the crown

  • 网络皇冠;原义皇冠;王冠

the crownthe crown

the crown


我们曾经入住过皇冠(the Crown)和万豪(the Marriot)酒店。穆雷山客栈无疑提供了最干净的环境。


creed中文 ... creed 教义,信条,主义 the Crown 原义皇冠,在英国代表王权,王室/君主 ... Five Interlocked Rings 五环 ...


15、开发团队认为像王冠(The Crown)塔这种大受好评的热点,其清晰明了的入口和狭窄易守的咽喉点,以及很容易看懂敌人载 …


`英国议会由王室the crown) 、上议院(the house of lords)和下议 院(the house of commons)构成。其中具有实权和立 …


     当一家机构签署了担保违约责任之后,皇室The Crown)将负责偿还符合条件的存款,并接管该机构的债权人权利。     目前, …


creed中文 ... creed 教义,信条,主义 the Crown 原义皇冠,在英国代表王权,王室/君主 ... Five Interlocked Rings 五环 ...


C&MA Logo ... The pitcher 油瓶 The crown 冠冕 The cross 十字架 ...


1858年,东印度公司被解散,整个印度的行政权力完全被直接置于国王(the Crown)手中。已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 前一篇:歉 …

Tesla put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, the crown of his head inches from the longhouse rafters. 泰斯拉把手背在身后,来来回回地踱步,他头上的头罩在长屋的房椽上慢慢移动。
He said he had never been approached by the Crown Prosecution Service or the police. 他说皇家检控署和警方从来没有找过他。
As we sat down, he told me that the adjacent table was referred to as the "Crown Prince table" . 正当我们坐下的时候,卡杰斯塔告诉我,旁边的一张桌子被称为“皇太子的桌子”。
There was a fine noise of rushing water from the crown of an oak at his back. 一股水柱从他身后的橡树顶上瓢泼而下,发出悦耳的声响。
The naked man looked down upon him. Then he took up the crown and with tenderness replaced it upon the king's bent head. 裸身男人低头看着他,然后拿起皇冠,温柔地戴在国王低垂的头上。
He was crowned by the Pope in Paris, taking the crown from the Pope and putting it upon his own head himself as Charlemagne had directed. 教皇在巴黎为他加冕,他从教皇手中接过王冠,自己戴在头上,就像查理大帝以前教导的那样。
Her hair is usually styled with lots of body and lush volume built in around the crown and throughout the sides. 她的头发通常是样式与量体和茂密的地段建造皇冠和周围的整个方面。
The crown prince then went into the garden, but swiftly returned and resumed his shooting, he said. 他说王储然后进入花园,但很快返回,继续射击。
The Attorney for the Crown had him warned that the authorities would prosecute him for "illegal" wearing of this decoration. 检察官托人去警告他,说法院可能要追究他“擅自佩带荣誉勋章的不法行为”。
Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king. 于是领王子出来,给他戴上冠冕,将律法书交给他,立他作王。
When he sat down under the light and took off his hat you saw that he had very red hair, with a bald patch on the crown. 当他在灯光里坐下来,脱掉帽子,你便可以看到他一头深色的红发,头顶有一块已经光秃秃了。
Then he remembered the woman who had straddled his face and wanted him to make love to her with it and with the crown of his head. 他回忆起那个女人冲着自己的脸叉开双腿,要他用脸和头顶跟她干。
Now it was a simple job: obtain a volume of gold equal to the volume of the water and check its weight against the weight of the crown. 现在要干是一件简单事情了:找到体积与水的体积相等的金子,对照王冠的重量,检查它的重量。
Press both of your legs back toward the wall and lengthen everything from your waist up to the crown of your head away from the wall. 施力于两腿背对着墙,并拉长腰两侧的任何部位向上到头顶远离墙。
A young man lifts his hand to his head, showing a zip-like scar running from the crown of his skull to his neck. 一个年轻人抬起他的手指向头部展示了一条由头顶到颈部像拉链一样的伤痕。
With much reverence and ceremony, he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels. 他毕恭毕敬、彬彬有礼,用双手将我的帽子缓缓取下呈献给我,仿佛那是一顶至尊的王冠。
Similar hats with a C-crown (with an indentation for the head in the top of the crown) are occasionally called fedoras. 类似的帽子与一架C-冠(与压痕的头部上方的冠)有时也称为帽子。
The landscape of Qingdao is often described as the pearl on the crown of the Yellow Sea. 在青岛风景经常被认为是珍珠在黄海海域的冠冕。
Now his job as a prince is to support his wife, the crown princess, in her duties. 现在他的新工作是当好女王储的“贤内助”,支持她履行各种皇家义务。
She continued to present me with a view of the crown of her head. 她继续让我仔细看她头上的花冠。
"No, Preminger, " the princess said as she showed everyone the crown-shaped birthmark on her shoulder. “不,普雷明格,”公主边说边向所有人亮出她肩膀上的皇冠形胎记。
A cowlick is often present at the crown, but can occur anywhere on the head where the growth direction forms a spiral pattern. 发旋通常长在后脑勺,但也会出现在头发生长方向形成漩涡的地方。
If only to make sure that there was no sordid story coming out just as the crown was placed upon her head. 如果仅仅是为了确保没有任何卑鄙的故事曝出的树冠被放在她的头部。
'We can only do so much. The crown is now hers to win or lose, ' she said, adding: 'But I am thinking she will win. ' 她说,我们也只能做到这么多,胜败是她的事了,不过我想她会胜出。
During all that time they referred to the troops as "ministerial, " as if the Crown's bureaucracy, not the king, waged the war. 之前的日子里,他们将英军称为“内阁军”,好象是英王的内阁而非是英王发动了这场战争。
it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other. 像它的枝条一样,这影子也从不静止,树根和树顶看起来好像在做着互相亲吻的游戏。
To create volume and lift for you up do, tease roots with a fine-tooth comb in the front, on the sides and along the crown. 要让头发蓬松起来,用一把梳齿完整的梳子从前面、两边头顶把头发梳理好。
Hey Tobias, your character says that the cavern "is a dud" to let you know that the crown is not in that dungeon. 你角色说那山洞深处是个“坑爹的废物”,是为了让你知道骷髅王的皇冠不在那个地牢里。
With his son seated on his lap, the king announced that he would be the crown prince, and his mother would be the number one queen. 小男孩坐在国王的腿上,国王当众宣布小男孩就是太子,而他的母亲成为了皇后。
If it is decided to commit the accused for trial, he must be sent to the Crown Court. 如果决定将被告移交审理,他就要被转送到刑事法院。