
美 [stʌf]英 [stʌf]
  • n.东西;原料;物品;基本特征
  • v.填满;装满;塞满;灌满
  • adj.毛织品做的
  • 网络材料;填塞;事情

第三人称单数:stuffs 现在分词:stuffing 过去式:stuffed



n. v.

1.(informal)(事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明显时用)东西,物品,玩意儿used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. when you do not know the name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about

2.(informal)(泛指)活儿,话,念头,东西used to refer in a general way to things that people do, say, think, etc.

3.~ (of sth)基本特征;特质;根本;基础;原料the most important feature of sth; something that sth else is based on or is made from


do your stuff

施展自己的本事;露一手to do what you are good at or what you have been trained to do

not give a stuff

一点不在乎to not care at all about sth

stuff and nonsense

废话;胡说八道used to describe sth that is stupid or not true


新视野大学英语1-4册单词表 - 豆丁网 ... horrible a. 可怕的;令人不悦的 stuff n. 东西;材料 rhythm n. 节奏; 韵律 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... recycle 再循环;回收利用 stuff 原料;材料 pull 拉;拖;拔 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... recycle 再循环;回收利用 stuff 原料;材料 pull 拉;拖;拔 ...


好多英文,好多菜··· – 【人人分享-人人网】 ... Steam 蒸,蒸汽, 水汽 Stuff 塞满, 填满, 填充 Switch 开,关 ...


字典中 穰 字的解释 ... (3) 烦扰。通“攘”[ feel disturbed] (4) 塞;填塞[ stuff] (3) 丰收[ bumper harvest] ...


考研词汇-同义词替换 - 豆丁网 ... 相互: inter、mutually 36、 事情stuff 员工: staff 37、 ...


[麻-网] 外语学习网站和资料 ... SmartMoney( 精明理财) Stuff素材) Fast Company( 快速公司) ...

Earlier in the day, Gibbs' deputy, Bill Burton, had been confident that there would not "be a lot of Supreme Court stuff today. " 当天稍早的时候,吉布斯的副手比尔·伯顿断言否认“今天有很多最高法院的材料。”
And so, gradually over these three days, you start off kind of trying to figure out, why am I listening to all this irrelevant stuff? 因此,在为期三天的TED会议里,你开始会试图弄明白为什么我要听这些彼此无关的演讲?
All of that stuff that pops up and distracts you needs to go down on paper (or into your text editor). 所有那些时不时出来干扰你想法的内容都必须被记在纸上,当然也记可以在文字编辑器或是别的什么东西上。
I consider Vietnamese pho, Middle Eastern shawarmas and all that stuff to be fast food as well. 我认为越南米线,中东烤肉也算是快餐。
If I get a job this summer I'll be able to save some of that green stuff for my tuition. 如果我今年暑期找到一份工作的话,我可以节一点支付我的学费。
MILK JUG: Either cut part of the top off or cut a circle into the side of a plastic jug and stuff your plastic grocery bags inside. 牛奶盒:要么在顶端削掉一部分要么在塑料盒一侧裁一个圆圈,然后把你的塑料购物袋填充进去。
Think about how much storage space the couple has. If they live in a studio apartment, they probably don't want a lot of big stuff. 想下新人有多大的放东西的空间。如果他们住在公寓中,他们很可能不想要大件的东西。
I tried to work hard and do all the right stuff but it just didn't seem to go for me. 我尽力去刻苦努力,做所有正确的事情,但是似乎就是不适合于我。
He splits that source and he puts all this stuff about Peter there because he wants Peter to be the first and only then the others. 他切分了资料的信息,填入有关彼得的故事,因为他想让彼得成为第一个,也是当时唯一一个。
There was one bad guy. He took one person's stuff: a toy dog, a horse and a pet. 坏人偷了一个人的东西:一个玩具狗,一个马和一个宠物。
Now I mean the value stuff, I chose a particular story where in a long run, it turned out, you know, kind of a good way. 我是说价值观这类东西,我选择的故事是说在长期之内,价值观都是,一个必要的东西。
I've never been there before, I bet they have all sort of neat stuff to see and cool things to do. 我从来没去过那儿,我打赌那儿有各种各样的好东西和好玩的事。
Ben Ali Ong: Viewfinder Gallery just invited me to be in it after they saw some of my stuff in United Galleries. 本.阿里.昂:取景器画廊在联合画廊看到我的一些照片之后就邀请了我去参加。
In fact, we could almost hope for a consolidation here, particularly when it comes to all that mainframe stuff. 事实上,我们几乎可以在这里实现整合,特别是那些大型机组件。
But when it does, they plan to show that the stuff of movies is not always just a fantasy. 等这一天到来时,他们就可以告诉人们,电影里的情节,有时不是异想天开。
I never liked history at school. I found it very hard to wade through all that boring stuff about wars and revolutions. 在学校我从不喜欢历史。我觉得好不容易才勉强读完那些关于战争和革命的乏味材料。
No, I hate yams. I was trying to love them all the time but I'm too tired from doing this stuff. 不,我讨厌地瓜泥。我一直试着改变自己对地瓜泥的想法,可这样做实在太辛苦了!
If it contains fish or it's some kind of "gumbo" , it's probably the stuff they're trying to get rid of. 如果汤里有鱼,或者秋葵,这很有可能是他们想要摆脱的食材。
If you can cut out the stupid stuff, you may have the money you need to start a serious savings program or to pay down your debts. 如果你能去除那个愚蠢的东西,你也许有为开始一次认真存款计划或者减少债拥有了所需要的钱。
It's hard to change consumer behavior, because consumers don't know how much this stuff costs. Do you know? 顾客行为是很难改变的,因为顾客并不知道这么做所造成的后果,你们知道吗?
Anybody who wanted an intelligence-community assessment on any of this stuff would've come through me, and I got no requests at all. 任何想做这份情报材料的人一定会经过我,但是我没有受到任何询问。
All the stuff from Jurassic Park that you know of -- all those small animals -- they all come from northern continents. 《侏罗纪公园》这部电影中你所知道的一切--所有的那些小型动物--它们都生活在各个大陆的北部地区。
I'm exhausted after running for the disaster, and very sleepy now, writing this long stuff to keep me up and be ready to run again anytime. 经历了灾难中的奔跑,我现在已经筋疲力尽、困累不堪了。写这篇长长的东西令我保持着清醒,并且准备着随时再次飞跑。
but then he thought it better to let the workers and servants see stuff coming into the house, and planting and buying going on. 但是后来他觉得让工人和佣人们看到东西搬进来,安置和购买都在继续,会更好。
"I said, 'Dad, it is 10 p. m. , and I've got so much stuff to do, ' " Mr. Greenberg recalls. “当时是早上10点,我说:‘爸,我的事情太多了。’”Greenberg回忆说。
It may be to have stuff process that coal in a biological fashion as you did in agriculture. 也许可以对煤炭进行某种生物处理,就像在农业中所做的那样。
Taking the stuff out of the country for a year or so while the fuel was prepared would have bought time for talks. 把燃料交由其他国家加工,同时清空伊朗的核能储备,也许能为对话争取些许时间。
And why not? Playing dress up, asking for candy and getting it, staying out a bit late and carving pumpkins--it's all the stuff kids love. 当然了,在这天孩子们可穿着奇装异服,可索取并获得糖果,可在外逗留久一点,可以玩刻南瓜,这些都是他们喜欢做的事。
Biotechnology companies patent genes, the very stuff of life, while scientists worry that this risks compromising basic research. 生物技术公司为基因申请专利,基因是生命元素。而科学家担忧这样作会有致使基础研究覆灭的风险。
The more you think about this kind of stuff the less you APPRECIATE your present time. 你思考这种事情越多,就会享用你此刻的时间越少。