when you know

  • 网络当你知道;但你知道;芝华士广告曲

when you knowwhen you know

when you know


缘分天注定的插曲when you know 的中文翻译... ... that you know 你知道了·· when you know 当你知道 that you know 你知道 ...


欧美百年恋曲- 全国团购网|京东团购 ... 12 Family Affair 家体事件4:03 13 When You Know 但你知道3:19 14 Ye Ye Ye 耶耶耶3:…


想用手机听CD音质的一定... ... 40.we stay 《动物世界》片尾曲 117.When You Know 芝华士广告曲 6.Blossoms From India- 印 …


Katy Perry的Not... ... They say you know 他们说你会明白的 When you know 到你应该明白的时候 I don't know 但我却不想知晓 ...


看道原声配乐... ... Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龙 Chivas CD:When You Know 芝华士音乐:当你明白 PAL1 仙剑奇 …


专辑:终极发烧爵士女声 I Super Deluxe... ... 沐浴阳光 In The Sun 爱情来了 When you know 金盏菊 Calendula ...

Naps also help when you know you're going to have to stay up later the same night. 如果你知道当晚将熬夜,打盹也有帮助。
As you can see, it is pretty easy to get the properties of a test object when you know the name of the property you are looking for. 正如您看到的,当知道所需要属性的名称时,您可以很容易的获得测试对象的属性。
It tries to do as little as possible early in the process, when you know least about the real nature of the problem. 您对问题的本质知道得越少,在此过程的早期您所能做的就越少。
When you know this basic structure cold, play with it a little to find out what works for you. 当你清楚地了解了这个故事的基本结构时,考虑一下找出最适合你的讲述方法。
True and everlasting love can be tasted when you know how to understand him, tolerate his faults and show consideration for his moods. 懂得去理解他,去包容他的缺点,体贴他的心绪,这才是真爱,才会永恒。
When you know Spartak Moscow and how strong the Russian League is at the moment that means it is a tough draw. 当你知道莫斯科斯巴达并且目前的俄超联赛有多强,这意味着这场比赛将是一场艰苦的对决。
When you expect it, when you know its coming, it won't shock you as much into believing they're right in that you can't do it. 当你期待它,当你知道它会到来时,无论别人怎么说你不可能做到时,你就不会受到太大的打击。
You cannot be hurt by criticism when you know that you are master of your thoughts, reactions, and emotions. 当你确信你是自己的想法、反应和情绪的主人时,你不可能受到批评的不良影响。
Use the Open Document dialog when you know part of the name of an artifact that you need to open in its editor. 当您知道您需要再编辑器中打开的工件一部分的名字时,使用OpenDocument对话框。
All these errors are relatively easy to repair, when you know they're there. 当您意识到这些错误时,修复它们就相对简单了。
"You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital, " he told her. When you know you're right, you can't back down. 他告诉护士:“不论妳是在这所医院还是其他地方,都会干得很好的。”当妳确定自己正确时,就不能退缩。
When you've been loved, when you know it holds such bliss, then the lover that you kissed will comfort you when there's no hope in sight. 只要你曾经爱过,你知道它所包含的天堂之乐,那么你所亲吻过的爱人将会在你失去希望的时候安慰你。
Even though it doesn't mean anything on the outset, when you know how the image is generated you would marvel at the thought of it. 虽然咋一看它没有什么意思,但当你一知道图像的产生就会惊叹于它的想法。
When you know how the card trick itself is done, you feel like a fool for falling for it. 当你知道换牌是怎么做到的,你感觉被这种把戏骗到像个傻瓜。
So you've just got to keep going on going, even when folks are criticizing you, when you know you're doing it for other people. 所以你必须坚持下去,即使所有人都在批评你,只要你知道你是在为其他人服务,你就要坚持下去。
It's hard to explain because when you know something is right, it's just a deep-rooted feeling inside of you that you found home. 这只可会意,不可言传,因为当你确信某事正确时,其实它就是你内心深处根深蒂固的感觉,你发现了自己的归宿。
See, the thing is, all these attributes will come naturally when you know exactly what you're looking for in a woman. 知道了吗,答案很简单,所有这些特点在你明确追求你想要的爱人过程中会自然而然的拥有。
When you know your way around the Symbol dialog box, you want to open it as quickly as possible. 熟悉“符号”对话框后,您可能希望尽快地打开它。
When you know what you want, you should be able to set concrete, achievable and measurable goals. 一旦你知道你要的是什么,你应该设立具体的、可达成的、明显的目标。
When you know you can always rely on yourself, you experience a sense of personal freedom which most people only dream of. 当你知道你随时可以靠自己来行动,你就可以经历到一种很多人都梦想得到的自由感觉。
all simple enough when you know them, but they've got to be known if you're small, or you'll find yourself in trouble. 你学会了,就全都很简单。作为小动物,你必须学会这些,否则就会遇到麻烦。
Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。
"Get out of this office, sir, and come back, sir, when you know how to behave yourself. " said Fogg. “离开这办公室,先生,你知道怎么检点行为的时候再来”福格说。
Whatever you do, don't rely on the company to increase your pay when you know it is going through some difficulty. 无论你做什么,在你知道公司正在经受困难时别指望增加工资。
I understand you when you know what I lost you I do not know how much pain Oh how you feel like. 你知道当我失去你的时候我多么痛苦,啊,你感觉任何,是不是你说我对你撒谎?
I think it will be a tight game, though. It tends to be like that when you know you have another game to come. 我认为这将是一场艰苦的比赛,就像你已经知道还会有下一回合比赛进行。
When you know your work and are humble about it than there is no reason that you would not get the desired appreciation. 当你知道自己的工作,而且以谦逊的态度对待它,你不会因此丧失应当获得赢得赞赏。
How could you do like this, when you know that this might damage the apparatus? 当你知道这样会损坏仪器时,你怎么还这样做呢?
It is hard to let go of something you've treasured--even when you know it's the right thing to do. 珍惜的东西难以割舍——甚至当你认识到那样做是正确的时候,也是如此。
At a time when, you know, everyone was doing kind of trippy, psychedelic music. 有一段时间,你知道的,大家都在做迷幻音乐。更详细。