
美 [saʊnd]英 [saʊnd]
  • adj.明智的;合理的;正确的;可靠的
  • n.声音;响声;声响;音响
  • v.听起来…的;响;鸣警报;拉响警报
  • adv.酣(睡);(睡得)沉
  • linkv.听起来好像;让人听着好像
  • 网络音效;声音设置

第三人称单数:sounds 现在分词:sounding 过去式:sounded 比较级:sounder 最高级:soundest

make sound,hear sound,produce sound,emit sound,detect sound
sound system,sound advice,sound health,sound basis,sharp sound


声音sth you hear

1.[c]声音;响声something that you can hear

2.[u]声;声响continuous rapid movements (called vibrations ) that travel through air or water and can be heard when they reach a person's or an animal's ear

电视;收音机from television/radio

3.[u]声音;音响what you can hear coming from a television, radio, etc., or as part of a film/movie

音乐家of musicians

4.[c][u]嗓音;音乐风格the effect that is produced by the music of a particular singer or group of musicians


5.[sing]the ~ of sth印象;感觉the idea or impression that you get of sb/sth from what sb says or what you read


like, etc. the sound of your own voice

爱啰嗦;喜欢说个没完to like talking a lot or too much, usually without wanting to listen to other people

within (the) sound of sth

在听得见…的范围内near enough to be able to hear sth


怎么对显示器进行检测_百度经验 ... Jitter( 抖动) Sound声音) Exit( 退出)。 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... well interj. 喔;噢;唔;这个 sound v. 听起来 good adj. 良好的;令人满意的 ...


FPS 亲临现场感的音效(Sound) “火线任务”(HEATProject)中,可通过清晰的枪弹声判断对手的所在位置和战斗地区的方位。 只 …


opera怎么用_百度知道 ... Proxy Server. 服务器地址设置 Sound. 声音设置 JPEG Image. 图片设置 ...


舞台英文术语 ... property inventory 道具存货 Sound 音响 Sound plot 音响图解 ...


声音的英语翻译是什么_百度知道 ... vt. 说,表达 sound n. 声音,声响 v. 听起来;响,发声 ...

The cone shape has always been a natural one for sound enhancement and projection. 圆锥体的形状一直被当成增强和发送声音的自然形状。
She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a light soprano. 她能够唱出现代流行歌曲,但也能转变成清新女高音。
So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cliff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land. 于是为了避免危险,她总是在靠海的悬崖上觅食,这样她就可以用她的那只好眼睛看着陆地。
Some of the things I'm going to tell you might sound like just'interesting' ideas, or unusual things to do. 我要告诉你的事情听起来会是有趣的想法或很少有人做的事。
ENGROSSED IN PLAY, Todd and Scott did not hear the train. Finally as the sound became thunderous, Scott looked up and froze. 托德和斯科特沉浸于玩耍之中,没有听见火车的声音。最后,当声音变得如轰鸣的雷声时,斯科特抬起头,顿时僵住了。
Sun shine, who quietly ears to hear but do not hear any sound, but it brings infinite wishes. 阳光静静地普照大地,人的耳朵听不见任何声响,但是它却带给人无限的祝福。
Fans cooling the transmitter wailed with a sound like a high-powered leaf blower -- and the thermometer inside the tube began to climb. 冷却发射机的风扇嗡嗡地响着—试管里的温度开始上升了。
A sound structure, easy expansion, easy to maintain, with good man-machine interface of the information management system. 一个体系结构完善的、易扩充的、易维护的、具有良好人机交互界面的资料管理系统。
"If I say 'happy' and you say 'happy, ' it'll sound kind of similar, and a computer can try to match that up, " Matt explains. “我说‘高兴’和你说‘高兴’听起来差不多,电脑也将其等同起来。”马修解释道。
He gave the harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and dowry flake. 它轻轻地摇了一下佩铃,探询是否出了什么差错。林中毫无回响一片寂静,只有微风习习雪花飘落。
"There's sound steel here if you can find it, " a deep voice growled. "None of it is pretty, but it will stop a sword. " “这还是有点儿完好的兵器的,如果你有幸找到的话,”一个低沉的嗓音如是说。“没什么精致的,但是至少能当下剑攻。”
You know, there's something that she's picking up in the way that the drumming sound resonates inside the hollow. 你知道,她在敲击于树洞中产生的共鸣声中发现了一些东西。
Ear seems to wind on the sound, very slow, washed up the hair on the temples, sometimes rippling in the Pathetic gown. 耳边似乎有风拂过的声音,很缓,飘起了鬓发,时而翻飞着青衫长衣。
Sound no longer, no matter how many troubles facing the front of all, as if the whole world behind, leaving only himself. 喧哗都不再,无论有多少烦恼,对着眼前的一切,仿佛全世界都在身后,只剩下了自己。
If you are in a relationship that seems to be stagnating, your inner clock will likely begin to sound an alarm this month. 如果你正在谈恋爱,似乎停滞不前,你可能会开始生物钟本月发出警报。
To fall with a sound like that of an object falling into water without splashing. 扑通地落下伴随着象一个落入水中而未激起水花物体的声音落下
Aguilera is nearing the finish line on her as-yet- untitled follow-up to Stripped, and the sound might surprise fans. 阿吉莱拉接近在她的迄今无标题的后续行动上的终点线脱去,并且声音可能使爱好者惊讶。
I hate to sound like a nitpicker , but I found a comma missing in your third paragraph. 我很讨厌听起来好像是在挑剔。但是我发现你文章的第三段里少了一个逗号!
We are ready to work with the French side to push forward the bilateral relations on the track of sound and stable development. 我们愿与法方共同努力,推动两国关系沿着健康稳定的轨道继续向前发展。
The concept and principles of the Attention Economy sound appealing, but they beg a question: is all of this feasible? 注意力经济的概念和规章听起来很诱人,不过这也提出了一个问题:所有这些都是可行的么?
Robert's features and form were with her; the sound of his voice was quite distinct in her ear. 罗伯特的相貌、形体一直萦绕着她;他的声音十分清晰地回荡在她的耳际。
I began to listen carefully to the sound, and found that this snoring in showing, it is their tired and the son of QuanQuan heart. 我开始仔细听着这声音,发现这鼾声中透着的,正是他们的疲倦和对儿子的拳拳的心。
For uninformed visitors, the sight and sound of foreigners belting it out in Chinese might seem bizarre. 对于事先一无所知的观众来说,看到外国人唱京剧可能会觉得莫明其妙。
It is similar to how the sound of a train's whistle seems to shift as it recedes into the distance. 这个现象与当火车向远处后退时的汽笛响声类似。
The sound stage tends to wrap from the side of the head to the back rather than toward the front. 该声往往包裹从头部侧面,而不是对前回来。
Just as speakers transform electric signals into sound, the opposite process of turning sound into a source of electrical power is possible. 就像扬声器把电信号转变成声音一样,反之,把声音转变成电能也是可行的。
He tried to make his answer sound final, as though that was the end of the matter. 他试图使他的答案听起来是不可改变的,好像那就是这件事的终结。
Some other fishes make sound by the rubbing of their bones, just like the sound we make by moving our nails along the teeth of the comb. 还有一些鱼依靠骨头的相互摩擦来发出声音,这种声音就好像用指甲拨过一把梳子的齿时发出的声音。
How much does sound travel faster in water than in air ? 声音在水中比在空气中传播快多少?。
Sound branding is "ready to explode. In a more cluttered environment people are trying to get their communication to work harder. " 用声音宣传品牌已经势不可当,在艰难复杂的环境中人更要加倍努力,以使沟通顺畅。