
美 [siz]英 [siːz]
  • v.抓住;捉拿;夺;没收
  • 网络夺取;捉住;夺取,占领

第三人称单数:seizes 现在分词:seizing 过去式:seized

seize opportunity,seize initiative,seize power,seize property,right seize



1.抓住;捉住;夺to take sb/sth in your hand suddenly and using force

2.~ sth (from sb)(常指通过暴力突然)夺取,攻占,控制to take control of a place or situation, often suddenly and violently

3.~ sb逮捕;捉拿;俘获to arrest or capture sb

4.~ sth起获;没收;扣押to take illegal or stolen goods away from sb

5.~ a chance, an opportunity, the initiative, etc.抓住,把握(机会、时机、主动等)to be quick to make use of a chance, an opportunity, etc.

6.~ sb突然侵袭;突然控制to affect sb suddenly and deeply


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... upon prep 在……之上 seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取 swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... upon prep 在……之上 seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取 swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... seem 好像,似乎 seize 抓住,捉住;夺取,占据 seldom 很少,不常 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... seem 仿佛,好像 seize 抓住,捉住;夺取,占领 seldom 很少,不常 ...


《药事管理学》精品课程-西安交通大学 ... sedativehypnotics 镇静催眠药 seize 没收 self-medication 自我药疗 ...


terminology - One-acter - 博客大巴 ... seductive 诱人堕落的 seize 扣押 seizure 扣押 ...

Such hardship made it easy to see the chance of a sports career as something his daughter should seize. 艰难的生活让他觉得,女儿应该把握这个从事体育工作的机会。
At this point the doctor managed to free himself, seize a knife from one of the aggressors and deliver a series of lethal stab wounds. 正在这时,医生设法解脱了自己,从攻击者手里夺了一把刀,然后连续刺出,导致一系列的致命伤。
PushingHermione ahead of him with Ron, Harry stooped to seize Fred's body under the armpits. 他把赫敏推上前,让她和罗恩一起走,自己俯身拽住弗雷德的胳肢窝。
China is trying to seize (take) every opportunity to help most people live a richer and better life. 中国正努力抓住每个机会,使大多数人的生活更加富裕美好。
Only a handful of its sabotage teams were able to penetrate American lines, and none of them managed to seize the vital Meuse bridges. 只有一部分破坏小队能渗透过美军防线,但是他们都没有能够占领莫兹河的重要桥梁。
The failure to seize that moment was one of the Obama administration's gravest errors. 未能抓住那一时机是奥巴马政府犯下的最严重错误之一。
Eurosceptics in Britain may seize the moment to call for a repatriation of powers from Brussels. 英国的欧元怀疑论者可能会抓住这个时机号召将部分权力从欧盟退回给政府。
Pricey oil is dulling the mainland's edge in manufacturing. But American industry may not be ready to seize the opportunity. 高油价正在削弱中国大陆在制造业上的优势,但是,美国工业尚未准备好去抓住这一机遇。
In the United States, Lu Peng is always interesting to hear the sentence, "seize the girls, boys will come. " 在美国,路鹏总是听到一句有意思的话,“抓住这个女孩子,男孩子都会来。”
Forestalls in certain war map to seize the military facility to be able to suppress the enemy comprehensively, gains the victory. 在某些作战地图抢先占领军用设施就能够全面压制敌人,取得胜利。
All Peter could do was to throw himself down and seize one of her hind legs. 彼得能做的就是抓住她的两条后腿。
He said he would seize upon the first opportunity to speak to the manager about the matter. 他说他一有机会就去找经理谈这个问题。
But the southwest monsoons will subside by the end of August and then we expect the pirates to be back there trying to seize the ships. 但是到8月底,西南季风即将结束,到那时,海盗将会继续劫持船只。
But Candy is the state Chief Minister said the state government would not seize this wealth, "the treasure belongs to the temple. " 但该邦首席部长坎迪则说,该邦政府不会攫取这笔财富,“财宝属于寺庙。”
If he had been Loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves, under confiscation. 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。
Busy bureaucrats who lack a strong grasp of the details at hand are likely to seize on your text as a time-saver. 忙碌的官僚们缺乏对手上的(可能会为了节省时间而抓住你的文本)细节的透彻的理解。
So there remains plenty of confidence and a fair amount of capital ready to seize the opportunities. 因此,业内人士仍然信心充足、资金充沛,随时准备抓住机遇。
Li said his wife, surnamed Zhang, fabricated the details of his sexual life because she is seeking divorce and trying to seize his assets. 李某回应说,那些性描述都是张某伪造出来的,现在二人正在闹离婚,张某之所以这么做是想夺取他的财产。
If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him. 如果,上帝保佑,另外一个毛泽东掌握了大局,那么就再也没有任何机制可以摆脱他了。
Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching and you did not seize Me. But may the Scriptures be fulfilled. 我天天在殿里施教,同你们在一起,你们并没有捉拿我;但这是要应验经上的话。
Obama said he supports Geithner's push to seize financial institutions whose failure would pose serious risks to the U. S. financial system. 奥巴马支持盖特纳出手挽救金融机构,以免因其破产给美国金
Private property is no longer respected, either because governments seize the assets or because goods cannot be protected from criminals. 物权不再受到尊重,你的房子和资产要么是被政府征用,要么是落入趁机作乱的暴徒手中。
When the baby approaches a certain point, the mother reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it back to her. 当宝宝接近了一定距离,母亲就会伸出手去抓住它的尾巴,把她带回到身边。
After some of the lads said they'd felt a real burst of energy, I decided to seize any help on offer. 有几个家伙说自己充满能量,我觉得自己还是不要了。
The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank is out to seize money. 卡片和握手的形象代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。
Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue. 他们要吼叫像母狮子,咆哮像少壮狮子。他们要咆哮抓食,坦然叼去,无人救回。
We're choosing to break it early, because the alternative is waiting for You-Know-Who to come and seize you the moment you turn seventeen. 我们选择提早打破它,因为神秘人很可能会在你满十七岁时过来抓你。
To be humiliated by her Roman enemy or to seize control of the only power she has left, to end her life. 是被罗马敌人羞辱还是用她手中仅存的力量来结束自己的生命。
If someone were to break into my house now and seize my company laptop I would be amazed if they were to find anything terribly interesting. 如果现在有窃贼闯入我家,偷走我的公司电脑,要是他们能从中找到很有价值的东西,我会非常吃惊。
Fighting along the turbulent border has raged since last month as the two sides accuse each other of trying to seize ancient temples. 从上个月开始,这个边界就不断暴发冲突。原因是两连都指责对方想把寺庙据为已有。