


In other words, the prospects for a peace deal, already dim, seem to have faded even further. 换句话说,缔结和平条约的前景本就黯淡无光,现在似乎更加渺茫了。
Originally used and people pass by, and not to look back, just think you can be such a peace walk down, and you want to hit. 原本习惯了与人擦肩而过,漠然的不去回头,就在以为自己可以会这样心如止水的一直走下去的时候,意外的与你想撞。
In private they were less tactful. Taft dismissed him as "a peace crank" ; Roosevelt viewed him with "contemptuous abhorrence" . 私下里,他们就不那么客气,塔夫不屑地称他为“和平怪人”;罗斯福视他为“狂妄自大的讨厌鬼”。
When he came into office, he was hopeful that he could orchestrate a peace treaty before the end of his first term. 自他上任以来,就满怀希望地认为自己可以在第一个任期结束前促成和平协议。
"As the air force of a peace-loving country, [we] must forge a sword and a shield capable of winning peace. " “作为爱好和平国家的空军,[我们]必须锻造好赢得和平的利剑和盾牌。”
In the depths of the war, he was planning for the subsequent peace, and he wanted it to be a peace of strength and prosperity. 在战争胶着之时,他却在为随后的和平作着计划,并且他希望这种和平能够带来力量和繁荣。
The Nobel Foundation give a Peace Prize to Kim Dae Jung and along with it a diploma. 诺贝尔基金会向金大中颁发了和平奖并附有一张证书。
If the PPP leads the next government, a peace pact with the generals is possible but the military men are bound to be nervous. 如果PPP领导了下一届政府,与将军们的一份和平协议是可能的,但军人们肯定会神经紧张。
They've tried working out a peace agreement before, but those talks have been stalled for about a year and a half. 此前他们也曾试图达成和平协议,但是会谈被搁置了一年半的时间。
To tell her that you liked him, even loved him, and may not be understood, even if do not understand, but also end up with a peace of mind. 告诉她,你很喜欢他,甚至爱他,也许不被理解,就算不理解,也落得个心安。
But if Mr Erdogan is bold enough to seize the moment, he could yet crown his premiership with a peace settlement in the south-east. 但是,如果埃尔多安能勇于面对、把握时机,解决东南地区和平问题,便可为其总理任期画上完美一笔。
A Western official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the attack made the talk of a peace deal with the Taliban seem "absurd. " 一个不愿透露姓名的西方官员表示,这次袭击使与塔利班的和谈变得“荒谬”。
Despite a peace agreement in 2002, a separate Tamil homeland, with its enemies eliminated, was all he would accept. 尽管2002年,他所能接受的一切是在被分割的泰米尔人之乡与被剿灭的敌人达成媾和。
In his remarks, Mr. Abbas said he also fully expects to reach a peace agreement with Israel by the end of this year. 阿巴斯在讲话中说,他也完全期待和以色列在今年年底之前达成一项和平协议。
Crowley suggested Obama invite him and Gates, to the White House for a peace-making beer, and a plan was in the works to do so, Obama said. 克劳利建议奥巴马邀请他和盖茨到白宫做客,一起喝喝酒,来和平解决这件事情。奥巴马说相关安排正在进行中。
They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. 他们正在设法制定出一个争执双方都可接受的和平方案。
And when I was looking at this first dance, for instance, it occurred to me that there was a peace in it, you know? 当我在看第一段舞蹈时,例如,出现在我面前的是一片祥和,你知道吗?
It goes without saying that for such a peace framework to be possible, a number of political hurdles remain to be overcome. 当然,这种和平稳定的互动框架能否实现,端看我们能否克服一些依然存在的政治阻碍。
He gave her a box of chocolates as a peace offering. 他送她一盒巧克力作为和解的礼物。
In the depths of the war, he wasplanning for the subsequent peace, and he wanted it to be a peace of strengthand prosperity. 在战争胶着之时,他却在为战后的和平作着计划,并且希望这种和平能够带来力量和繁荣。
A collection of musicians from across Europe, known as the Orchestra for Gaza, performed a peace concert, opening with a work by Mozart. 来自欧洲各地的音乐家组成了加沙管弦乐队,他们以莫扎特的名曲作为开场表演。
U. S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is still pushing for a peace agreement by the end of the year. 美国国务卿赖斯仍然在推动中东各方在今年年底之前达成和平协议。
A former general and war hero at the head of a party offering a two-state solution: to many Israelis, Mr Sharon looked like a peace-bringer. 作为曾经的将军和战斗英雄,现在的党派首领,他还提出了两国解决方案。这一切让许多以色列人觉得,他似乎就是那位和平使者。
The plan, revealed at a Hmong New Year dinner, was for him to make a peace deal with his former enemy on the Thai-Laotian border. 这项在一次苗族新年晚宴上公开的计划,意为他和前敌人就泰国老挝边界问题达成和平协定。
Brother George was governor for a time of West Florida and in 1778 a peace commissioner to the United States. 佐治兄弟曾一度出任西佛罗里达州州长,1778年为美国和平专员。
We couldn't have agreed more when he said that the elements of a peace formula are known. 当他说到和平方案的要素无人不知时,我们衷心赞同。
If anyone offers a peace sacrifice, offering from his cattle, male or female, whatever he offers before Yahweh must be without any defect. 若有人奉献和平祭,如所献的是牛,应在上主面前献一头无瑕的公牛或母牛。
Our aim is a democratic peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman. 我们的目标是达成民主的和平――这是建立在每个人的尊严和权利基础上的和平。
If Mr Obama wants to give himself a real shot at brokering a peace deal he will have to present his own proposals as the basis for talks. 如果奥巴马希望给自己一个真正的机会,去促成一项和平协议,他就必须提出自己的建议,作为谈判基础。
We have liquidated our bases, reduced our forces, and offered to make a peace treaty and eliminate the point of friction in Berlin. 我们已经裁撤了我们的海外基地,裁减了军事力量,试图同德国建立和约,并且消除那里的军事摩擦。