
美 [wæks]英 [wæks]
  • n.蜡;石蜡;耳垢;蜂蜡
  • v.给…打蜡;给…上蜡;给…涂蜡;用蜡除去…上的毛
  • adj.蜡制的
  • 网络腊;蜡状物;赵惠丽

第三人称单数:waxes 现在分词:waxing 过去式:waxed

wax floor


n. v.

1.蜡;蜂蜡;动物蜡;植物蜡;石蜡a solid substance that is made from beeswax or from various fats and oils and used for making candles , polish, models, etc. It becomes soft when it is heated.

高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55. wax n. 56. weave v. 织,编 57. ...

透明眉 (wax) 是为眉毛定型而设的, 如眉毛下垂的人, 就可用眉刷沾上少许眉腊, 再轻轻向上扫於下垂的毛毛位置就 ok. 没此问 …


企业介绍:本公司主要经营石蜡(WAX),白油(WHITE OIL),高岭土(GAOLIN CLAY),涂料,油墨等,等。本公司秉承“顾客至上,锐 …


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wavelength n. 波长 wax n. 蜡,蜂蜡 way n. 路;路线;方向 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... wavelength 波长 wax 蜡;蜡状物 weaving 织;编,编法,摆动 ...


赵惠丽(WAX) - 眼泪落下【《想你》OST中韩歌词对译】#ˇ﹋lrc.﹏ 你可能也喜欢 评论 [00:00.85]歌手:赵惠丽(wax)[00:01.03] …


皮料英语_百度文库 ... scar 疤 wax 打蜡 lining 内里 ...


发蜡wax),定型喷雾或发胶也行,但发蜡比较方便容易。把头发弄微湿,挖一小坨发蜡在手心,均匀地上在要乱的地方, …

please give them a trace of wax with a light of hope to illuminate that have lost the luster of the heart! 请给他们一丝带着希望的蜡光,去照亮那已经失去光彩的心房!
Legend has it Icarus fell from the sky because hubris led him too close to the sun, melting the wax that held the feathers on his wings. 传说中,伊卡洛斯由于骄傲自满过分飞近太阳,用来将羽毛粘在翅膀上的蜡一融化,他便从空中掉了下来。
The body's natural sebum also contains wax esters, which act as a sort of natural moisturizer and environmental barrier for the skin. 人体天然的皮脂中也含有蜡酯,它在皮肤中的角色除了保湿还是皮肤一个应对外界环境的保护层。
The technique seem to be good for materials like wax, see below for some photos of a wax candle for comparison. 技术似乎是好材料,如蜡、见下部分的蜡烛照片进行对比。
Rumours had already got abroad that the little girl who used to show the wax-work, was the child of great people. 谣言已经传出,说是那个曾在蜡像展览担任说明的小姑娘乃是一位大人物的孩子。
A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it. 封缄上有印章的圆形的小蜡片、铅片或纸片,附在文件后用来证明权威或保证文件的安全。
For the surface paint of cork floor with its maintenance wood floors, half hit floor wax can be. 对于表面刷漆的软木地板其保养同实木地板一样,一般半年打一次地板蜡就可以了。
The smile that bubbles from her loves its fellow men, drive away the clouds of gloom and wax the sun. 微笑的气泡从她热爱自己的同胞男子,赶走云彩的阴影和蜡的太阳。
That's Oscar. He's been here so long, he's plain lost his mind. Legend has it he gave his wife a moustache wax during the holidays. 那是奥斯卡。他在这里很长时间了,他只是发疯了。传说他在节日里给他妻子一盒胡须蜡。
But the infant will hold her place in Hollywood history as the very first infant wax figure at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in New York City. 但是这个婴儿将留名于好莱坞历史,因为她是纽约杜莎夫人蜡像馆里首个婴儿蜡像人物。
Wax must not come into contact with the thread. After fitting the bolts the bolt heads have to be carefully cleaned of any residue wax. 蜡不能接触到螺纹,安装完螺栓后,螺栓头部必须仔细清理掉残留的蜡。
Wax film for the female gray brown, With only a little bit of light blue, to the breeding season will be turned into dark brown. 母鸟的蜡膜为灰棕色,仅带有一点点浅蓝色,到了繁殖季则会变为深棕色。
Celebrity wax figures with those of the camera when a very strange feeling, it's clear that some very famous people do not feel their lives. 跟那些名人的蜡像照相的时候感觉很奇怪,明明是些很有名的人却感觉不到他们的生命。
Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is. 姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。
He began to ransack his tutor's desk for a piece of wax, or twine, necessary to his work. 他开始掏他老师的书桌,要找一点做手工所需要的蜡和麻线。
It looks as if the wind blows astern, and the waves wax and wane like the moon in the vast sky, and yet We are a still picture. 看来,如果风吹船尾,波浪兴衰像天上的月亮在广袤的,但我们是一个静止图像。
He began moving his hands through the air in fluid motions like the Karate Kid's wax-on wax-off exercise. 他开始在空中连贯地挥动他的手,就好像电影《空手道小子》反复打蜡的练习一样。
And what I have here marked of wax may be applied to all other things which are external to me [and which are met with outside of me]. 我在此对蜂蜡所作的结论可用于其他外在于我(在我之外所遇到)的事物。
Fanny carries him to bed and drops a little hot wax over his eyes. 范妮把他抱至床上,往他眼睛上滴了一点热蜡。
Wax lyrical to your new colleague about how much more comfortable the new one is. 向你的新同事吹嘘新椅子是如何如何地更让人舒适。
The door handles and trim. Clean with a cloth dampened with soapy water. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not use wax on the door handles and trim. 用蘸了肥皂水的抹布清洗门把手和边缘。用柔软抹布擦干。不要在门把手和边缘处打蜡。
Ear hairs, ear wax, dry skin and build-up in and around the ears should all be taken care of as a part of your grooming regimen. 在装扮准则中,耳毛、耳垢、干皮以及耳朵边缘的沉积物必须要注意。
One recent creation is constructed out of a cardboard-based crust layered in Oreo cookie crumbs and drizzled with a wax-like substance. 一项最新的产品是使用纸板外壳对奥利奥饼干屑分层并撒上蜡一样的物质而形成。
A wax taper was placed in his hand but his fingers would not bend, so it was placed between them and held up for him. 一个小蜡烛放在右手手指但不会重水因此它们之间,举起放在他。
It was so motionless that it might have been a wax model of a bird sitting there. 它一动不动,就像一尊鸟的蜡像坐在那儿。
A roll automatically scrapes the dried wax off the surface of the hole table, pushing it into a bin at the end. 阿滚自动刮掉表面的孔表干蜡,推入一本在末尾。
It was astonishing to see how angry Cersei could wax over accusations she knew perfectly well to be true. 瑟曦明明知道这些指控都完全属实,却依旧气成这麽样子,真是难以置信。
One of my friends used to be in the car wash business and knew that he sold three times more car wax than his competitors. 我的一个朋友以前是从事洗车行业的,而且他的车蜡的销售量是其竞争者的三倍。
Flowers of the brightest colors, trees and bushes and other things grew in the garden, but it was as if they were made of wax. 花园里有万紫千红的花朵,大小树丛和其它植物,但是看起来都像是用蜡做的。
When the bottom wax becomes dry, spread the surface wax and polishing wax on the floor in the same way as mentioned above. 等底蜡干了以后,用上述相同底方法在地面上打上表层蜡和抛光蜡。