated by left-wing judges, and he would not resign. 贝卢斯科尼已经表示,他将不会辞职。他抨击意大利宪法法院的法官都带有左翼政治色彩。
Shame then, as the C111 was not only cool, but it also featured gull-wing doors, which, as you know, are the greatest invention by man. 使他们蒙羞的原因是C111不仅酷毙了,而且它还有着标志性的鸥翼门,你知道的,那是人类最伟大的发明了。
The First Lady was more visible around the West Wing than the newly elected President of the United States. It was. . . odd. 第一夫人较新当选的美国总统更易在西翼周围见到,是…古怪的。
The large building of the Rue Droit-Mur, which had a wing on the Rue Petit-Picpus, turned two facades, at right angles, towards this garden. 那栋一面临直壁街一面临比克布斯小街的大楼房在朝园子的一面,有两个交成曲尺形的正面。
When Tai Cho arrived, Siu Hor told him to help think of an idea to have Wing Chung return to her. 当泰祖到达时,笑荷向他坦言要他想办法将永中交回给她慢慢教导。
China will host the West Wing this week with tailored American cuisine and a magnificent view over the heart of its capital. 本周,这位美国总统将享受到中国精心准备的美式菜肴,并将欣赏到首都中心地区壮丽的景观。
It wasn't until the dawn, when they were just about to land, that she saw that the whole time she'd been looking at the wing. 直到黎明时分,他们即将降落的时候,她才发现她一直盯着的不过是机翼而已。
When I was young, I found a pigeon with a broken wing, nearly dead, lying on the side of the road. 小时候,我发现了一只鸽子,它的翅膀受伤了,好像快要死了,在路边躺着。