
美 [kɪk]英 [kɪk]
  • n.踢;〈口〉(酒等的)刺激;极度的兴奋[快感];撤职
  • v.踢;(足球)踢球(得分);申斥;解雇
  • 网络追星梦;跆拳道;鞋

第三人称单数:kicks 现在分词:kicking 过去式:kicked

kick habit,kick ball


...十七岁为主的青少年,一组五人,共分成七队,分别为「(Kicks)」,找东西的「 OSEAN」,以太阳能板来取得为汽车提供 …


下一篇 » 《追星梦》(Kicks)[DVDRip]更多 资源发布:dugum 资源状态:普通资源 发布时间:2010/11/12 12:10:23 收录时间:…


55漫画网 少女在线漫画网 ... LOVE 的2次方 - [第2卷] Kicks 跆拳道 - [第011话] MOON 舞吧!昴 - [第008卷] ...

英语俚语_百度百科 ... killa= 有魅力的人 kicks= make ends= 赚钱 ...


125个爵士乐常用术语_中国音乐网 ... Juke Box: 自动唱片点唱机。 Kicks愉快的兴奋,刺激。 Kill: 使受不了,使高兴。 ...


台北咏春拳 Taipei Wing Chun ... Tan Da 摊打 6 Kicks 六踢法: Bong & Wu Sao 膀护手 ...


...后的3个月,每天得跳5场,每场90分钟,一天下来,踢腿kicks)1,500次,真是筋疲力尽,有些舞者竟到寸步难移的地步, …

As a midfield player he is famous for his accuracy when taking penalty kicks, and for his brilliant passing of the ball. 作为一个中场球员,他以他的准确(射球)著称当他罚球时,还有他在球界上辉煌的过去。
When people play quick free-kicks, the referee whistles but he is far from the ball, the guy puts the ball down and plays quickly. 当人们快发任意球时,裁判吹哨,但是他远离足球,然后一个人将球放在地上,快发。
By the time Hu arrives to check on him, the injured pupil has resumed practice, gritting his teeth as he kicks a heavy bag. 等到胡政生赶过去的时候,那个受伤的小学生已经恢复了训练,他正咬牙在捶打着一个沉重的沙包。
Imagine this scenario: Your application gets an exception, the exception handler kicks in and you have set it up to log to a file. 想象一下这个情形:应用程序发生了一个异常,异常处理跟踪了该异常,并建立了一个日志文件。
In our example, the child's sense of curiosity kicks in and he rushes to the dog to get more sensory experience. 在例子中,小孩产生了好奇感,他向狗冲去,想要更多的体验。
Now, whenever he comes over, he throws it at the wall, death glares at it, then gets up and kicks it under my bed. 现在每次他过来的时候都把它摔到墙上,瞪它一会,然后起身把它踢到我床下。
Convention over configuration kicks in again here and makes it easy to reference the service in a controller. 约定优于配置原则在这里再次发挥了作用,并且使您可以轻松地在控制器中引用该服务。
But he said double-digit growth toward year-end is possible after China's four trillion yuan ($585 billion) economic stimulus kicks in. 但在中国4万亿人民币(合5,850亿美元)经济刺激计划到位后,汽车销量到今年年底实现两位数增长是可能的。
And be aggressive as you plunge the hands forward and down into streamline for your next three kicks under water. 双手攻击性伸出,向前向下转变成流线型准备下一个三个水下蹬腿。
We have to really try to emphasize if he kicks it out, he's following it all the time and we've got to keep looking for him inside. 我们真正地试着去强调如果他把对手罚出场,在接下来的所有时间里,我们就会持续地找到在内线的他。
I'm convinced the next few years will be a time where my career kicks on to a new level, it's an exciting time to be part of the Club. 我相信未来几年我的职业生涯将达到一个新的水平,成为球队的一员是非常令人激动的。
That would have anchored enormous thigh muscles, which may have been used to deliver powerful kicks to raptors and other enemies. 那块髋骨将会用来固定巨大的大腿肌肉,这块肌肉用来给予猛禽和其它敌人有力的一踢。
A family informs on its enemy, the U. S. kicks down the door the next day, and there may be shooting because of the raids. 当敌人被告发以后,美军第二天就会踢开他家的大门,然后就是枪战。
How much time should the game wait for others to join before it assumes they're too slow and kicks them out before the game even starts? 在游戏开始前,程序在假定其他玩家过于缓慢从而将他们踢出游戏前,该花多少时间来来等待其他玩家加入?
He was at least even -handed in his awfulness giving free kicks to both teams on several occasions when they had a real advantage to play. 有几次当场上的形势更有利于双方球队进攻时,他却很少能做出公平的判定,而是中止比赛判罚任意球。
Blood is flowing from Mary's face. From her nose. From her lips. Several ribs are broken from the kicks. The pain in her groin is blinding. 鲜血从玛丽的脸上流下来。从她的鼻子上和嘴唇上流出来。有几条肋骨被打断了。腹部的疼痛几乎令她失明。
If you have to pop to the surface after just a couple of kicks, you won't learn too much. 如果你有流行到水面后,在短短几个展开,你不会了解太多。
These little kicks will result in a temporary increase in your metabolism, which will help you burn fat a little easier for a bit. 因为这些小球会临时增加你的代谢,代谢可以帮助你燃烧脂肪很容易到位。
Carol uses all her martial arts skills. She pounds at Mary's broken nose. Kicks her in the groin. Tries to punch her eyes out. 凯洛使出她格斗技能。她猛击玛丽的断裂的鼻子。猛击她的腹部。试着猛击她的眼睛。
He kicks and punches his mother as she tries to hold him down. 当他的妈妈试图将他按住时踢打着她。
Increasing your ankle flexibility will allow you to grab as much water as possible with all of your kicks. 增加你的脚踝灵活性将允许你攫取更多的水的情况与你的所有的快感。
The little kicks and pokes I feel daily as I enter the last month of my first pregnancy. It's truly remarkable! 初孕九个月,孩子在体内轻踢的感觉。真的非常神奇!
When you do something you haven't done before, your ego goes into a state of alarm: "Watch out! Danger! " and then fear kicks in. 当你在尝试做你从前从未做过的事情之前,你的内心会进入这样的警报情境“小心!危险!”然后恐惧就会侵入你的内心。
Every time Dad kicks me out of the house to do something sporty, I just go up to Rowley's and play my video games there. 每次老爸赶我出门做运动,我就跑到罗利家,在他家里照样玩我的游戏。
When her son kicks over the traces, she yells at him instead of telling him what he did wrong. 当她的儿子不听话时,她只会吼他而不会告诉他错在哪里。
From her wheelchair, Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball. 当她的儿子跑着踢球时,简就坐在轮椅上欢呼。
Some are leaving behind their homes and mortgages right away, while others are simply halting payments until the bank kicks them out. 有些人马上就把房子和抵押贷款都抛在了一边,也有些人只是停止缴纳月供,直到银行把他们从房子里踢出去。
For many the work-week-dread kicks in Sunday afternoon as you start anticipating another five days at the office. 因为对于许多有着周末恐惧症的人在星期天的下午就会抱怨,因为你要开始预计接下来五天的办公室生活。
The trio of results kicks off what is likely to be a strong earnings streak as tech spending by companies and consumers picks up. 三家公司的季报揭开了科技业堪称盈利强劲的报告期,因各公司及消费者的科技支出正在增加。
The check pattern varies in size and covers the whole shoe both inside and out, resulting in an extremely striking pair of kicks. 检查的模式不同,在规模和涵盖整个鞋都内的进出,导致在一个非常引人注目的对踢。