windows 2000

windows 2000windows 2000

windows 2000

Microsoft designed the update rollup to make it easy to keep Windows 2000-based computers up to date. Microsoft设计此更新汇总是为了更容易让基于Windows2000的计算机保持最新。
About this download: An identified security vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 2000 could allow an attacker to take control of the computer. MicrosoftWindows2000中一个已知的安全漏洞可使攻击者得以控制计算机。
If you run Visual Studio in a Terminal Server window, and the session is running on Windows 2000, you will not be able to detach programs. 如果在终端服务器窗口中运行VisualStudio,而且该会话运行在Windows2000上,您不能分离程序。
During the next few months, Windows Update will transition Windows 2000 customers to a new version of Windows Update. 在随后的几个月内,WindowsUpdate会让Windows2000客户过渡到使用WindowsUpdate的一个新版本。
We used to have an old Windows 2000 box stashed under a desk, running our mail server. 以前我们一直将旧的Windows2000邮件服务器主机放在办公桌下。
To run the examples in this tutorial, you need a Windows 2000 or higher machine with an account having administrator privileges. 要运行本教程中的示例,则需要可以运行Windows2000或其更高版本的机器,并拥有一个具有管理员权限的账号。
If you receive one of these error messages after you install Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4, you may be experiencing this problem. 如果在安装Windows2000SP4更新汇总1后收到其中某个错误消息,可能就是遇到了这一问题。
A limited user can no longer print to a shared printer from a terminal server session after you restart the Spooler service in Windows 2000. 在Windows2000中重新启动后台处理程序服务之后,受限用户无法再从终端服务器会话打印到共享打印机。
Indicates whether the application supports transparent bitmaps and was compiled for Windows 2000 or later. 表明应用程序是否支持透明位图并为Windows2000及以后版本编译。
When you log into a Windows domain, you use the Windows User logon name (pre-Windows 2000), which is also known as the sAMAccountName. 登录到Windows域中时,将使用Windows用户登录名称(Windows2000前),也称为sAMAccountName。
Service packs for Windows 2000 Datacenter Edition must be obtained through the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). 必须通过原始设备制造商(OEM)来获取Windows2000DatacenterEdition的ServicePack。
Ensure that the selected drive contains enough free disk space for at least 1 full Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM. 确保所选驱动器上的可用空间至少能容纳一张完整的Windows2000ProfessionalCD-ROM。
Note For systems that run Microsoft Windows 2000 or for systems that run Microsoft Windows XP, you may find multiple copies of these files. 注意:对于运行MicrosoftWindows2000或MicrosoftWindowsXP的系统,可能会找到这些文件的多个副本。
An identified security issue in Microsoft DirectX could allow an attacker to run programs on a computer running Microsoft Windows 2000. MicrosoftDirectX中的一个已知的安全问题使攻击者得以在运行MicrosoftWindows2000的计算机上运行程序。
My wife works for a large pharmaceutical company, and her Dell with its Windows 2000 is a monster. 我老婆在一家大型医药公司上班,她的戴尔电脑配上Windows系统简直就是一个妖怪。
If the client computer is running Windows 2000, the wizard prompts you to type a user account name and user password. 如果客户计算机运行Windows2000,向导提示您可以键入用户帐户名和密码。
The system attendant is having difficulty accessing the key container of the Microsoft Windows 2000 server. 系统助理访问MicrosoftWindows2000服务器的密钥容器有困难。
Kerberos authentication is supported in Windows 2000 and later versions by an SSPI. 支持在Windows2000和更高版本中通过SSPI来进行Kerberos身份验证。
This patch addresses an issue where the NNTP service in Windows 2000 contains a memory leak in a routine that processes news postings. 此修补程序解决这样一个问题,即Windows2000中的NNTP服务在处理新闻发布的例程中包含内存泄漏。
Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows can attempt to close open handles to the shared disk. Windows2000和更高版本的Windows可尝试关闭打开的句柄到共享磁盘。
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a security vulnerability in a component that ships as part of Microsoft Windows 2000. Microsoft发布了一个修补程序,可以消除作为MicrosoftWindows2000的一部分而提供的一个组件的安全漏洞。
Installing this fix on a Windows 2000 Server-based computer will have no effect. 在基于Windows2000Server的计算机上安装该修补程序不会起任何作用。
However, Exchange uses standard Windows 2000 security descriptors for the databases, without any special format requirements. 但是,Exchange对数据库使用标准Windows2000安全描述符,并且没有任何特殊格式要求。
After you install Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4), all domain controllers may not be able to register DNS records. 安装MicrosoftWindows2000ServicePack4(SP4)后,所有域控制器可能都无法注册DNS记录。
Windows 2000 Server does not currently support accurate enumeration of Hyper-Threading processors. Windows2000Server当前不支持超线程处理器的准确枚举。
In Windows 2000 and later, a thread in a process can migrate from processor to processor, with each migration reloading the processor cache. 在Windows2000及更高版本中,进程中的线程可以在处理器间迁移,每次迁移都重新加载处理器缓存。
In Windows 2000, services are not completely deleted until the system is rebooted. 在Windows2000中,服务在系统重新启动之前不会完全删除。
For the purposes of the article, we'll assume that the Windows 2000 endpoint client is registered with Device Manager. 为了达到本文的目的,我们假设Windows2000终端客户是用设备管理器进行注册的。
To accomplish this, it uses restricted SIDs, a SID type introduced back in Windows 2000. 为了实现这一点,它会使用重新引入Windows2000的受限SID类型。
The instructions provided will help in configuring a network system that uses a collocated server in a Windows 2000 environment. 本文所提供的指导,对在Windows2000环境中使用并置服务器配置网络系统很有帮助。