take your time

  • 网络慢慢来;别急,慢慢来;别着急

take your timetake your time

take your time


Doing Business in China 在中国经商 ... tips 秘诀 take your time 慢慢来 deadlines 限期 ...


好莱坞电视广告专题片配乐全集 ... 01. 自由自在 Free as a bird 02. 别急,慢慢来Take your time 03. 安稳的窝 Safe at home ...


越狱第三季第四集 剧本及学习笔记 ... No.( 不用了) Take your time.( 别着急) I don''t hard sell.( 我可不强买强卖) ...


急!帮忙翻译一下一些东东_百度知道 ... 9。 in stock, 有存货 2.Take your time. 不用着急 3.Anything but cheap. 很贵 ...


高考英语 常考短语归纳 ... not in the least 一点也不 take your time 慢慢来,不着急 Why ever? 究竟为什么?(表惊讶) ...


请列出所有的与TAKE有关的短语_百度知道 ... take it easy 别紧张 take your time 不急;慢慢来 take medicine 吃药;服药 ...


疯狂... ... 6. The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 8. Take your time. 慢慢来,别着急。 1. Where are you headed? 你要到哪里去…

Take your time. He called and said he would be late. 慢慢来,他打了电话,说会晚到
Take your time with intercourse and allow her to fully feel every inch of you that she's stretched around. 在性交过程中把握你的时间,让她充分感受你阴茎的每一寸。
"Take your time, " the villager said, waving a hand as the door slid open. "We've decided to kill them at dawn. " “慢慢话别吧,”村民说着挥手打开牢门,“我们已经决定明早就处死他们。”
"Let me finish with these gentlemen, " my barber called out to me. "Take your time, " I said, and settled down to watch the fun. “让我位这两位绅士做完,”理发师向我大声说。“不着急,”我说。接着就坐下来看乐子。
Whatever happens, it has to be your choice. Take your time over it if you can, and if you can work through it with him, all the better. 无论发生什么,这必须你自己的选择……有可能的话,慢慢来仔细考虑一下。如果你能同他一起解决问题的话,就更好了。
By now should not be too anxious, want the take your time, undresses gently for her, eliminates her tense feeling. 这时你不要太急,要慢慢来,轻柔地为她宽衣解带,消除她的紧张感。
Take your time as you read this book, mark it up, return to the sections that interest you most. 读的时候要慢慢读,做记号,回到你最喜欢的章节。
If you're working on something so unusual that no one else is likely to think of it, you can take your time. 如果你是在研发一种非常特别的别人连想都想不到的东西,那你可以慢慢来。
Now you can all take your time on this; I will not beat you to the answer on this one, but I will try to get the answer right. 这次你们可以慢慢来;这次我不会抢在你们前面回答,但我会尽力给出正确的答案。
Take your time. (May stands in front of the mirror, wearing the new dress. )Hmm, not bad, but I'm afraid it's a bit too big for you. 你慢慢来,不着急。(阿美穿着新衣服站在镜子前。)嗯,还不错,但是我怕你穿有点太肥了。
Take your time and try to move toward a sense of ease as you visualize the colors and objects. 不用着急、慢慢来,当你想想这些颜色和物品的时候,尽量让自己越来越平静。
Please take your time, I 'll be back in a , few minutes. 请慢慢看,我过会回来。
all right . i got go fix my vehicle , give me what you know when i get back . take your time wisely . 没事,我去解决了我的车,给我你知道我什么时候回去。明智地把你的时间。
Please take your time. The body has a marvelous healing process, but it sometimes works more slowly than we'd like. 别着急,人体有一个奇妙的痊愈系统,只是有时比我们希望的要来得慢些。
Take your time to ensure that this relationship is not another mistake because if that happens, you will be heart-broken again. 碰到这种情况时,要多花点时间让自己想清楚,确保自己不重蹈覆辙,不然的话你将会再次在恋爱中受伤。
"So the next time a dog lifts a leg to your bicycle, don't kick him. Bend down and say, " Take your time. 因此下次有狗对你的自行车抬腿撒尿时,可别踢它,要弯下腰对它说:“慢慢来。”
Of course, these above-said about the do is not possible, you can take your time, it is should be able to do so. 当然上面说的这些一下了做到是不可能的,你可以慢慢来,那是应该能做到的。
Be sure to take your time with this article, and try it out online for yourself. 一定要花点时间仔细阅读本文,并自己尝试一下。
Take your time and focus the light upon a piece of soft dry wood to create a bright glowing red ember on the end of the stick. 花费一点时间,将阳光集中在柔软干燥的木柴上,让木柴末端生出一点火苗。
Starting a business is no easy endeavor. Take your time to carefully find the right business for you. 创业不是简单的努力而已,花时间认真的去找到最适合你的事业。
Once on shore, the last word, the whole people are easily up. Next door there is the printer, take your time do not worry. 打完最后一个字,整个人都轻松起来了。隔壁就有打印机,慢慢来不用着急。
Take your time deciding. I'll be back in a few minutes . 慢慢决定,过几分钟我会再来。
Take your time. We are going to convert Luther Head to a Larry Bird, and with wings. 别急。我们会把鲁瑟海德变成拉里伯德的,当然是带翅膀的。
Then, let's get into today's Feast for the Eyes and take your time to enjoy yourself. 那就赶快进入我们今天的赏心悦目慢慢品味吧。
Become a Member and find your partner in a snap or take your time visiting thousands of Free chat rooms. 成为会员后,你就可以找到合伙人在临时或请探视数以千计的免费聊天室。
Also, take your time getting to know new people and don't just jump into a relationship blindly. 同时,对认识新的人也不要急着来,不要盲目地投入到另外一段感情中去。
said the lawyer, "Now take your time and tell me plainly what you want. " “坐下,这是给你倒的一杯酒”律师说“现在不必急,坦白告诉我你要什么”。
They have defeated the enemy completely with the surprise attack. Needn't worry, take your time. 他们用出其不意的进攻打垮了敌人。不用着急,慢慢来。
But a true friend sits near you and says "The nurse is hot, take your time to get well. " . 然而真正的朋友看你的时候会做在你身边,然后说“护士很正点,不用急着好起来。”
As I said, take your time Mr President. 正如我所说的:不着急,总统先生。